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Author NP Adhikari |
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Effect of methods of crop establishment and weed management on Grain yield of rice and wheat in rice-wheat system / AK Gautam
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Title : Effect of methods of crop establishment and weed management on Grain yield of rice and wheat in rice-wheat system Material Type: printed text Authors: AK Gautam, Editor ; NP Adhikari, Author ; M Mishra, Author ; R.B Das, Author Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 392-396 p. Abstract: Rice-wheat system is a labor intensive due to high cost in land preparation and plant establishment, and the productivity of this
system is either declining of stagnant. An alternative crop establishment method is needed for both the crops particularly in system
basis to reduce the cost of cultivation and to sustain the productivity. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of
methods of crop establishments, rice varieties and weed management on productivity of rice and wheat in rice-wheat system during
2004/05 and 2005/06, respectively, at National Rice Research Program, Hardinath. Method of crop establishment was laid out in
main-plots and rice varieties and weed control methods were in sub-plots in split plot design. All the crop establishment combination
in rice-wheat system produced similar yield in the pattern. But dry weed weight at 25 days after transplanting (DAT) of rice and at
wheat maturity was significantly higher in bed planting combination of rice and wheat. Weed control methods did not differ in grain
yield of rice but wheat yield was significantly higher (2,532 kg/ha) due to use of Isoproturan + 2, 4-D both @ 1.5 kg a. i.lha than no
weeding (2,142 kg/ha). Weed dry weight in rice was significantly lower at 25 days after transplanting of rice due to Butachlor spray
+Hand weeding (HW) at 25 DAT than HW at 25 and 45 DAT. Similarly, use ofherbicides reduced weed weight in wheat compared
to no weeding.Link for e-copy: Effect of methods of crop establishment and weed management on Grain yield of rice and wheat in rice-wheat system [printed text] / AK Gautam, Editor ; NP Adhikari, Author ; M Mishra, Author ; R.B Das, Author . - 2010 . - 392-396 p.
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Abstract: Rice-wheat system is a labor intensive due to high cost in land preparation and plant establishment, and the productivity of this
system is either declining of stagnant. An alternative crop establishment method is needed for both the crops particularly in system
basis to reduce the cost of cultivation and to sustain the productivity. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of
methods of crop establishments, rice varieties and weed management on productivity of rice and wheat in rice-wheat system during
2004/05 and 2005/06, respectively, at National Rice Research Program, Hardinath. Method of crop establishment was laid out in
main-plots and rice varieties and weed control methods were in sub-plots in split plot design. All the crop establishment combination
in rice-wheat system produced similar yield in the pattern. But dry weed weight at 25 days after transplanting (DAT) of rice and at
wheat maturity was significantly higher in bed planting combination of rice and wheat. Weed control methods did not differ in grain
yield of rice but wheat yield was significantly higher (2,532 kg/ha) due to use of Isoproturan + 2, 4-D both @ 1.5 kg a. i.lha than no
weeding (2,142 kg/ha). Weed dry weight in rice was significantly lower at 25 days after transplanting of rice due to Butachlor spray
+Hand weeding (HW) at 25 DAT than HW at 25 and 45 DAT. Similarly, use ofherbicides reduced weed weight in wheat compared
to no weeding.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Organic Sources of Nutrients and Plant Protection on Productivity of Orthodox Tea (Camelia Sinensis Kuntz.) / Subba, N. ; NP Adhikari ; Ghimire, K. ; ASR Bajracharya
in Advancing horticultural research for development. Proceedings of the 7th National Horticulture Seminar , Khumaltar, Lalitpur, 12-14 June 2011 (Jestha 29-31, 2068) / Paudyal, K.P.![]()
Title : Effect of Organic Sources of Nutrients and Plant Protection on Productivity of Orthodox Tea (Camelia Sinensis Kuntz.) Material Type: printed text Authors: Subba, N., Author ; NP Adhikari, Author ; Ghimire, K., Author ; ASR Bajracharya, Author Pagination: 78-85 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Gumli Selection, mineral oil, enanthole, azatobacter incorporated fertilizer Abstract: The growing demand of quality organic tea with increase in awareness on the deleterious effect of
chemicals and its residue in human health has revived the need of organic tea management. Field
experiments were conducted in 2006/2007 to 200712008 in flam and Dhankuta districts to study the
effect of di.fferent organic sources of nutrients and pest management on Orthodox tea cv. Gumti
Selection. In addition to productivity, the effect of nutrients on green leaf production trend,
plucking intervals in di.fferent months and changes in composition of soil in the experimental plots
were also studied Four di.fferent organic sources of nutrients; vermi compost, azatobacter
incorporated commercial organic fertilizer, improved ditch compost with EM. traditionally made
compost and di.fferent organic plant protection methods; enanthole, parasitic fungi Trichoderma
viride, mineral oil for management of blister blight disease and locally made botanical pesticide,
