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Title : भेडे खुर्सानी खेती प्रविधि Material Type: printed text Authors: Dhurba Raj Bhattarai, Author ; K.P Paudel, Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Pagination: 24p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Capsicum;Capsicum farming Link for e-copy: भेडे खुर्सानी खेती प्रविधि [printed text] / Dhurba Raj Bhattarai, Author ; K.P Paudel, Author . - Lalitpur : NARC, [s.d.] . - 24p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Capsicum;Capsicum farming Link for e-copy:
Title : दिगो कृषि विकासको लागि हरित प्रविधि‚ २०६८ Material Type: printed text Authors: Malla, G.S., Author ; Gautam, Anand Kumar, Author ; Rai, S.K., Author ; Alok Sharma, Author ; Hari Prasad Devkota, Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: 2068 Pagination: 8p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Green technology;Sustainable agriculture Link for e-copy: दिगो कृषि विकासको लागि हरित प्रविधि‚ २०६८ [printed text] / Malla, G.S., Author ; Gautam, Anand Kumar, Author ; Rai, S.K., Author ; Alok Sharma, Author ; Hari Prasad Devkota, Author . - Lalitpur : NARC, 2068 . - 8p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Green technology;Sustainable agriculture Link for e-copy: रोग मुक्त अलैची खेती प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Title : रोग मुक्त अलैची खेती प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका : Disease- free big cardamom farming technology handbook Original title : Rag mukta alaichi kheti prabidhi hate pustika Material Type: printed text Authors: Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal), Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: n.d. Pagination: 30 p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: NARC studies; publications; research reports Link for e-copy: रोग मुक्त अलैची खेती प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका = Rag mukta alaichi kheti prabidhi hate pustika : Disease- free big cardamom farming technology handbook [printed text] / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal), Author . - Lalitpur : NARC, n.d. . - 30 p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: NARC studies; publications; research reports Link for e-copy:
Title : सुन्तला जात फलफूल बालीमा लाग्ने रोंग र कीराहरू : Diseases and insects affecting orange type plants Original title : Suntala jaat phalphul bali ma lagne rog ra kira haru Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudyal, Krishna Prasad ; Regmi, Chiranjibi ; , Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: 2008 (2065) Pagination: 52 प्. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Oranges; Pesticides; Fruits;NARC studies; NARC publications; research reports Link for e-copy: सुन्तला जात फलफूल बालीमा लाग्ने रोंग र कीराहरू = Suntala jaat phalphul bali ma lagne rog ra kira haru : Diseases and insects affecting orange type plants [printed text] / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad ; Regmi, Chiranjibi ; , . - Lalitpur : NARC, 2008 (2065) . - 52 प्.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Oranges; Pesticides; Fruits;NARC studies; NARC publications; research reports Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status N.634.31 N.634.31, PAU Document NARC Library Documents Available फापर खेती र जौ खेतीको उन्नत प्रविधि‚ 2010 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Title : फापर खेती र जौ खेतीको उन्नत प्रविधि‚ 2010 Material Type: printed text Authors: Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal), Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 28p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Buckwheat;Barley;Buckwheat prodcution Link for e-copy: फापर खेती र जौ खेतीको उन्नत प्रविधि‚ 2010 [printed text] / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal), Author . - Lalitpur : NARC, 2010 . - 28p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Buckwheat;Barley;Buckwheat prodcution Link for e-copy: PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAn over view on long-term effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield and soil properties in the eastern hills / Tripathi, B.P.
PermalinkATSP field trip report
PermalinkATSP; a six monthly progress report of the NARC/ATSP activities for the period of July 16, 1994 - Jan 15 1995
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkDetermination of optimum and cost effective spray schedules of the fungicide carbendazim 50 wp in the management of leaf spots diseases in groundnut / Chaudhary, R.N.
PermalinkEffects of long-term application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on maize and millet yields under a maize/millet cropping pattern: the results of 1993-1997 seasons1 / PR Shakya
PermalinkEvaluation of long duration pigeonpea breeding lines against wilt/root rot and SMD at RARS Nepalgunj / Jha, P.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkFirst cycle of long-term soil fertility experiments on rice- wheat, upland rice, blackgram and maize-finger millet systems in the western hills1 / Tripathi, B.P.
PermalinkHill corps workshop proceedings of winter crops workshop (barley) September 11-12,2002 and summer corps workshop(finger millet and buckwheat) July 2-3,2002 also includes finger millet and buckwheat disease report 1997 / Upreti, R.P.
PermalinkHorticultural technology for enhancing the livelihood of Nepalese farmers
PermalinkIncreasing livestock productivity in mixed crop livestock farming system in south Asia (Nepal) ILRI/ICRISAT/NARC first quarter report April 20-July 15, 2000