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13 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Zea' 

Effects of nitrogen levels and plant densities on the grain production of Maize (Zea mays var. Deutee) at the acid soils of Rampur, Chitwan / B. H. Adhikary
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Title : Effects of nitrogen levels and plant densities on the grain production of Maize (Zea mays var. Deutee) at the acid soils of Rampur, Chitwan Material Type: printed text Authors: B. H. Adhikary, Author ; B.R Pandey, Author Pagination: 73-77 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Zea mays, nitrogen levels, plant densities Abstract: Requirement of nitrogen by maize crop depends on the plant population. The quantity of fertilizer- N applied to the maize crop determines the yield increase or decrease and hence, profitability of the crop. To evaluate the effects of nitrogen levels (60, 90 and 120 kg N/ha) on the maize planted at varying densities (55,555; 66,666 and 83,383 plants/ha), an experiment was carried out for two consecutive years (2006 and 2007) in the farmland of National Maize Research Program, Rampur in a RCB design with three replications. A constant dose of manures and fertilizers at 10 tons of compost and 40: 30 kg/ha of P2O5 and K2O was applied basally in all the experimental plots………………..
Link for e-copy: Effects of nitrogen levels and plant densities on the grain production of Maize (Zea mays var. Deutee) at the acid soils of Rampur, Chitwan [printed text] / B. H. Adhikary, Author ; B.R Pandey, Author . - [s.d.] . - 73-77 p.
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Zea mays, nitrogen levels, plant densities Abstract: Requirement of nitrogen by maize crop depends on the plant population. The quantity of fertilizer- N applied to the maize crop determines the yield increase or decrease and hence, profitability of the crop. To evaluate the effects of nitrogen levels (60, 90 and 120 kg N/ha) on the maize planted at varying densities (55,555; 66,666 and 83,383 plants/ha), an experiment was carried out for two consecutive years (2006 and 2007) in the farmland of National Maize Research Program, Rampur in a RCB design with three replications. A constant dose of manures and fertilizers at 10 tons of compost and 40: 30 kg/ha of P2O5 and K2O was applied basally in all the experimental plots………………..
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() Maize Productivity Through the Use of Manures and Fertilizers on the Grain Yield of Different Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes Under Acidic Condition / Adhikary, Bishnu H.
Title : Enhancing Maize Productivity Through the Use of Manures and Fertilizers on the Grain Yield of Different Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes Under Acidic Condition Material Type: printed text Authors: Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Sheshraman Upadhyaya, Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author ; Janmejaya Gaire, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author Publication Date: 2010 General note: In: Proceedings of the 26th National Summer Crops Research Workshop.pp 344-350. Summer crops Research in Nepal.Organized by Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) held at National Maize Research Programme (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan on 3-5 March, 2010 (19-21 falgoon, 2066). Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Combined analysis; maize genotypes; manures and fertilizers; quality protein zea mays. Abstract: Four improved maize varieties (Arun 1 EV, Manakamana-4, QPM/Posilo makai-1, and Rampur Composite were tested to study the response of different levels of NPK and manures on the grain production of different maize genotypes during the 2 consecutive years 2007/08 and 2008/09. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with 3 replications in the acidic soils (4.6 pH) of NMRP research farm, Rampur at the plot size of 12 sq.m..Manures and PK fertilizers were applied basally at the time of planting and nitrogen (N) was applied half as basal and the other half as topdressing. The crop was planted in the month of September for both years. Growth and yield parameters were analysed statistically following combined analysis. The results revealed a positive response of manures and fertilizers on the grain production of maize genotypes. Two years mean result indicated that the highest grain yield (7.42 t ha-1) was recorded in Rampur Composite variety when the crop was fertilized by 180:90: 60 kg N, P2O5 and K2O along with 10 t ha-1 of compost followed by Posilo makai-1 at 120:60:40 kg N, P2O5 and K2O plus 10 t ha-1 of compost. Arun 1 EV, an early maturing variety, seemed to be weak in grain production even at high levels of fertilization. Enhancing Maize Productivity Through the Use of Manures and Fertilizers on the Grain Yield of Different Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes Under Acidic Condition [printed text] / Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Sheshraman Upadhyaya, Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author ; Janmejaya Gaire, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author . - 2010.
