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22 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'condition,'
Green matter production of oat and legumes in combinations at four levels of nitrogen under rainfed condition. / Shrestha R.P
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
Title : Green matter production of oat and legumes in combinations at four levels of nitrogen under rainfed condition. Material Type: printed text Authors: Shrestha R.P, Editor Publisher: Lalitpur : NASA Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 27-30 p. General note: AN: 3051 Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: This experiment aimed to investigate the green matter production of three different combinations of Oat and legumes: (a) oat (aveng sativa L) var.kent + Common vetch (vicia sativa),(b) Oat + Field pea (Pisum satiyum var. arvense and (c) Oat + Garden pea (Pisum satiyum L) at four levels of Nitrogen (N0 N 40 N 70 and N100. One half of the N was applied as basal dose at the time of land preparation and remaining one half was top dressed after the first cut. Plants were harvested three times during February to April at approximately 35 days interval. The levels of nitrogen significantly influenced (P<O.OI) on the green matter production of all the combinations of oat and legumes. However, the effects due to the inclusion of three different legumes and Nitrogen x Legumes interaction were not significant. The average GM yield at N 70 (70 kg. N ha-I) was 20.9 MT ha-I i.e. 34 percent higher compared to that of N 0 level (control). An additional amount of N above N70 level had no signifi cant effect on the GM production. Oat + c. vetch combination produced highest GM yield of 19.0 MT ha-1compared to that of other combinations, however, differences were not significant.
Link for e-copy: Green matter production of oat and legumes in combinations at four levels of nitrogen under rainfed condition. [printed text] / Shrestha R.P, Editor . - Lalitpur : NASA, 1992 . - 27-30 p.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
AN: 3051
Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: This experiment aimed to investigate the green matter production of three different combinations of Oat and legumes: (a) oat (aveng sativa L) var.kent + Common vetch (vicia sativa),(b) Oat + Field pea (Pisum satiyum var. arvense and (c) Oat + Garden pea (Pisum satiyum L) at four levels of Nitrogen (N0 N 40 N 70 and N100. One half of the N was applied as basal dose at the time of land preparation and remaining one half was top dressed after the first cut. Plants were harvested three times during February to April at approximately 35 days interval. The levels of nitrogen significantly influenced (P<O.OI) on the green matter production of all the combinations of oat and legumes. However, the effects due to the inclusion of three different legumes and Nitrogen x Legumes interaction were not significant. The average GM yield at N 70 (70 kg. N ha-I) was 20.9 MT ha-I i.e. 34 percent higher compared to that of N 0 level (control). An additional amount of N above N70 level had no signifi cant effect on the GM production. Oat + c. vetch combination produced highest GM yield of 19.0 MT ha-1compared to that of other combinations, however, differences were not significant.
Link for e-copy: E-copies Identification of appropriate leguminous fodder intercropped with different cultivars of oat under rainfed and irrigated condition. / Pariyar, D.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
Title : Identification of appropriate leguminous fodder intercropped with different cultivars of oat under rainfed and irrigated condition. Material Type: printed text Authors: Pariyar, D., Editor ; Mandal, P., Author ; Shrestha M.K., Author ; Shah, S., Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NASA Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 34-37 p. General note: AN: 3051 Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: As a winter fodder, cultivation of Oat is becoming popular among doily fanners of Nepal. Growing nativelegumes with Oat is not a common practice of these fanners. Intercropping of legume with Oat does not only increase the qualitative forage production, but it also helps to improve the status of the soil. Four cultivators of native legume were intercropped with four cultivars of Oat in order to asses the response of individual legume to the typesof Oat both under rainfed (Khumaltar) and irrigated condition (Tarahara). A basal doze of fertilizers (FYM@5M/jha.,N 30, P205 30, and K20 50 kg/ha.) was applied. The response of individual native legume to the individual cultivar of oat was found to be different. Under rainfed condition, Pisum letbims with Kent (16 Mtjha.),Vicia. faba with Swan (18.7 Mt/ha.), Vicia faba with Amuri (15.7 Mt/ha.) and Pisum lethirus with caravil/e (13.3Mt/ha.) produced relatively more forage. In the irrigated condition, Pisum lethims witlt Kent (36.4 Mt/ha.), andVicia sativa with caraville (32.2 Mt/ha.) produced relatively more forage. However, differences between the treatments were not significant in both the environmental conditions.
