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12 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'cauliflower,'
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.
Title : Appropriate plant spacing for cauliflower intercropping under maize Material Type: printed text Authors: Khatiwada, P.P., Author Pagination: 36-40 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Cauliflower, intercropping, maize, plant spacing Abstract: This investigation was carried out to identify appropriate combination or plant population of maize and cauliflower for intercropping in potato + maize cropping system. The experiment was carried out at Sinduwa Sub-station, Dhankuta during 1998 to 2000. Three spacings for both of the crops were tested and cauliflower was transplanted after the harvest of potato. Maize grain yield was significantly (P < 0.001) higher (2.66 t/ha) in closer (100- x 25-cm) spacing. Similarly, closer spacing (45- x 30-cm) of cauliflower also yielded significantly (P < 0.01) higher (5.08 t/ha) curd yield than that of 60 x 45-cm (3.87 t/ha). A bivariate analysis of both crops showed that increasing plants population either of cauliflower or maize gave the higher yield. Falling apart of the non-confidence region of 26,666 maize with 74,074 cauliflower plants/ha with 40,000 maize with 74074 cauliflower plants/ha (higher maize yield) and 20,000 maize with 74,074 cauliflower plants/hn (higher cauliflower yield) demonstrate that 26,666 maize population with 74,074 cauliflower population/ha was the more appropriate mix to get balance yield of cauliflower and maize.
Link for e-copy: Appropriate plant spacing for cauliflower intercropping under maize [printed text] / Khatiwada, P.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 36-40 p.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Cauliflower, intercropping, maize, plant spacing Abstract: This investigation was carried out to identify appropriate combination or plant population of maize and cauliflower for intercropping in potato + maize cropping system. The experiment was carried out at Sinduwa Sub-station, Dhankuta during 1998 to 2000. Three spacings for both of the crops were tested and cauliflower was transplanted after the harvest of potato. Maize grain yield was significantly (P < 0.001) higher (2.66 t/ha) in closer (100- x 25-cm) spacing. Similarly, closer spacing (45- x 30-cm) of cauliflower also yielded significantly (P < 0.01) higher (5.08 t/ha) curd yield than that of 60 x 45-cm (3.87 t/ha). A bivariate analysis of both crops showed that increasing plants population either of cauliflower or maize gave the higher yield. Falling apart of the non-confidence region of 26,666 maize with 74,074 cauliflower plants/ha with 40,000 maize with 74074 cauliflower plants/ha (higher maize yield) and 20,000 maize with 74,074 cauliflower plants/hn (higher cauliflower yield) demonstrate that 26,666 maize population with 74,074 cauliflower population/ha was the more appropriate mix to get balance yield of cauliflower and maize.
Link for e-copy: E-copies Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation / P. P. Khatiwada ; S. Piya ; Chaudhary, B.P.
in Effects of Different Levels of Agricultural-Lime on Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L) Production in Acid Soils / B. H. Adhikary ; C. Adhikary
Title : Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation Material Type: printed text Authors: P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author Pagination: 321-327 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: cauliflower, curd yield, nitrogen, phosphorus Abstract: A study to identify an appropriate dose of nitrogen and phosphorus for late season
cauliflower (May production) was accomplished in the upper mid hills of eastem Nepal.
The experiment was conducted during the two consecutive years of 2000 and 2001. Three
level of nitrogen (60, 100 and 140 kg/ha) and the same level ofphosphoms (40, 80 and 120
kglha) were tested to Kibo Giant variety mailllaining a plant spacing of 45x30 em between
and within rows. Application of a minimum level (60:40:50 N: P20 5: K20 kg/Ita) of mineral
fertiliur yielded about a double ( 12.02 t/ha) curd yield titan that of only using compost at a
rate of 30 t/ha (6.77 t/ha). Among the different combinations of Nand P205fertilizers, only
different doses of nitrogen played role on curd yield. Analysis of variance of nitrogen,
phosphorus and their illferaction showed a significant (p<. 001) effect of nitrogen and nonsignificant
effect of different levels ofphosplwrus and their interactions. Nitrogen 140 kg/ha
yielded statistically the highest ( 19.65 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 100 kg
nitrogen per hectare ( 16.79 t/ha). There was a positive trend of increased level of nitrogen
(y=10.96+2.9x) belt not a clear trend of phosphorus. Pre and post experiment soil and plant
analysis failed to show significant correlation among N, P20s. K20, pH and OM contellts.
