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Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC)
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लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण, बर्ष ३ अंक ३. लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण बर्ष ३ अंक ३ जेष्ठ २०७३ / Regional Agriculture Research Centre , Lumle
Collection Title: लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण, बर्ष ३ अंक ३ Title : लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण बर्ष ३ अंक ३ जेष्ठ २०७३ Material Type: printed text Authors: Regional Agriculture Research Centre , Lumle, Author Publisher: Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: २०७३ Series: NARC Publication Serial No. 00293-107/2015/16 Pagination: 69 p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Vegetables production; Lumle ; Rice; Communicable disease; Ginger; Fodder; Cattle reproduction; Rabbit Link for e-copy: लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण, बर्ष ३ अंक ३. लुम्ले कृषि दर्पण बर्ष ३ अंक ३ जेष्ठ २०७३ [printed text] / Regional Agriculture Research Centre , Lumle, Author . - Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), २०७३ . - 69 p.. - (NARC Publication Serial; 00293-107/2015/16) .
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Vegetables production; Lumle ; Rice; Communicable disease; Ginger; Fodder; Cattle reproduction; Rabbit Link for e-copy: काठमाडौं रातो सलगमको जातीय गुण र खेती प्रविधि (Kathmandu rato salgam ko jateya gun rae kheti prawedhi)
Title : काठमाडौं रातो सलगमको जातीय गुण र खेती प्रविधि (Kathmandu rato salgam ko jateya gun rae kheti prawedhi) Material Type: printed text Publisher: Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: 2014 Series: NARC Publication Serial No. 0069-2013/14 Pagination: 11. p Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Turnip Call Number : NR5347 Link for e-copy: काठमाडौं रातो सलगमको जातीय गुण र खेती प्रविधि (Kathmandu rato salgam ko jateya gun rae kheti prawedhi) [printed text] . - Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), 2014 . - 11. p. - (NARC Publication Serial; 0069-2013/14) .
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Turnip Call Number : NR5347 Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() Research for Development: Proceedings of fourth SAS-N Convention, 4-6 April 2012, Lalitpur / Hira K. Manandhar
- Crop research in Nepal: Present status and future strategies / Khatiwada, S.P.
- Evaluation of cold tolerant rice genotypes for high hill of Nepal / Upreti, H.K.
- Participatory varietal selection on submergence tolerant rice varieties for Central Terai Region of Nepal / Sah, S.N.
- Alternate wetting and drying irrigation system: Water saving irrigation option for rice cultivation in Nepal / Yadaw, R.B.
- Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS): An approach to identify superior variety and disseminate quality seed for increased productivity in rainfed lowlands of Nepal / Yadaw, R.B.
- Agronomical investigation of drought tolerant rice in Mid Western Terai of Nepal / Mishra, K.K.
- Factors affecting adoption of new modern varieties of rice in Eastern Terai of Nepal / Krishna P. Timsina
- Effects of zinc application on soil zinc concentration and rice productivity / Pandey, S.
- Promotion of agro-biodiversity conservation good practices for enhancing the livelihoods of poor rainfed farmers at Mid and Far Western Terai of Nepal / Darai, R.
- Agro-forestry land use for sustainable crop production, adaptation and mitigation of climate change effect / T.B. Ghimire
- Effect of nitrogen on grain production of Hybrid Maize (RML-4/NML-2) in the acid soil of Rampur, Chitwan / B. H. Adhikary
- Use of participatory variety selection approach for the identification of farmers' preferred quality protein maize varieties / Koirala, K.B.
- Efficacy of organic fertilizers on Maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in the acidic soils of Rampur, Chitwan / B. H. Adhikary
- Screening of resistance for stored grains of promising maize genotypes against maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motsch) / Sharma, P. N.
- Performance stability of promosing wheat genotypes under timely sown irrigated conditions for Terai, Tar and Lower Valley of Nepal / Upadhyay, S.R.
- Varietal performance of phaseolous bean in Jumla / Bhujel, R.B.
- Jute seed production in mixed cropping / N.R Acharya
- Effect of planting time on jute seed yield / N.R Acharya
- Varietal improvement of jute (Corchorus olitorius and Corchorus capsularis) / N.R Acharya
- Management of stem rot disease of jute in the Eastern Terai Region of Nepal / N.R Acharya
20 records shown on 66, see the other 46E-copies
![]() research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad
Title : Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudyal, Krishna Prasad, Editor ; Bhim Bahadur Khatri, Editor ; Khadge, Buddhi Ratna, Editor ; Upreti, Chet Raj, Editor ; Dil Bahadur Gurung, Editor ; Hira K. Manandhar, Editor ; Krishna B. Karki, Editor ; Neeta Pradhan, Editor ; Ram Bahadur Bhujel, Editor ; Shrestha, Renuka, Editor ; Shreebaba Pradhan, Editor ; Neopane, Shreeram P., Editor ; SR Aryal, Editor Publisher: Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: 2012 Other publisher: Kathmandu : Society of Agricultural Scientists (SAS-Nepal) Pagination: 448. p Languages : English (eng) Keywords: crop; horticulture; livestock; fisheries; cross-cutting; Call Number : NR4994 Link for e-copy: Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur [printed text] / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad, Editor ; Bhim Bahadur Khatri, Editor ; Khadge, Buddhi Ratna, Editor ; Upreti, Chet Raj, Editor ; Dil Bahadur Gurung, Editor ; Hira K. Manandhar, Editor ; Krishna B. Karki, Editor ; Neeta Pradhan, Editor ; Ram Bahadur Bhujel, Editor ; Shrestha, Renuka, Editor ; Shreebaba Pradhan, Editor ; Neopane, Shreeram P., Editor ; SR Aryal, Editor . - Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) : Kathmandu : Society of Agricultural Scientists (SAS-Nepal), 2012 . - 448. p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: crop; horticulture; livestock; fisheries; cross-cutting; Call Number : NR4994 Link for e-copy: Content
- Highlights on rice varieties of various environments of Nepal / Khatiwada, S.P.