Link for e-copy: Identification of appropriate leguminous fodder intercropped with different cultivars of oat under rainfed and irrigated condition. [printed text] / Pariyar, D., Editor ; Mandal, P., Author ; Shrestha M.K., Author ; Shah, S., Author . - Lalitpur : NASA, 1992 . - 34-37 p.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
AN: 3051
Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: As a winter fodder, cultivation of Oat is becoming popular among doily fanners of Nepal. Growing nativelegumes with Oat is not a common practice of these fanners. Intercropping of legume with Oat does not only increase the qualitative forage production, but it also helps to improve the status of the soil. Four cultivators of native legume were intercropped with four cultivars of Oat in order to asses the response of individual legume to the typesof Oat both under rainfed (Khumaltar) and irrigated condition (Tarahara). A basal doze of fertilizers (FYM@5M/jha.,N 30, P205 30, and K20 50 kg/ha.) was applied. The response of individual native legume to the individual cultivar of oat was found to be different. Under rainfed condition, Pisum letbims with Kent (16 Mtjha.),Vicia. faba with Swan (18.7 Mt/ha.), Vicia faba with Amuri (15.7 Mt/ha.) and Pisum lethirus with caravil/e (13.3Mt/ha.) produced relatively more forage. In the irrigated condition, Pisum lethims witlt Kent (36.4 Mt/ha.), andVicia sativa with caraville (32.2 Mt/ha.) produced relatively more forage. However, differences between the treatments were not significant in both the environmental conditions.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
Title : Effect of cutting heights on the green matter production of oats. Material Type: printed text Authors: Pariyar, D., Editor ; Mandal, P., Author ; Shrestha M.K., Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NASA Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 52-55 p. General note: AN: 3051 Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: An experiment comprising four cutting heights 3, 5, 7 or 9 em of six cultivars (Kent, Swan, Amuri, Caraville, JH 810 and JH 822) of Oat with three replications was conducted at Khumaltar (NPFRP) in FY. 2046/47 under rainfed condition to asses forage production. Three cuttings were taken 57, 45 or 37 days after sowing. FYM @ 5 t/ha. and urea @ 100 kg/ha. were applied as basal dose. The maximum production was harvested 39.0 t/ha.fresh weight from JH 810 when cut at 7 cm. above ground level followed by Kent; 36.3 t. at 5 cm., JH 822; 33.8 y. at7 cm., Caraville; 33.3 t. at 9 cm., Swan; 32.9 t. at 5 cm. and Amuri; 33.2 t. at 9 cm/ha. There was no significanteffect of cutting heights on green matter production.