In: Proceedings of the 26th National Summer Crops Research Workshop.pp 344-350. Summer crops Research in Nepal.Organized by Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) held at National Maize Research Programme (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan on 3-5 March, 2010 (19-21 falgoon, 2066).
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Combined analysis; maize genotypes; manures and fertilizers; quality protein zea mays. Abstract: Four improved maize varieties (Arun 1 EV, Manakamana-4, QPM/Posilo makai-1, and Rampur Composite were tested to study the response of different levels of NPK and manures on the grain production of different maize genotypes during the 2 consecutive years 2007/08 and 2008/09. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with 3 replications in the acidic soils (4.6 pH) of NMRP research farm, Rampur at the plot size of 12 sq.m..Manures and PK fertilizers were applied basally at the time of planting and nitrogen (N) was applied half as basal and the other half as topdressing. The crop was planted in the month of September for both years. Growth and yield parameters were analysed statistically following combined analysis. The results revealed a positive response of manures and fertilizers on the grain production of maize genotypes. Two years mean result indicated that the highest grain yield (7.42 t ha-1) was recorded in Rampur Composite variety when the crop was fertilized by 180:90: 60 kg N, P2O5 and K2O along with 10 t ha-1 of compost followed by Posilo makai-1 at 120:60:40 kg N, P2O5 and K2O plus 10 t ha-1 of compost. Arun 1 EV, an early maturing variety, seemed to be weak in grain production even at high levels of fertilization. Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils / Bishnu Hari Adhikary
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils Material Type: printed text Authors: Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Bandhu Raj Baral, Author ; Jeeban Shrestha, Author ; Chitra Bahadur Kunwar, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author Pagination: 260-265 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agriculture lime ; green-manuring oil-cakes soil acidification and zea mays Abstract: Acidification of so il is one of the major factors contributing soi l fertility decline in most of the
arable land in the hills and terai of Nepal. It does not only limit the nutri ent availabili ty but
also limit the maize (Zea mays L.) production and plant growth resulting low or reduced crop
y ields if not ameliorated. Soil acidity correction measures need to be employed for increased
maize productivity in the problem so il s. To evaluate the effects of different practices
employed in soi l ac idity correction, experiments were conducted during the years 20 I 0 and
2011 in NMRP, Ram pur on the hybrid maize (Across -9944 x Across- 9942 in) and Across-
9331 variety by us ing eight different treatments (control, agriculture-lime, compost , urea-N,
ammonium sulphate-N, poultry manu·re, ex-situ green- manuring and oil-cakes). The plot size
was 12sq.m . (4 m x 3 m). The experiment was la id-out in a randomized compl ete block
design (RCBD) with three replications. Soil samples were collected befo re crop pl anting and
after harvest for so il pH and nutrient analysis. Growth and yield parameters were recorded
and analysed statistica lly. The results revea led that high ly significant effect of treatments on
the crop yields were observed in both years . Highest grain y ield (6.57 t ha- 1
) in the 1 sr year
when the crop was fertilized by oil-cakes at I 0 t ha- 1 where as in the following year the
highest gra in yie ld (5.37 t ha- 1
) was produced by poultry manures at 10 t ha-1
• Appl ication of