- Adoption of rice-based technologies in marginal uplands in siwalik / Shrestha, H.K.
- Rice varieties under direct dry seeding: Prospect for resource conservation practices / Ranjit, J.D.
- Effect of drying and milling on yield of head rice in paddy / M. J. Thapa
- Food security: Contribution and vision of sustainable maize production in Nepal / Gurung D.B.
- Varietal study on quality protein maize in the eastern hills of Nepal / Sah, S.N.
- On-farm performance of quality protein maize genotypes under rainfed hill environments of Nepal / Upadhyay, S.R.
- Participatory variety improvement and value addition of Nepalese fingermillet cultivars / Bajracharya S
- Jute research and development in Nepal: Status and future strategies / B. Chaudhary
- Role of legume intercropping in sustainable farming in mid hills of Nepal / G Shrestha
- Conservation agriculture: A system for sustainable food production / G Sah
- Effects of nitrogen levels and plant densities on the grain production of Maize (Zea mays var. Deutee) at the acid soils of Rampur, Chitwan / B. H. Adhikary
- Influence of soil ph and initial density of Root Lesion Nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) on their multiplication in maize / Baidya, S.
- Ethics of Agronomists: An Issue for Professionals for Agriculture Research and Development / Paudel, M.N.
- Food Security: Contribution and Vision for Sustainable Potato Production in Nepal / Adhikari, R.C.
- Evaluation of potato clones at mid and high hills of Nepal / Luitel, B.P.
- Performance of different generation (F1C1-F1C4) TPS tubers for commercial potato production at khumaltar / Adhikari, R.C.
- Disease status and generic Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of potato / Mahto, B.N.
- Performance of potato clones against late blight disease under terai and mid hill conditions of Nepal / Sharma, B.P.
- Physico-morphological evaluation of Banana (Musa sp.) genotypes at Nepalgunj / S Ahamad
20 records shown on 67, see the other 47E-copies
![]() Crop Management Practices for Enhancing Maize Production and Productivity in Nepal- final technical report / Bandhu Raj Baral
Title : Best Crop Management Practices for Enhancing Maize Production and Productivity in Nepal- final technical report Material Type: printed text Authors: Bandhu Raj Baral, Author Publisher: Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: 2015 Series: NARC Publication Serial No. 00183-193 2014/2015 Pagination: 47 p. General note: Project No. A4032.09.19 Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Best Crop Management Practices for Enhancing Maize Production and Productivity in Nepal- final technical report [printed text] / Bandhu Raj Baral, Author . - Lalitpur : Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), 2015 . - 47 p.. - (NARC Publication Serial; 00183-193 2014/2015) .
Project No. A4032.09.19
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: PermalinkEnhancing the contributions of nutritious but neglected crops to food security and to incomes of the rural poor - Nepal component-nutritious millet (IFAD, IPGRI, MSSR) : Proceedings of Inception Workshop organized by NARC, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 2-3, 2002 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
PermalinkEvaluation of Nepalese rice germ plasm for blast resistance at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. / Madan Raj Bhatta
PermalinkIdentification arid dissemination of farmers' preferred nutritious maize varieties suitable for food, feed, silage and fodder in Nepal- Final Technical Report / Keshab Babu Koirala
PermalinkIdentification of flood tolerant genes Sub lA and SNORKEL from Nepalese rice gene pool. / Madan Raj Bhatta
PermalinkPermalinkLocal germplasm collection, characterization, evaluation and documentation of small millets. / Baniya, B.K.
PermalinkMolecular screening for rust resistance characteristics in Nepalese barley germplasm. / Madan Raj Bhatta
PermalinkPermalinkNational Summer Crops Workshop : Proceedings of the 28th National Summer Crop Workshop (17-18 March 2015) 3-4 Chaitra 2071 NRRP, Hardinath / Y.P. Giri
PermalinkNepal Agriculture Research Journal
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkProceedings of second National Workshop on Outreach Research held at Lumle Agricultural Research Centre, Lumle, Kaski Nepal 29-31 March 1994 / Acharya, B.K.
PermalinkProceedings of the 11th National Outreach Workshop 9-10 June 2014 (26-27 Jestha 2071), held at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lumle, Kaski / Deepak Bhandari
PermalinkProceedings of the First National Workshop on Livestock Fisheries Research in Nepal, May 7-9 1996 / Kuwar, Bahadur Singh
PermalinkProceedings of the research papers presented at Special Session Marker Assisted Breeding during Working Group Meeting on Plant Breeding and Genetics from 24-25 April 2012, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal / Madan Raj Bhatta