mineral oil and ultineem for management of thrips were tested separately in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with seven replications. The effect of different organic sources of
nutrients was found significant on green tea leaf production. In both districts, highest production of
green tea leaves was recorded in plots with azatobacter incorporated fertilizer and least informers'
traditional compost in both years. The result showed green leaf production of 3125 and 3031
kg/hac in 12-15 year old plantation and 1822 and 1798 kg/hac in 8-10 year old plantation with
yearly application of 495 gmlbush of azotobacter incorporated fertilizer. Di.fferent organic
treatments did not di.ffer significantly in the severity of blister blight disease. However, lowest
infestation was observed in plots with Trichoderma application. Leaf damage percentage was found
significantly lower in treatments other than control in both districts. The effect of organic thrips
management was significantly di.fferent in green tea leaf yield. Non significant changes in soil
chemical properties due to organic nutrients were found among the treatments. However, small
incremttnl in nitrogen and potassium contenl over the time was observed.Link for e-copy: Effect of Organic Sources of Nutrients and Plant Protection on Productivity of Orthodox Tea (Camelia Sinensis Kuntz.) [printed text] / Subba, N., Author ; NP Adhikari, Author ; Ghimire, K., Author ; ASR Bajracharya, Author . - [s.d.] . - 78-85 p.
in Advancing horticultural research for development. Proceedings of the 7th National Horticulture Seminar , Khumaltar, Lalitpur, 12-14 June 2011 (Jestha 29-31, 2068) / Paudyal, K.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Gumli Selection, mineral oil, enanthole, azatobacter incorporated fertilizer Abstract: The growing demand of quality organic tea with increase in awareness on the deleterious effect of
chemicals and its residue in human health has revived the need of organic tea management. Field
experiments were conducted in 2006/2007 to 200712008 in flam and Dhankuta districts to study the
effect of di.fferent organic sources of nutrients and pest management on Orthodox tea cv. Gumti
Selection. In addition to productivity, the effect of nutrients on green leaf production trend,
plucking intervals in di.fferent months and changes in composition of soil in the experimental plots
were also studied Four di.fferent organic sources of nutrients; vermi compost, azatobacter
incorporated commercial organic fertilizer, improved ditch compost with EM. traditionally made
compost and di.fferent organic plant protection methods; enanthole, parasitic fungi Trichoderma
viride, mineral oil for management of blister blight disease and locally made botanical pesticide,
mineral oil and ultineem for management of thrips were tested separately in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with seven replications. The effect of different organic sources of
nutrients was found significant on green tea leaf production. In both districts, highest production of
green tea leaves was recorded in plots with azatobacter incorporated fertilizer and least informers'
traditional compost in both years. The result showed green leaf production of 3125 and 3031
kg/hac in 12-15 year old plantation and 1822 and 1798 kg/hac in 8-10 year old plantation with
yearly application of 495 gmlbush of azotobacter incorporated fertilizer. Di.fferent organic
treatments did not di.ffer significantly in the severity of blister blight disease. However, lowest
infestation was observed in plots with Trichoderma application. Leaf damage percentage was found
significantly lower in treatments other than control in both districts. The effect of organic thrips
management was significantly di.fferent in green tea leaf yield. Non significant changes in soil
chemical properties due to organic nutrients were found among the treatments. However, small
incremttnl in nitrogen and potassium contenl over the time was observed.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]()![]() of seedling age and spacing on productivity of irrigated rice under system of rice intesificaiton in central terai / AK Gautam
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Title : Effect of seedling age and spacing on productivity of irrigated rice under system of rice intesificaiton in central terai Material Type: printed text Authors: AK Gautam, Editor ; NP Adhikari, Author ; M Mishra, Author ; R.B Das, Author Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 397-401 p. Abstract: System of rice intensification (SRI), practically considered as an agrological approach rather than a technology, has received a fair
amount of attention in recent year in most of the rice growing countries. Transplanting of younger seedlings in wider spacing is the
practice to be followed in SRI. But the literature indicated different age of seedlings and various plant spacing for this system of rice
cultivation. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in split plot design with plant spacing in square pattern (20x20, 25x25, 30x30
and 40x40 em) as main-plots and age of seedlings (10,15 and 20 days) as sub-plots with three replications in 2004 and 2005 with
some modifications in other practices. The statistical analysis revealed that days to heading, days to maturity, number of tillers/hill at
30 OAT, per cent of filled grains/panicle and 1000 grain weight were not affected by the spacing. But, panicles/hill at maturity was
significantly higher under wider spacing of 40x40 em (18.2) than other spacing but panicles/unit area was remarkably lowest (114).
