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21 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'genotypes,' 

Efficacy of fertilization levels and genotypes on the grain yield of Winter Maize (Zea mays L.) in the acidic soils of chitwan valley / B. H. Adhikary
in Proceedings of the Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop, 24-25 March, 2015. Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal / Krishna B. Karki![]()
Title : Efficacy of fertilization levels and genotypes on the grain yield of Winter Maize (Zea mays L.) in the acidic soils of chitwan valley Material Type: printed text Authors: B. H. Adhikary, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author ; Shrestha, J., Author ; R Adhikary, Author Pagination: 190-198 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Fertilizer and manures, grain yield, maize genotypes, yield attributing traits. Abstract: Maize crop is one of the heavy feeder of plant nutrients. Different varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) have different potentiality and requirements of plant nutrients. Hybrids require high dose of mineral fertilizers and manures as compared to those of open pollinated improved varieties (OPV) and the locals. In order to investigate the effects of different rates of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassic fertilizers) and farmyard manures on grain yield and yield attributing traits of different maize varieties, field experiments were conducted at the farm of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during winter seasons of 2009/10 and 2010/011 employing randomized complete block design with three replications…………………..
Link for e-copy: Efficacy of fertilization levels and genotypes on the grain yield of Winter Maize (Zea mays L.) in the acidic soils of chitwan valley [printed text] / B. H. Adhikary, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author ; Shrestha, J., Author ; R Adhikary, Author . - [s.d.] . - 190-198 p.
in Proceedings of the Second National Soil Fertility Research Workshop, 24-25 March, 2015. Soil Science Division, NARC, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal / Krishna B. Karki![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Fertilizer and manures, grain yield, maize genotypes, yield attributing traits. Abstract: Maize crop is one of the heavy feeder of plant nutrients. Different varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) have different potentiality and requirements of plant nutrients. Hybrids require high dose of mineral fertilizers and manures as compared to those of open pollinated improved varieties (OPV) and the locals. In order to investigate the effects of different rates of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassic fertilizers) and farmyard manures on grain yield and yield attributing traits of different maize varieties, field experiments were conducted at the farm of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during winter seasons of 2009/10 and 2010/011 employing randomized complete block design with three replications…………………..
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of cucumber genotypes for open field and plastic house in the western hills of Nepal / Gautam, I.P.
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Title : Evaluation of cucumber genotypes for open field and plastic house in the western hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Gautam, I.P., Author ; K. P. Upadhya, Author ; J.N Chaudhary, Author ; A.H Khan, Author ; C.K. Timilsina, Author Pagination: 190-198 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Cucumber genotypes, plastic house, powdery mildew, downy mildew Abstract: Field experiments were conducted to find out the response of different cucumber genotypes for cultivation under plastic house and open field in outreach site of Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Lumle at Hemja, Kaski during February and April planting seasons of 2004/05. Ten exotic and indigenous cucumber genotypes were tested in two planting dates; first on February and second on April in open field and under plastic house. The genotypes Mahyco Green Long (2807 kg/ropani) and Bhaktpur Local (2748. 5 kg/ropani) were recommended for both plastic house and open field conditions due to their higher yield for February planting…………………
Link for e-copy: Evaluation of cucumber genotypes for open field and plastic house in the western hills of Nepal [printed text] / Gautam, I.P., Author ; K. P. Upadhya, Author ; J.N Chaudhary, Author ; A.H Khan, Author ; C.K. Timilsina, Author . - [s.d.] . - 190-198 p.