oil-cakes at 1 t ha-1 in the 2"0 year produced only 3.84 t ha- 1 of gra ins . Two years mean grain
yield result indicated a sharp response of treatments on the grain production of maize over the
non-treated crop. The highest grain yie ld (5.2 t ha- 1
) was produced when the crop was
supplied with oil-cakes followed by poultry manures which produced the mean grain yield of
4.49 t ha-1
. Lowest grain yield (1.8 t ha- 1
) was produced by non-treated crop (control
plot).Application of agriculture-lime, compost, oil-cakes and green-manuring help decrease
the soil acidity to some extent. It can be concluded that farmers are suggested to apply organic
sources of fertilization along with agriculture-lime for increased maize productivity.This
paper highlights and discuss the results of the soil acidity management practices in detail.Link for e-copy: Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils [printed text] / Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Bandhu Raj Baral, Author ; Jeeban Shrestha, Author ; Chitra Bahadur Kunwar, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author . - [s.d.] . - 260-265 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agriculture lime ; green-manuring oil-cakes soil acidification and zea mays Abstract: Acidification of so il is one of the major factors contributing soi l fertility decline in most of the
arable land in the hills and terai of Nepal. It does not only limit the nutri ent availabili ty but
also limit the maize (Zea mays L.) production and plant growth resulting low or reduced crop
y ields if not ameliorated. Soil acidity correction measures need to be employed for increased
maize productivity in the problem so il s. To evaluate the effects of different practices
employed in soi l ac idity correction, experiments were conducted during the years 20 I 0 and
2011 in NMRP, Ram pur on the hybrid maize (Across -9944 x Across- 9942 in) and Across-
9331 variety by us ing eight different treatments (control, agriculture-lime, compost , urea-N,
ammonium sulphate-N, poultry manu·re, ex-situ green- manuring and oil-cakes). The plot size
was 12sq.m . (4 m x 3 m). The experiment was la id-out in a randomized compl ete block
design (RCBD) with three replications. Soil samples were collected befo re crop pl anting and
after harvest for so il pH and nutrient analysis. Growth and yield parameters were recorded
and analysed statistica lly. The results revea led that high ly significant effect of treatments on
the crop yields were observed in both years . Highest grain y ield (6.57 t ha- 1
) in the 1 sr year
when the crop was fertilized by oil-cakes at I 0 t ha- 1 where as in the following year the
highest gra in yie ld (5.37 t ha- 1
) was produced by poultry manures at 10 t ha-1
• Appl ication of
oil-cakes at 1 t ha-1 in the 2"0 year produced only 3.84 t ha- 1 of gra ins . Two years mean grain
yield result indicated a sharp response of treatments on the grain production of maize over the
non-treated crop. The highest grain yie ld (5.2 t ha- 1
) was produced when the crop was
supplied with oil-cakes followed by poultry manures which produced the mean grain yield of
4.49 t ha-1
. Lowest grain yield (1.8 t ha- 1
) was produced by non-treated crop (control
plot).Application of agriculture-lime, compost, oil-cakes and green-manuring help decrease
the soil acidity to some extent. It can be concluded that farmers are suggested to apply organic
sources of fertilization along with agriculture-lime for increased maize productivity.This
paper highlights and discuss the results of the soil acidity management practices in detail.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Sulphur and Agricultural Lime for Enhanced Maize (Zea mays L.) Productivity in Acid Soils of Rampur, Chitwan / Adhikary, Bishnu H.