Younger seedlings of 10 days old matured earlier and produced significantly higher number of panicles/m2 (186) with lower filled
grains/panicle than older seedlings. The interactive effect of decreasing number of panicle number/m2 and filled grains/panicle from
closer to wider spacing and younger to older seedlings resulted in non-significant differences in grain yield during both years of
study. The overall result suggested that rice seedling from 10 to 20 days old can be transplanted in square pattern of20, 25, 30 and
40 em spacing.Link for e-copy: Effect of seedling age and spacing on productivity of irrigated rice under system of rice intesificaiton in central terai [printed text] / AK Gautam, Editor ; NP Adhikari, Author ; M Mishra, Author ; R.B Das, Author . - 2010 . - 397-401 p.
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Abstract: System of rice intensification (SRI), practically considered as an agrological approach rather than a technology, has received a fair
amount of attention in recent year in most of the rice growing countries. Transplanting of younger seedlings in wider spacing is the
practice to be followed in SRI. But the literature indicated different age of seedlings and various plant spacing for this system of rice
cultivation. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in split plot design with plant spacing in square pattern (20x20, 25x25, 30x30
and 40x40 em) as main-plots and age of seedlings (10,15 and 20 days) as sub-plots with three replications in 2004 and 2005 with
some modifications in other practices. The statistical analysis revealed that days to heading, days to maturity, number of tillers/hill at
30 OAT, per cent of filled grains/panicle and 1000 grain weight were not affected by the spacing. But, panicles/hill at maturity was
significantly higher under wider spacing of 40x40 em (18.2) than other spacing but panicles/unit area was remarkably lowest (114).
Younger seedlings of 10 days old matured earlier and produced significantly higher number of panicles/m2 (186) with lower filled
grains/panicle than older seedlings. The interactive effect of decreasing number of panicle number/m2 and filled grains/panicle from
closer to wider spacing and younger to older seedlings resulted in non-significant differences in grain yield during both years of
study. The overall result suggested that rice seedling from 10 to 20 days old can be transplanted in square pattern of20, 25, 30 and
40 em spacing.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() yield potential of rainfed rice using participatory plant breeding and participatory varietal selection during 2004/05 / Yadaw, R.B.
