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Nutrient Status of llandarin (Cilnls. J'Pffevlala Bfsnco) Or~ in lire Far Western Development Region of Nepal / Ram L. Shrestha ; Krishna P: Paudyal
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Title : Nutrient Status of llandarin (Cilnls. J'Pffevlala Bfsnco) Or~ in lire Far Western Development Region of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Ram L. Shrestha, Author ; Krishna P: Paudyal, Author Pagination: 79-84 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Nutrient deficiency, orchard management, organic matter, mandarin. citrus Abstract: Soil sampfes of triBITl1fsin ~ 8lfTd teal samfilliis l5tmTi1ir llTsiJllhy BI!1Eif 1!JJ!111Teaiii/IJ' lior1IIfii1Tf!JJ
mandBiin flees were anslyzsd to dW!mmDn:e tire I!IJIJillilimmat' sl&iiJ& d cil1na& ~ tiff fiBr
western ~ tefixm. Soil sannpfes 1lfel'e! ~ at T&riltus d6Ifptlhs fiTarmm tJtre
pmblematic l'l18l1delin (Cifros retiwlata Bfant:DJ €111dranJJs « - diSttids 4Kaifa/Ji
Dadeldhula,. Baila.di. t:Jolj and Adrham) in 2fJ63 A.swlil! and aJ!Tilt'yzstl iiJr lf1ilmg,em ~)\.
phosphorus (P). potassiJm (K)8 sol pH and organic mallet" (OMJ- Leaf SBI'IIf1les nem aJ5c
collected' from the same OIChaFd whete lhe soil sampfss were taken fmm heB/I!I1Jy and
unhealthy trees sepa~ately and analyzsd for' NPK and ntaonl.lltienls: zR: (Zn}, imn tFe)
and m8nganese (Mn). The soil pH was found more acidi: (4.8-6.4) frx cili:us in FWDR..
Organic ma11er ~ low (1.2%}, nitrogen low (0 .. 091"),. phosphorous medium (186..7
kglha) and potassium was excess (582A kglha). Nitrogen content in the leaf Mii8S
deficient (2.25%), phosphorous was high (0.189%), potassium (0.380%) and :me (2T..80
ppm) was deficient, iron (490.26 ppm) was in excess and manganese (34.38 ppm) was
medium. Soil and leaf analysis result showed that organic matter, ·nitrogen and zinc are
deficient in the citriJs. orchards of f=VYDR of Nepal.Link for e-copy: Nutrient Status of llandarin (Cilnls. J'Pffevlala Bfsnco) Or~ in lire Far Western Development Region of Nepal [printed text] / Ram L. Shrestha, Author ; Krishna P: Paudyal, Author . - [s.d.] . - 79-84 p.
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Nutrient deficiency, orchard management, organic matter, mandarin. citrus Abstract: Soil sampfes of triBITl1fsin ~ 8lfTd teal samfilliis l5tmTi1ir llTsiJllhy BI!1Eif 1!JJ!111Teaiii/IJ' lior1IIfii1Tf!JJ
mandBiin flees were anslyzsd to dW!mmDn:e tire I!IJIJillilimmat' sl&iiJ& d cil1na& ~ tiff fiBr
western ~ tefixm. Soil sannpfes 1lfel'e! ~ at T&riltus d6Ifptlhs fiTarmm tJtre
pmblematic l'l18l1delin (Cifros retiwlata Bfant:DJ €111dranJJs « - diSttids 4Kaifa/Ji
Dadeldhula,. Baila.di. t:Jolj and Adrham) in 2fJ63 A.swlil! and aJ!Tilt'yzstl iiJr lf1ilmg,em ~)\.
phosphorus (P). potassiJm (K)8 sol pH and organic mallet" (OMJ- Leaf SBI'IIf1les nem aJ5c
collected' from the same OIChaFd whete lhe soil sampfss were taken fmm heB/I!I1Jy and
unhealthy trees sepa~ately and analyzsd for' NPK and ntaonl.lltienls: zR: (Zn}, imn tFe)
and m8nganese (Mn). The soil pH was found more acidi: (4.8-6.4) frx cili:us in FWDR..
Organic ma11er ~ low (1.2%}, nitrogen low (0 .. 091"),. phosphorous medium (186..7
kglha) and potassium was excess (582A kglha). Nitrogen content in the leaf Mii8S
deficient (2.25%), phosphorous was high (0.189%), potassium (0.380%) and :me (2T..80
ppm) was deficient, iron (490.26 ppm) was in excess and manganese (34.38 ppm) was
medium. Soil and leaf analysis result showed that organic matter, ·nitrogen and zinc are
deficient in the citriJs. orchards of f=VYDR of Nepal.Link for e-copy: E-copies