Link for e-copy: Effect of cutting heights on the green matter production of oats. [printed text] / Pariyar, D., Editor ; Mandal, P., Author ; Shrestha M.K., Author . - Lalitpur : NASA, 1992 . - 52-55 p.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
AN: 3051
Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: An experiment comprising four cutting heights 3, 5, 7 or 9 em of six cultivars (Kent, Swan, Amuri, Caraville, JH 810 and JH 822) of Oat with three replications was conducted at Khumaltar (NPFRP) in FY. 2046/47 under rainfed condition to asses forage production. Three cuttings were taken 57, 45 or 37 days after sowing. FYM @ 5 t/ha. and urea @ 100 kg/ha. were applied as basal dose. The maximum production was harvested 39.0 t/ha.fresh weight from JH 810 when cut at 7 cm. above ground level followed by Kent; 36.3 t. at 5 cm., JH 822; 33.8 y. at7 cm., Caraville; 33.3 t. at 9 cm., Swan; 32.9 t. at 5 cm. and Amuri; 33.2 t. at 9 cm/ha. There was no significanteffect of cutting heights on green matter production.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
Title : Impact assessment of revolving funds for veterinary drugs in Dhading Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Neupane S.C., Editor Publisher: Lalitpur : NASA Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 104-112 p. General note: AN: 3051 Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: This study was conducted in Dhading District where Dhading Development Project is engaged in improving the living condition of a large section of the population and the ecological rehabilitation of Dhading district. In 1989, DDP/G1Z provided a sum of Rs. 60,000 to the District Livestock Office of Dhading to establish eight revolving fund distribution sites for the supply of veterinary drugs in the rural areas. These funds are being operated by a group of fanners. The veterinary drugs are sold from these sites to the farmers of neighboring villages. Although the revolving fund scheme is still in its early stage of development, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of this program. Out of eight revolving fund established sites, only five were visited. Total 29 farmers from five sites, three livestock J.T.A's and sir village animal health workers (the fund operators) were interviewed. In this study, the reseacher has tried to identify the existing problems and possible solution for the successful operation of the revolving fund programme. The financial status of the funds and farmers' attitude towards this program is also analysed. Although a number of problems are encountered in the early stage of development of the scheme, there exists a wide scope for further expansion and development of the scheme. The revolving fund approach, by mobilizing the local resources, could be proven as an important system to provide adequate animal health services in the hill areas where transportation net work is very poor. At the same time this kind of approach will support HMG Nepal to minimize the economic burden to the Government in the long run. This study was conducted in Dhading District where Dhading Development Project is engaged in improving the living condition of a large section of the population and the ecological rehabilitation of Dhading district. In 1989, DDP/G1Z provided a sum of Rs. 60,000 to the District Livestock Office of Dhading to establish eight revolving fund distribution sites for the supply of veterinary drugs in the rural areas. These funds are being operated by a group of fanners. The veterinary drugs are sold from these sites to the farmers of neighboring villages. Although the revolving fund scheme is still in its early stage of development, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of this program. Out of eight revolving fund established sites, only five were visited. Total 29 farmers from five sites, three livestock J.T.A's and sir village animal health workers (the fund operators) were interviewed. In this study, the reseacher has tried to identify the existing problems and possible solution for the successful operation of the revolving fund programme. The financial status of the funds and farmers' attitude towards this program is also analysed. Although a number of problems are encountered in the early stage of development of the scheme, there exists a wide scope for further expansion and development of the scheme. The revolving fund approach, by mobilizing the local resources, could be proven as an important system to provide adequate animal health services in the hill areas where transportation net work is very poor. At the same time this kind of approach will support HMG Nepal to minimize the economic burden to the Government in the long run.