The results have given new direction in relation with fertilizer management for late season
cauliflower cultivation in the upper mid hills of east em Nepal.Link for e-copy: Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation [printed text] / P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 321-327 p.
in Effects of Different Levels of Agricultural-Lime on Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L) Production in Acid Soils / B. H. Adhikary ; C. Adhikary
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: cauliflower, curd yield, nitrogen, phosphorus Abstract: A study to identify an appropriate dose of nitrogen and phosphorus for late season
cauliflower (May production) was accomplished in the upper mid hills of eastem Nepal.
The experiment was conducted during the two consecutive years of 2000 and 2001. Three
level of nitrogen (60, 100 and 140 kg/ha) and the same level ofphosphoms (40, 80 and 120
kglha) were tested to Kibo Giant variety mailllaining a plant spacing of 45x30 em between
and within rows. Application of a minimum level (60:40:50 N: P20 5: K20 kg/Ita) of mineral
fertiliur yielded about a double ( 12.02 t/ha) curd yield titan that of only using compost at a
rate of 30 t/ha (6.77 t/ha). Among the different combinations of Nand P205fertilizers, only
different doses of nitrogen played role on curd yield. Analysis of variance of nitrogen,
phosphorus and their illferaction showed a significant (p<. 001) effect of nitrogen and nonsignificant
effect of different levels ofphosplwrus and their interactions. Nitrogen 140 kg/ha
yielded statistically the highest ( 19.65 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 100 kg
nitrogen per hectare ( 16.79 t/ha). There was a positive trend of increased level of nitrogen
(y=10.96+2.9x) belt not a clear trend of phosphorus. Pre and post experiment soil and plant
analysis failed to show significant correlation among N, P20s. K20, pH and OM contellts.
The results have given new direction in relation with fertilizer management for late season
cauliflower cultivation in the upper mid hills of east em Nepal.Link for e-copy: E-copies Effect of Alone or in Combination of Natural· and Synthetic Media of Nutrient · Supply· on the Yield of Cauliflower (Brasslca 0/eracea Var Botrytls) / Madhu S. Ghale
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Title : Effect of Alone or in Combination of Natural· and Synthetic Media of Nutrient · Supply· on the Yield of Cauliflower (Brasslca 0/eracea Var Botrytls) Material Type: printed text Authors: Madhu S. Ghale, Author Pagination: 251-253 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Bio-fertilizer, cauliflower, chemical fertilizer, chicken manure, yield Abstract: · An experiment was conducted in cauliflower variety Snow Majestic to observe .the
effect of single or combined synthetic media of nutrient supply durif!g BS 206.1 and_
BS 2062 ·at -Agricultural Research Station (Horticulture), Malepatan of Pokfiara ..
Randomized complete block design was employed for the experimen_t .·and the
treatments· were replicated 3 times. Different media of nutrients namely compost,
chicken litter, ·bio fertilizer ~nd_ chemical fertilizer and ·n~ combination were us~d as
treatments. Row to row and plant to plant spacing were. given 60x60cm respectively.
Combination of chicken litter + bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer produce more
biomass {2.75kg) per plant, number of leaves {19.33) per plant, weight of the single
curd (1.47 kg) and yield {28.24 t/ha) which is statistically different over the other
treatment combinations except chicken litter + mineral fertilizer. Combination of
chicken litter+ chemical fertilizer (produce 2.74 kg biomass, 19.17 number of leaves,
1.41 kg single curd and 22.97 t/ha) without bio fertilizer remained at par with chicken
litter + mineral bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer. Use of bio fertilizer found ineffective
in all the parameters.Link for e-copy: Effect of Alone or in Combination of Natural· and Synthetic Media of Nutrient · Supply· on the Yield of Cauliflower (Brasslca 0/eracea Var Botrytls) [printed text] / Madhu S. Ghale, Author . - [s.d.] . - 251-253 p.