Title : Use of Sulphur and Agricultural Lime for Enhanced Maize (Zea mays L.) Productivity in Acid Soils of Rampur, Chitwan Material Type: printed text Authors: Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author Publication Date: 2010 General note: In: Proceedings of the 26th National Summer Crops Research Workshop.pp 307-312. Summer crops Research in Nepal.Organized by Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) held at National Maize Research Programme (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan on 3-5 March, 2010 (19-21 falgoon, 2066). Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agricultural lime; acid soils; maize productivity; significant effect sulphur levels; Zea mays Abstract: Field experiments were conducted during the winter seasons of the year 2007/08 and 2008/09 on an acid soils of the NMRP research farm. The objective of the study was to identify the appropriate doses of sulphur and agricultural lime on maize crop and their recommendation for its increased productivity. Three levels of sulphur (0, 20 and 40 kg S ha-1) and 4 levels of agricultural lime (0, 2.5, 3.75 and 5 t ha-1) were used in the study. A factorial RCB design with 3 replications was employed in the experiment. The variety used was Deutee and the plot size was 22.5 sq.m (5 m x 4.5 m). The crop was fertilized with 120:60:40 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, and 10 t ha-1 of compost, respectively. The highest grain yield (6.86 t ha-1) was recorded in the 1st year (2007/08) when 5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime and 40 kg of sulphur (S) was applied. In the following year (2008/09), the mean effect of S levels indicated a sharp response at only 20 kg ha-1 which produced an yield of 7.84 t of grains ha-1., whereas the mean effect of lime use revealed only the production of 7.55 t ha-1 of grains in the same year when the crop was supplied with 2.5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime. It is noticed that the response of sulphur and agricultural lime on maize grain production was found to be significant in both of the years. Farmers are suggested to apply at least 20 kg of sulpher along with 2.5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime on maize for increased grain production. Use of Sulphur and Agricultural Lime for Enhanced Maize (Zea mays L.) Productivity in Acid Soils of Rampur, Chitwan [printed text] / Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author ; B.R. Baral, Author . - 2010.
In: Proceedings of the 26th National Summer Crops Research Workshop.pp 307-312. Summer crops Research in Nepal.Organized by Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) held at National Maize Research Programme (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan on 3-5 March, 2010 (19-21 falgoon, 2066).
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agricultural lime; acid soils; maize productivity; significant effect sulphur levels; Zea mays Abstract: Field experiments were conducted during the winter seasons of the year 2007/08 and 2008/09 on an acid soils of the NMRP research farm. The objective of the study was to identify the appropriate doses of sulphur and agricultural lime on maize crop and their recommendation for its increased productivity. Three levels of sulphur (0, 20 and 40 kg S ha-1) and 4 levels of agricultural lime (0, 2.5, 3.75 and 5 t ha-1) were used in the study. A factorial RCB design with 3 replications was employed in the experiment. The variety used was Deutee and the plot size was 22.5 sq.m (5 m x 4.5 m). The crop was fertilized with 120:60:40 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, and 10 t ha-1 of compost, respectively. The highest grain yield (6.86 t ha-1) was recorded in the 1st year (2007/08) when 5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime and 40 kg of sulphur (S) was applied. In the following year (2008/09), the mean effect of S levels indicated a sharp response at only 20 kg ha-1 which produced an yield of 7.84 t of grains ha-1., whereas the mean effect of lime use revealed only the production of 7.55 t ha-1 of grains in the same year when the crop was supplied with 2.5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime. It is noticed that the response of sulphur and agricultural lime on maize grain production was found to be significant in both of the years. Farmers are suggested to apply at least 20 kg of sulpher along with 2.5 t ha-1 of agricultural lime on maize for increased grain production. Enhancing maize productivity through the use of split application of phosphorus and potassium in the acid soils of Rampur, Chitawan / Adhikary, Bishnu H.