Link for e-copy: Impact assessment of revolving funds for veterinary drugs in Dhading Nepal [printed text] / Neupane S.C., Editor . - Lalitpur : NASA, 1992 . - 104-112 p.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
AN: 3051
Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: This study was conducted in Dhading District where Dhading Development Project is engaged in improving the living condition of a large section of the population and the ecological rehabilitation of Dhading district. In 1989, DDP/G1Z provided a sum of Rs. 60,000 to the District Livestock Office of Dhading to establish eight revolving fund distribution sites for the supply of veterinary drugs in the rural areas. These funds are being operated by a group of fanners. The veterinary drugs are sold from these sites to the farmers of neighboring villages. Although the revolving fund scheme is still in its early stage of development, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of this program. Out of eight revolving fund established sites, only five were visited. Total 29 farmers from five sites, three livestock J.T.A's and sir village animal health workers (the fund operators) were interviewed. In this study, the reseacher has tried to identify the existing problems and possible solution for the successful operation of the revolving fund programme. The financial status of the funds and farmers' attitude towards this program is also analysed. Although a number of problems are encountered in the early stage of development of the scheme, there exists a wide scope for further expansion and development of the scheme. The revolving fund approach, by mobilizing the local resources, could be proven as an important system to provide adequate animal health services in the hill areas where transportation net work is very poor. At the same time this kind of approach will support HMG Nepal to minimize the economic burden to the Government in the long run. This study was conducted in Dhading District where Dhading Development Project is engaged in improving the living condition of a large section of the population and the ecological rehabilitation of Dhading district. In 1989, DDP/G1Z provided a sum of Rs. 60,000 to the District Livestock Office of Dhading to establish eight revolving fund distribution sites for the supply of veterinary drugs in the rural areas. These funds are being operated by a group of fanners. The veterinary drugs are sold from these sites to the farmers of neighboring villages. Although the revolving fund scheme is still in its early stage of development, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of this program. Out of eight revolving fund established sites, only five were visited. Total 29 farmers from five sites, three livestock J.T.A's and sir village animal health workers (the fund operators) were interviewed. In this study, the reseacher has tried to identify the existing problems and possible solution for the successful operation of the revolving fund programme. The financial status of the funds and farmers' attitude towards this program is also analysed. Although a number of problems are encountered in the early stage of development of the scheme, there exists a wide scope for further expansion and development of the scheme. The revolving fund approach, by mobilizing the local resources, could be proven as an important system to provide adequate animal health services in the hill areas where transportation net work is very poor. At the same time this kind of approach will support HMG Nepal to minimize the economic burden to the Government in the long run.
Link for e-copy: E-copies Preliminary study of different forage legume species at Pakhribas agricultural centre. / Neopane, S.P.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
Title : Preliminary study of different forage legume species at Pakhribas agricultural centre. Material Type: printed text Authors: Neopane, S.P., Editor ; Shrestha, N.P., Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NASA Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 38-42 p. General note: AN: 3051 Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: Scarcity of animal food, particularly green forage during the dry season is a serious problem for the farmers in the Eastern Hills of Nepal and it is one of the biggest constraints to the promotion of livestock development. Forage legumes, which remain green during the dry season, can play an important role by providing good quality fodder during this period .Thirty-two forage legume species were imported from Australia and sown at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre's south farm (1520 masl) in June 1987. The experiment was conducted under local farmer condition (No chemical fertilizers and irrigation were applied). Observations on germination, flowering, podding and seed yield were taken for one year followed by biomass production in the second year .The main objective was to find out if any of the forage species could remain green and produce green fodder during the dry season (November to May). Cassia rotundifolia cv. Wynn, Desmodium introtum cv. Green leaf, Desmodium uncinatum cv. Silverleaf, Neonotonia wightii cv.Clarence, Stylosanthes guianensis cv." Graham and Vicia dasycarpa cv. Nomoi haveproved to be the most promising species. All the species are perennial except Vicia dasycarpa. The highest green matter yield during dry season was obtained from Desmodium intortum (4.7 t/ha), followed by Vicia dasycarpa (4.5 t/ha), Desmodium uncinatum (3.4 t/ha), Stylosanthes guianensis (1.5 t/ha), Neonotonia wightii ( 1.1t/ha) and Cassia rotundifolia (0.4 t/ha). During this period four cuttings were taken from all the species except Vicia dasycarpa, from which only two cuttings could be taken. A total of eight cuttings were taken from all the species except Vicia dasycarpa, from which only two cuttings were obtained. Total annual green matter yield of Desmodium intortum, Stylosanthes quianensis, Desmodi um uncinatum, Neonotonia wightii, Vicia dasycarpa and Cassia rotundifolia was 24.6t, 16.9t, 9.9t, 7.9, 4.5t and 3.8t per hectare respectively. The preliminary results of this study reveal that the above mentioned species can be a potential source of forage during the dry season in the Eastem Hills of Nepal.