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Bio-fertilizer, cauliflower, chemical fertilizer, chicken manure, yield Abstract: · An experiment was conducted in cauliflower variety Snow Majestic to observe .the
effect of single or combined synthetic media of nutrient supply durif!g BS 206.1 and_
BS 2062 ·at -Agricultural Research Station (Horticulture), Malepatan of Pokfiara ..
Randomized complete block design was employed for the experimen_t .·and the
treatments· were replicated 3 times. Different media of nutrients namely compost,
chicken litter, ·bio fertilizer ~nd_ chemical fertilizer and ·n~ combination were us~d as
treatments. Row to row and plant to plant spacing were. given 60x60cm respectively.
Combination of chicken litter + bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer produce more
biomass {2.75kg) per plant, number of leaves {19.33) per plant, weight of the single
curd (1.47 kg) and yield {28.24 t/ha) which is statistically different over the other
treatment combinations except chicken litter + mineral fertilizer. Combination of
chicken litter+ chemical fertilizer (produce 2.74 kg biomass, 19.17 number of leaves,
1.41 kg single curd and 22.97 t/ha) without bio fertilizer remained at par with chicken
litter + mineral bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer. Use of bio fertilizer found ineffective
in all the parameters.Link for e-copy: E-copies Effect of Planting Dates and Plant Spacing On.Late Season (March-May) Cauliflower Production / P. P. Khatiwada ; Chaudhary, B.P.
Title : Effect of Planting Dates and Plant Spacing On.Late Season (March-May) Cauliflower Production Material Type: printed text Authors: P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author Pagination: 328-333 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: cauliflower, date of transplanting, spacing Abstract: Afield experimellt was carried out for three consecutive years ( 1997-1999) in upper mid hills
( 1940 mas/) to identify an appropriate spacing and date of transplanting for the late season
(March -May) caulijlov..'.!r production using a11 open pollinated variety. Four different plant
spacing (45x30 em, 45x40 em, 45x50 em and 45x60 em) and the same mtmber of
transplallting dates ( 1" week of February, 3rr1 week of February, 1" week of March and 3"1
week of March) were tested in factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design
with three replications. Among the tested plant spacing, 45x30 em between row and plants
respectively yielded the highest ( 19.63 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 45x40 em
spacing ( 18.5 tlha). None significant yield difference of curd yield between 111 week of
February ( 18.55 tlha) and 11
' week of March ( 18.98 t/ha) transplanting clearly demonstrates
that Kibo Giant variety of cauliflower ca11 be transplanted up to the first week of March for
late season production without loosing its genetic potelllial. Higher yield than that of
national average from the last date of transplallling i.e. 3'd week March ( 13.9 t/ha) clearly
point out a need for further testing of the dates by using the same variety. Recommendation
of closer spacing simultaneously demands a new rate of fertilizer requirement. Hence, an
investigation for appropriate dose of chemical fenilizers using the new spacing is pivotal for
the technology promotion.Link for e-copy: Effect of Planting Dates and Plant Spacing On.Late Season (March-May) Cauliflower Production [printed text] / P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 328-333 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: cauliflower, date of transplanting, spacing Abstract: Afield experimellt was carried out for three consecutive years ( 1997-1999) in upper mid hills
( 1940 mas/) to identify an appropriate spacing and date of transplanting for the late season
(March -May) caulijlov..'.!r production using a11 open pollinated variety. Four different plant
spacing (45x30 em, 45x40 em, 45x50 em and 45x60 em) and the same mtmber of
transplallting dates ( 1" week of February, 3rr1 week of February, 1" week of March and 3"1
week of March) were tested in factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design
with three replications. Among the tested plant spacing, 45x30 em between row and plants
respectively yielded the highest ( 19.63 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 45x40 em