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Cucumber genotypes, plastic house, powdery mildew, downy mildew Abstract: Field experiments were conducted to find out the response of different cucumber genotypes for cultivation under plastic house and open field in outreach site of Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Lumle at Hemja, Kaski during February and April planting seasons of 2004/05. Ten exotic and indigenous cucumber genotypes were tested in two planting dates; first on February and second on April in open field and under plastic house. The genotypes Mahyco Green Long (2807 kg/ropani) and Bhaktpur Local (2748. 5 kg/ropani) were recommended for both plastic house and open field conditions due to their higher yield for February planting…………………
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]()![]() of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment / K. P. Upadhyay ; Gautam, I.P. ; J.N. Chaudhary ; B. Khatri
Title : Evaluation of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment Material Type: printed text Authors: K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 352-358 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: cucumber, genotypes, income, off-season, plastic house Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Hemja ami Lumle during late winter-spring-summer season
in 2003 to identify suitable high yielding cucumber genotypes under plastic environment and
to assess economic viability of the effectiveness of plastic house technology over open field
for off-season cucumber production. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized complete
block design with seven genotypes replicated thrice. The plot size was maintained in 9 m2 (2
rows of 1.5 meter length). The results show a statistically significmzt difference in yield of the
genotypes at Lumle and a highly significant difference at Hemja. Among the tested genotypes,
Mohico Green Long (45.5 t/ha) was found superior to others at Lumle for its fruit yield that was
at par with Rishing Local (39.7 tlha) mul Kusu/e (30.0 tllza). At Hemja, Bhaktapur Local (60.97
tlha) was superior to others for its fmit yield and was at par with Paundur Local (58. I 3 tllw)
and Mohico Green Long (51 .0 tlha). Economic analysis revealed that there was 90.7%
increase in fruit yield and 22.96 % increase in net income from cucumber cultivated under
plastic house tlzan that in open field. This result indicated that the cucumber production
under plastic house is more beneficial than that in open field condition.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment [printed text] / K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 352-358 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: cucumber, genotypes, income, off-season, plastic house Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Hemja ami Lumle during late winter-spring-summer season
in 2003 to identify suitable high yielding cucumber genotypes under plastic environment and
to assess economic viability of the effectiveness of plastic house technology over open field
for off-season cucumber production. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized complete
block design with seven genotypes replicated thrice. The plot size was maintained in 9 m2 (2
rows of 1.5 meter length). The results show a statistically significmzt difference in yield of the
genotypes at Lumle and a highly significant difference at Hemja. Among the tested genotypes,
Mohico Green Long (45.5 t/ha) was found superior to others at Lumle for its fruit yield that was
at par with Rishing Local (39.7 tlha) mul Kusu/e (30.0 tllza). At Hemja, Bhaktapur Local (60.97
tlha) was superior to others for its fmit yield and was at par with Paundur Local (58. I 3 tllw)
and Mohico Green Long (51 .0 tlha). Economic analysis revealed that there was 90.7%
increase in fruit yield and 22.96 % increase in net income from cucumber cultivated under
plastic house tlzan that in open field. This result indicated that the cucumber production
under plastic house is more beneficial than that in open field condition.Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedigs of the Eighth National Horticulture Seminar on Horticulture Development Towards the Pace of National Economic Growth, Khumaltar, Lalitpur and Kirtipur, Kathmandu, 18-20 March 2013 (5-7 Chaitra 2069) / Nepal Horticulture Society![]()
Title : Evaluation of Pepper Genotypes Against Phytophthora Blight Disease Material Type: printed text Authors: R.D. Timila, Ph.D., Author Pagination: 41-46 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Incidence, genotypes, blight, crown/root rot Abstract: Pepper (Capsicum annuum L and C. fruitescens L.) is an important high value crop grown for
vegetable and for spice purposes. Phytophthora blight caused by Phytophthora capsid Leoni an is a
serious disease of pepper causing foliar blight, fruit rot and crown/root rot phases. Crown/root rot
phase is the most devastating phase of the disease. Experiments were conducted with the objective to
find resistant/tolerant varieties against phytophthora blight disease. Seedling evaluations were carried
out in inoculated conditions under screenhouse during 2007-2009. inoculum of zoospore suspension of
1oM spore/ml was used at the rate of 25 ml per plant at 5 week old stage of seedling. Based on the
terminal disease incidence (5-7 weeks after inoculation), NS 1701, Chandani, Tara, Angarika and
Premium were found resistant in seedling assay. During 2010 and 20/1, on-farm evaluation .of
selected genotypes (1 1-1 3) was carried out in the farmers' field with the history of Phytophthora blight
in chilli pepper. The experiment was conducted in hVo replications each with 16 plants. NS 1701, Tara,
Angarika and Chandani were found resistant. Other genotypes NS 214, NS 1101, Go/i and Premium
were moderately resistant. Lesser fruit rot was found in Angarika, NS 1701, Long Wei and Pusa Jwala
compared to other varieties. Those resistant to moderalely resistant genotypes could be used as one of
the tools of integrated disease management ofphytop/lthora blight in disease prone areas to minimize
crop/yield losses.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Pepper Genotypes Against Phytophthora Blight Disease [printed text] / R.D. Timila, Ph.D., Author . - [s.d.] . - 41-46 p.
