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18 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Fungicides;'
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Agricultural Chemicals book IV - Fungicides / Thomson, W.T.
Title : Agricultural Chemicals book IV - Fungicides Material Type: printed text Authors: Thomson, W.T. ; , Publisher: Thomson Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: 196 ISBN (or other code): 0-913702-48-x General note: AN: 693 Keywords: Fungicides; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Agricultural Chemicals book IV - Fungicides [printed text] / Thomson, W.T. ; , . - [S.l.] : Thomson, 1987 . - 196.
ISSN : 0-913702-48-x
AN: 693
Keywords: Fungicides; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1000693 632.952, THO Document NARC Library Documents Available Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides / Ramulu,U.S.
Title : Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides Material Type: printed text Authors: Ramulu,U.S. ; , Edition statement: 2 nd Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford and IBH Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: 344 ISBN (or other code): 978-81-204-0029-0 General note: AN: 601 Keywords: Insecticides; Fungicides; Chemistry; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.951 Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides [printed text] / Ramulu,U.S. ; , . - 2 nd . - New Delhi : Oxford and IBH, 1979 . - 344.
ISBN : 978-81-204-0029-0
AN: 601
Keywords: Insecticides; Fungicides; Chemistry; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.951 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1000601 632.951, RAM Document NARC Library Documents Available Fungicides / Torgeson, D.C.
Title : Fungicides Material Type: printed text Authors: Torgeson, D.C. ; , Publisher: New York : Academic Press INC. Publication Date: 1967 Pagination: 697 General note: AN: 1134, Index Keywords: Fungicides; Pesticides; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Fungicides [printed text] / Torgeson, D.C. ; , . - New York : Academic Press INC., 1967 . - 697.
AN: 1134, Index
Keywords: Fungicides; Pesticides; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1001134 632.952, TOR Document NARC Library Documents Available Fungicides for Crop Protection / Smith, I.M.
Title : Fungicides for Crop Protection Material Type: printed text Authors: Smith, I.M. ; , Publisher: England : BCPC Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: 504 ISBN (or other code): 978-0-901436-93-1 General note: AN: 3026 Keywords: Fungicides; Crop Protection; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Fungicides for Crop Protection [printed text] / Smith, I.M. ; , . - England : BCPC, 1985 . - 504.
ISBN : 978-0-901436-93-1
AN: 3026
Keywords: Fungicides; Crop Protection; Agricultural Pests Class number: 632.952 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1003026 632.952, SMI Document NARC Library Documents Available Fungicides in plant disease control / Nene, Y.L.
Title : Fungicides in plant disease control Material Type: printed text Authors: Nene, Y.L. ; Thapliyal, P.N. ; , Edition statement: 2nd Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford IBH Publilshing Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: X+507 ISBN (or other code): 978-81-204-0222-5 General note: AN: 60 Keywords: Plant pathology; Plants; Fungicides; Biology Class number: 571.9 Fungicides in plant disease control [printed text] / Nene, Y.L. ; Thapliyal, P.N. ; , . - 2nd . - New Delhi : Oxford IBH Publilshing, 1979 . - X+507.
ISBN : 978-81-204-0222-5
AN: 60
Keywords: Plant pathology; Plants; Fungicides; Biology Class number: 571.9 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1000060A 571.9, NEN Document NARC Library Documents Available A practical manual of fungi and fungicides / Weed, Clarence M.PermalinkRational use of fungicides in plant disease control / Sokhi, S.S.PermalinkSoil fungicides (vol 1 2) / Sinha, A.P.PermalinkControl of crop diseases / Carlile, W.R.PermalinkControl of plant diseases / Chandniwala, K.M.PermalinkCrop Safeners for Herbicides / Hatzios, Kriton KPermalinkEffect of maturity stages and anti-fungal treatment on post-harvest life and quality of mandarin oranges in a cellar store, 1996/97 / Subedi, P.P.PermalinkEffect of maturity stages and anti-fungal treatments of post-harvest life and quality of mandarin oranges stored in a cellar store, 1994/95 / Subedi, P.P.PermalinkFungi of India / Sarbhoy, A.K.PermalinkInteraction of plant pathogens in the host / Samajpati, N.PermalinkPesticide use in Nepal / Klarman, William L.PermalinkPlant pathologist's pocketbook / Commonwealth micological institutePermalinkTILT-250: an effective fungicide to manage maize head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana kuchn) disease / Ghimire, S.R.Permalink