Title : Enhancing maize productivity through the use of split application of phosphorus and potassium in the acid soils of Rampur, Chitawan Material Type: printed text Authors: Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author Publication Date: 2009 General note: In: IAAS Journal 2009, 30:57-62. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Crop growth and yield parameters; phosphorus potassium application methods; significant effect; increment Zea mays. Abstract: Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the major food elements for the crop growth and grain production of maize (Zea mays L.).Their response to crop production could vary with their application method and times. Split application of P and K increases the efficacy of the given nutrients and thus increased grain yield could be expected in acid soil condition. To evaluate the effects of methods of P and K application , series of experiments were conducted on maize for 3 consecutive years (2005, 2006 and 2007) in the acidic soils ( 4.77 – 5.09 pH) in the farmland of NMRP, Rampur. The experiments were conducted in RCB design with 3 replications in the plot size
of 12 sq.m. The crop was planted in the month of September and harvested in February. The crop growth and production parameters were studied and analyzed statistically. The results revealed that ear height and kernel rows were found statistically affected in the year 2005 and 2006. Similarly, ear length and kernel numbers were affected significantly in the year 2007. Thousand grain weight was also found significantly affected in all years. The highest 1000 grain weight of 457.66 g was recorded in the year 2007 when the crop was supplied with 40 kg P2O5 (half basal and half topdress) and 30 kg K2O (half basal and half top-dress) along with 10 t of compost and 100 kg /ha of nitrogen. Significant effect of treatments was also observed in straw production during the years 2005 and 2006. The highest straw yield (6.33 t /ha) was recorded in the year 2005 when the crop was fertilized by split application of P and basal dose of 30 kg K2O /ha along with 10 t /ha of compost and 100 kg N. The effects of treatments were observed highly significant on the grain production in all years. Three years mean result revealed that highest grain yield (6.16 t /ha) was recorded when the crop was fertilized by 10 t compost plus 100 kg N applied along with 40 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O which were applied half as basal and the other half as topdressing, respectively. The highest yield increment (205.5 %) over the control plot was recorded at this level of fertilization and method of P and K application. Farmers are suggested to apply P and K fertilizers half as basal dressing and the other half as topdress in acid soil condition of Chitwan.Enhancing maize productivity through the use of split application of phosphorus and potassium in the acid soils of Rampur, Chitawan [printed text] / Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; Babu R. Pandey, Author . - 2009.
In: IAAS Journal 2009, 30:57-62.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Crop growth and yield parameters; phosphorus potassium application methods; significant effect; increment Zea mays. Abstract: Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the major food elements for the crop growth and grain production of maize (Zea mays L.).Their response to crop production could vary with their application method and times. Split application of P and K increases the efficacy of the given nutrients and thus increased grain yield could be expected in acid soil condition. To evaluate the effects of methods of P and K application , series of experiments were conducted on maize for 3 consecutive years (2005, 2006 and 2007) in the acidic soils ( 4.77 – 5.09 pH) in the farmland of NMRP, Rampur. The experiments were conducted in RCB design with 3 replications in the plot size
of 12 sq.m. The crop was planted in the month of September and harvested in February. The crop growth and production parameters were studied and analyzed statistically. The results revealed that ear height and kernel rows were found statistically affected in the year 2005 and 2006. Similarly, ear length and kernel numbers were affected significantly in the year 2007. Thousand grain weight was also found significantly affected in all years. The highest 1000 grain weight of 457.66 g was recorded in the year 2007 when the crop was supplied with 40 kg P2O5 (half basal and half topdress) and 30 kg K2O (half basal and half top-dress) along with 10 t of compost and 100 kg /ha of nitrogen. Significant effect of treatments was also observed in straw production during the years 2005 and 2006. The highest straw yield (6.33 t /ha) was recorded in the year 2005 when the crop was fertilized by split application of P and basal dose of 30 kg K2O /ha along with 10 t /ha of compost and 100 kg N. The effects of treatments were observed highly significant on the grain production in all years. Three years mean result revealed that highest grain yield (6.16 t /ha) was recorded when the crop was fertilized by 10 t compost plus 100 kg N applied along with 40 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O which were applied half as basal and the other half as topdressing, respectively. The highest yield increment (205.5 %) over the control plot was recorded at this level of fertilization and method of P and K application. Farmers are suggested to apply P and K fertilizers half as basal dressing and the other half as topdress in acid soil condition of Chitwan.Yield Loss Assessment and Management of Violet Wood Sorrel Weed on Maize / Govind K.C. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2007)
PermalinkPermalinkDescriptors for maize
PermalinkPermalinkEnhancing Maize Productivity Through the Use of Split Application of Nitrogen and Irrigation at Critical Stages in Sandy Soils of Rampur, Chitwan. / Adhikary, Bishnu H.
PermalinkPermalinkMaize landraces from the mid and far western hills of Nepal an evaluation for cultivar development / Gurung, D.B.
PermalinkUse of Fertilizers and Lime for Enhancing Productivity of Maize Genotypes in Western Hill of Nepal / Adhikary, Bishnu H. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2007)