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2 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'landraccs,' 

Diversity and Role of Mango (Magnifera Indica L.) in Livelihood of Mango Growers of Eastern Terai of Nepal / Regmi, H.N. ; K.Budathoki ; N G Pradhan
Title : Diversity and Role of Mango (Magnifera Indica L.) in Livelihood of Mango Growers of Eastern Terai of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Regmi, H.N., Author ; K.Budathoki, Author ; N G Pradhan, Author Pagination: 102-109 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: diversity, landraccs, mango, Socio-economic study Abstract: A study was carried out during the summer of 2003 in Bastipur of Siraha and Sripur of
Saptari districts where mango is a major tropical fruit. The objectives of the study were to
understand the diversity of mango mailllained by the farmers, assess the opportunity and
constraints and contribution made by the mango fruits in tl1eir livelihood. Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focus group discussion (FGD), transect walk and key informant
survey were the tools used in the study. The cultivation of mango is a tradition in both
villages. History for cultivation of mango was traced since time immemorial. It was also
found that some cultural relationships were also linked with the mango trees as well. In both
sites, generally mango is being cultivated in dry and poor soil and also in marginal lands
where no other crops do well. Diversity of mango has been observed in both villages
maintained by the famlers. The famlers have grown a large number of improved cultivars as
well as locallandraces. Among ihe cultivars Maldha, a medium maturity variety with goodlooking
appearance. size and very good taste. After Maldha, Bombay Green was most
popular for mid season cultivar, Kalkattia and local land races. Fruit has a major role in the
livelihood of the farm family of the study sites, which contributed an average of 40% of the
total household income. Opportunities and constraints in mango production identified and
recommendations have been made accordinglv.Link for e-copy: Diversity and Role of Mango (Magnifera Indica L.) in Livelihood of Mango Growers of Eastern Terai of Nepal [printed text] / Regmi, H.N., Author ; K.Budathoki, Author ; N G Pradhan, Author . - [s.d.] . - 102-109 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: diversity, landraccs, mango, Socio-economic study Abstract: A study was carried out during the summer of 2003 in Bastipur of Siraha and Sripur of
Saptari districts where mango is a major tropical fruit. The objectives of the study were to
understand the diversity of mango mailllained by the farmers, assess the opportunity and
constraints and contribution made by the mango fruits in tl1eir livelihood. Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focus group discussion (FGD), transect walk and key informant
survey were the tools used in the study. The cultivation of mango is a tradition in both
villages. History for cultivation of mango was traced since time immemorial. It was also
found that some cultural relationships were also linked with the mango trees as well. In both
sites, generally mango is being cultivated in dry and poor soil and also in marginal lands
where no other crops do well. Diversity of mango has been observed in both villages
maintained by the famlers. The famlers have grown a large number of improved cultivars as
well as locallandraces. Among ihe cultivars Maldha, a medium maturity variety with goodlooking
appearance. size and very good taste. After Maldha, Bombay Green was most
popular for mid season cultivar, Kalkattia and local land races. Fruit has a major role in the
livelihood of the farm family of the study sites, which contributed an average of 40% of the
total household income. Opportunities and constraints in mango production identified and
recommendations have been made accordinglv.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal / Subedi, A ; Bajracharya, J. ; Regmi, H.N. ; H. B. K. C ; Gupta, S.R. ; B.K. Joshi
Title : Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author Pagination: 66-70 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal [printed text] / Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author . - [s.d.] . - 66-70 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: E-copies