spacing ( 18.5 tlha). None significant yield difference of curd yield between 111 week of
February ( 18.55 tlha) and 11
' week of March ( 18.98 t/ha) transplanting clearly demonstrates
that Kibo Giant variety of cauliflower ca11 be transplanted up to the first week of March for
late season production without loosing its genetic potelllial. Higher yield than that of
national average from the last date of transplallling i.e. 3'd week March ( 13.9 t/ha) clearly
point out a need for further testing of the dates by using the same variety. Recommendation
of closer spacing simultaneously demands a new rate of fertilizer requirement. Hence, an
investigation for appropriate dose of chemical fenilizers using the new spacing is pivotal for
the technology promotion.Link for e-copy: E-copies Effect of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production / S. Piya ; P. P. Khatiwada
Title : Effect of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production Material Type: printed text Authors: S. Piya, Author ; P. P. Khatiwada, Author Pagination: 334-337 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Cauliflower, hardening, marketable yield, transplanting age Abstract: Afield experiment was executed to identify an appropriate transplanting age of seedling and
hardening effect on curd yield in spring season cauliflower production. The experiment was
conducted for two consecutive years at the central fann of Agriculture Research Station,
Pakhribas. The design was RCB in 3x2 factorial arrangemelll with three replications. Three
ages of seedlings (35, 45 and 55 days after sowing) with and without hardening were tested.
Marketable curd yield of cauliflower were found highly significant on ages (p<.05),
hardening (p<.OOI) and interaction (p<.05) of these factors. The highest yield (13.85 t/lta)
was recorded from the hardened seedlings of 45 days old. It can be concluded from the
experiment that hardening has the positive contribution to curd yield and seedlings of 45
days are appropriate for transplanting during spring season production while using an open
pollinated variety.Link for e-copy: Effect of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production [printed text] / S. Piya, Author ; P. P. Khatiwada, Author . - [s.d.] . - 334-337 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Cauliflower, hardening, marketable yield, transplanting age Abstract: Afield experiment was executed to identify an appropriate transplanting age of seedling and
hardening effect on curd yield in spring season cauliflower production. The experiment was
conducted for two consecutive years at the central fann of Agriculture Research Station,
Pakhribas. The design was RCB in 3x2 factorial arrangemelll with three replications. Three
ages of seedlings (35, 45 and 55 days after sowing) with and without hardening were tested.
Marketable curd yield of cauliflower were found highly significant on ages (p<.05),
hardening (p<.OOI) and interaction (p<.05) of these factors. The highest yield (13.85 t/lta)
was recorded from the hardened seedlings of 45 days old. It can be concluded from the
experiment that hardening has the positive contribution to curd yield and seedlings of 45
days are appropriate for transplanting during spring season production while using an open
pollinated variety.Link for e-copy: E-copies Evaluation of cauliflower varieties and their planting dates for commercial production under Jumla Agro-Ecological Condition / Pandey, Y.R.PermalinkEvaluation of Cauliflower Varieties for Off-Season Production in the Mid Hills of Nepal / Budathoki, K ; N G Pradhan ; Bhattarai, D.R.PermalinkPerformance of cauliflower varieties under different agro-ecological domains of western hills of Nepal / Pun, A.B.PermalinkEfficacy of Bio.pestlcides Against the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L., U.nder Pokhara Cpridltlon / Him P. Pathak ; Yuba R. Bhusal ; Ram B. KCPermalinkNebijln (flusulfamide) on the Management of Clubroot Disease of Caullflower / Ram Devi Timila ; Janaki D. NeupanePermalinkकाउलीको नयाँ जात खुमलज्यापूको जातीय गुण र खेति प्राविधि Kauli ko naya jat khumal jyapu ko jatiya gun rae kheti prawidhi / Dhurba Raj BhattaraiPermalinkEvaluation of Some Trichoderma spp. for Clubroot Disease Management / Ram D. Timila in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.11 (2011)Permalink