in Proceedigs of the Eighth National Horticulture Seminar on Horticulture Development Towards the Pace of National Economic Growth, Khumaltar, Lalitpur and Kirtipur, Kathmandu, 18-20 March 2013 (5-7 Chaitra 2069) / Nepal Horticulture Society![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Incidence, genotypes, blight, crown/root rot Abstract: Pepper (Capsicum annuum L and C. fruitescens L.) is an important high value crop grown for
vegetable and for spice purposes. Phytophthora blight caused by Phytophthora capsid Leoni an is a
serious disease of pepper causing foliar blight, fruit rot and crown/root rot phases. Crown/root rot
phase is the most devastating phase of the disease. Experiments were conducted with the objective to
find resistant/tolerant varieties against phytophthora blight disease. Seedling evaluations were carried
out in inoculated conditions under screenhouse during 2007-2009. inoculum of zoospore suspension of
1oM spore/ml was used at the rate of 25 ml per plant at 5 week old stage of seedling. Based on the
terminal disease incidence (5-7 weeks after inoculation), NS 1701, Chandani, Tara, Angarika and
Premium were found resistant in seedling assay. During 2010 and 20/1, on-farm evaluation .of
selected genotypes (1 1-1 3) was carried out in the farmers' field with the history of Phytophthora blight
in chilli pepper. The experiment was conducted in hVo replications each with 16 plants. NS 1701, Tara,
Angarika and Chandani were found resistant. Other genotypes NS 214, NS 1101, Go/i and Premium
were moderately resistant. Lesser fruit rot was found in Angarika, NS 1701, Long Wei and Pusa Jwala
compared to other varieties. Those resistant to moderalely resistant genotypes could be used as one of
the tools of integrated disease management ofphytop/lthora blight in disease prone areas to minimize
crop/yield losses.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Potato Genotypes in Central Terai / Ghimire, J. ; U. L. Chaudhary ; D.B. Gharti ; R. L. Sah
Title : Evaluation of Potato Genotypes in Central Terai Material Type: printed text Authors: Ghimire, J., Author ; U. L. Chaudhary, Author ; D.B. Gharti, Author ; R. L. Sah, Author Pagination: 154-157 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: genotypes, fertilizer, infection, late blight, potato, yield Abstract: A field experiment was carried out at Regional Agriculture Research Station Panvanipur,
Bara during winter seasons of 2001 and 2002 to evaluate potato genotypes for central Terai
of Nepal. The experiment was laid out ·in Randomized Comple.te Block Design with 3
replications. Twelve potato genotypes were evaluated. Fertilizers were applied at tlte rate of
100:100:60 kg N: P20s: K20 and 20 tons compost per hectare. Among tile tested genotypes
392250.56 was found least affected by late blight (3.0) disease. Two year mean yield data
showed the highest tuber yield (24.002 t/ha) With the genotype 396082.21 and hence
recommended for advance evaluation.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Potato Genotypes in Central Terai [printed text] / Ghimire, J., Author ; U. L. Chaudhary, Author ; D.B. Gharti, Author ; R. L. Sah, Author . - [s.d.] . - 154-157 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: genotypes, fertilizer, infection, late blight, potato, yield Abstract: A field experiment was carried out at Regional Agriculture Research Station Panvanipur,
Bara during winter seasons of 2001 and 2002 to evaluate potato genotypes for central Terai
of Nepal. The experiment was laid out ·in Randomized Comple.te Block Design with 3
replications. Twelve potato genotypes were evaluated. Fertilizers were applied at tlte rate of
100:100:60 kg N: P20s: K20 and 20 tons compost per hectare. Among tile tested genotypes
392250.56 was found least affected by late blight (3.0) disease. Two year mean yield data
showed the highest tuber yield (24.002 t/ha) With the genotype 396082.21 and hence
recommended for advance evaluation.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum L.) Genotypes in Farmer's Field for Rainy Season in the Western Hills of Nepal / Paudel, K.B. ; Gautam, P. ; Regmi, H.N. ; J.N. Chaudhary ; K. P. Upadhya ; P. Dauwadi ; ,Pokharel, D. ; B. Khatri
PermalinkEvaluation of Turmeric (Curcuma /Onga L.) Genotypes for Mid and Far Western Terai of Nepal / Samid Ahamad ; Chaudhary, D.K. ; Y.P.K.C
PermalinkIdentification of Red Rot Colletotrichum falcatum went.) resistant genotypes of sugarcane at SRP Jeetpur / P.C.P. Chaurasia
PermalinkPerformance Evaluation of Promising Genotypes of Wheat and Chickpea at the Command Areas of ARS Doti / Prasai, H.K.
PermalinkPerformance Study of Ginger Genotypes for Better Yield at GRP, Salyan / Chaudhary, D.K. ; Chaudhari, H.K ; B.D. Paudel ; D.R. Kandel ; B. Chalise
PermalinkPermalinkResponse of Pole Type French Bean (Pizaseolus Vulgaris L.) Genotypes to Sowing Dates in the Mid Hills of Western Nepal / Pandey, Y.R. ; Gautam, D.M. ; Thapa, R.B. ; M.D Sharma ; Paudyal, K.P.
PermalinkScreening of lentil and chickpea genotypes against wilt root rots disease in the wilt sick plot at RARS, Nepalgunj / Darai, R.
PermalinkYield Interactions of Wheat Genotypes to Dates of Seeding in Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal / Rudra Bhattarai in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
PermalinkDevelopment of suitable wheat varieties for increasing wheat productivity in hills of Nepal / N.R Gautam
PermalinkEvaluation of Open Pollinated Normal Maize Varieties in the Eastern Mid hill of Nepal / Sah, S.N. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2007)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkEffect of Chemical Treatments and Storage on Quality of Potato Chips / Gautam, I.P. in Nepalese Horticulture, v. 8/9 ([07/25/2012])