Link for e-copy: Preliminary study of different forage legume species at Pakhribas agricultural centre. [printed text] / Neopane, S.P., Editor ; Shrestha, N.P., Author . - Lalitpur : NASA, 1992 . - 38-42 p.
in Animal science research production and extension in Nepal: Proceedings of the first national animal science convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Lalitpur / Pandey, S.B.
AN: 3051
Keywords: Animal production; Extension activities; Pastures; animals;Oat (Avena sativa L.) & legumes, Nitrogen fertilizer, Rainfed condition, Green yield. Class number: NR-4416 Abstract: Scarcity of animal food, particularly green forage during the dry season is a serious problem for the farmers in the Eastern Hills of Nepal and it is one of the biggest constraints to the promotion of livestock development. Forage legumes, which remain green during the dry season, can play an important role by providing good quality fodder during this period .Thirty-two forage legume species were imported from Australia and sown at Pakhribas Agricultural Centre's south farm (1520 masl) in June 1987. The experiment was conducted under local farmer condition (No chemical fertilizers and irrigation were applied). Observations on germination, flowering, podding and seed yield were taken for one year followed by biomass production in the second year .The main objective was to find out if any of the forage species could remain green and produce green fodder during the dry season (November to May). Cassia rotundifolia cv. Wynn, Desmodium introtum cv. Green leaf, Desmodium uncinatum cv. Silverleaf, Neonotonia wightii cv.Clarence, Stylosanthes guianensis cv." Graham and Vicia dasycarpa cv. Nomoi haveproved to be the most promising species. All the species are perennial except Vicia dasycarpa. The highest green matter yield during dry season was obtained from Desmodium intortum (4.7 t/ha), followed by Vicia dasycarpa (4.5 t/ha), Desmodium uncinatum (3.4 t/ha), Stylosanthes guianensis (1.5 t/ha), Neonotonia wightii ( 1.1t/ha) and Cassia rotundifolia (0.4 t/ha). During this period four cuttings were taken from all the species except Vicia dasycarpa, from which only two cuttings could be taken. A total of eight cuttings were taken from all the species except Vicia dasycarpa, from which only two cuttings were obtained. Total annual green matter yield of Desmodium intortum, Stylosanthes quianensis, Desmodi um uncinatum, Neonotonia wightii, Vicia dasycarpa and Cassia rotundifolia was 24.6t, 16.9t, 9.9t, 7.9, 4.5t and 3.8t per hectare respectively. The preliminary results of this study reveal that the above mentioned species can be a potential source of forage during the dry season in the Eastem Hills of Nepal.
Link for e-copy: Resistance in Rice Breeding Lines to the Blast Fungus in Nepal / Bedananda Chaudhary in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 6 (2005)PermalinkSoil fertility status of Nepal: Report from laboratory analysis of soil samples of five developmental regions / Shree P VistaPermalinkComparative study of the load carrying ability of Jumli baruwal and polwarth crossbred wethiers. / Gurung, N.K.PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkA comparative study on the production performances of the crossbreds (F1) dairy cattle / Shrestha, H.R.PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkEffects of mineral supplementation on the fleece weight and liveweight gains of polwarth crossbred weaners, under natural grazing conditions, jumla. / Gurung, N.K.PermalinkEffects on rice straw utilization of treatments with ammonia released from urea and direct feeding (supplementation) with urea by cattle heifers. / Panday, S.B.PermalinkExtension of animal health services through animal health workers in Rapti zone: a case study / Singh, S.B.PermalinkPermalinkLivestock farmer's group extension approach: an experience of central development region of Nepal. / Thapa D.BPermalinkLivestock feeding systems in the Himalaya: the challenge of multi disciplinary approach / Albert, G.PermalinkPermalinkStudy on the effects of feeding different concentrate mixtures on the voluntary feed intake and daily live weight gains of weaned piglets. / Panday, S.B.PermalinkPermalink