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Title : Enhancing yield potential of rainfed rice using participatory plant breeding and participatory varietal selection during 2004/05 Material Type: printed text Authors: Yadaw, R.B., Editor ; Khatiwada, S.P., Editor ; B. Chaudhary, Author ; Akhtar, T., Author ; NP Adhikari, Author ; A Mudwari, Author ; MP Upadhayay, Author ; Baniya, B.K., Author ; Joshi, K.D., Author Publisher: Hardinath, Janakpur : National Rice Research Programme Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 10-12 p. Abstract: Particip~tory pl~t breeding pro~m was initiated through in-situ project since 1999 with aim to address these problems by
developmg new nee genotypes. Smce last 7 years , 15 of F4 and 6 of F7 segregating population were grown at different fanners'
field of . .Kachorwa, Pakadiya and Lauki of Bara, Dhanusha, and Sunsari districs respectively. Three F4 and one F7 segregating
populations of.Kachorwa dhan -4 were grown at each farmer's field to select individual superior hills separately suitable in rainfed
with the active participation of plant breeder and farmers using bulk. method. Five out of 15 (F4) were selected and advanced to
subsequent generation till fixed.Among the distributed population, Kachorwa dhan-4,8,5,11( DudhisaroX BG-1442),25 LajhiX
Rampurmasuli),26 mansarax ,and 27 were found superior with their yield attributing characters. Where as, 4 out of 6 (F7)
Populations were selected for replicated mother trail. In (Participatory Variety Selection) PVS, 5 advanced lines including check of
5 sets were planted in farmers' field of Pakadiya of Dhanusha District and Lauki of Sunasari District Among the tested genotypes;
BR4684, IR58115, and IR67015 performed better in respect of grain yield and quality. Majority of the farmers preferred these
genotypes due to higher grain yield and their high milling recovery.Link for e-copy: Enhancing yield potential of rainfed rice using participatory plant breeding and participatory varietal selection during 2004/05 [printed text] / Yadaw, R.B., Editor ; Khatiwada, S.P., Editor ; B. Chaudhary, Author ; Akhtar, T., Author ; NP Adhikari, Author ; A Mudwari, Author ; MP Upadhayay, Author ; Baniya, B.K., Author ; Joshi, K.D., Author . - Hardinath, Janakpur : National Rice Research Programme, 2010 . - 10-12 p.
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Abstract: Particip~tory pl~t breeding pro~m was initiated through in-situ project since 1999 with aim to address these problems by
developmg new nee genotypes. Smce last 7 years , 15 of F4 and 6 of F7 segregating population were grown at different fanners'
field of . .Kachorwa, Pakadiya and Lauki of Bara, Dhanusha, and Sunsari districs respectively. Three F4 and one F7 segregating
populations of.Kachorwa dhan -4 were grown at each farmer's field to select individual superior hills separately suitable in rainfed
with the active participation of plant breeder and farmers using bulk. method. Five out of 15 (F4) were selected and advanced to
subsequent generation till fixed.Among the distributed population, Kachorwa dhan-4,8,5,11( DudhisaroX BG-1442),25 LajhiX
Rampurmasuli),26 mansarax ,and 27 were found superior with their yield attributing characters. Where as, 4 out of 6 (F7)
Populations were selected for replicated mother trail. In (Participatory Variety Selection) PVS, 5 advanced lines including check of
5 sets were planted in farmers' field of Pakadiya of Dhanusha District and Lauki of Sunasari District Among the tested genotypes;
BR4684, IR58115, and IR67015 performed better in respect of grain yield and quality. Majority of the farmers preferred these
genotypes due to higher grain yield and their high milling recovery.Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Rice research in Nepal : Proceedings of 24th National Summer Crops Research Workshop, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, 30-31 June 2004 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Title : Outreach research report of NRRP, Hardinath Material Type: printed text Authors: Thakur, P. ; NP Adhikari, Author ; E.M. Bhattarai, Author ; Yadaw, R.B., Author ; M Yadav, Author ; R.K Joshi, Author ; R.B Das, Author Pagination: 376-381 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Outreach research activities in various crops (Rice, wheat and potato) were conducted at
Raghunathpur, Dhanusha and Ekarahiya, Mahottari during 2002 and 2003. The result
differed agro-ecologically in difforent sites in different years. Out of six rice genotypes tested
in normal season. highest mean grain yield (4.9 tlha) was produced by BPI 3-2, BR 4684-13-
1-1-6-3 (4.7 t/ha) and IR 52115-103-3-1-1 (4.5 t/ha). Significant higher grain yield was
obtained in BR 425-189-1-1-2-1 (3. 7 t/ha) and B 6149F -MR-7 (3.6 tlha) in rainfed lowland
areas. Among fine and aromatic rice, all tested lines except GAN-WAN-XIAN-22 recorded
significantly higher grain yield than the local check variety. None of the tested genotypes in
wheat CFFT were superior to check variety ( Bhrilcuti ) at Raghunathpur but in case of
Ekarahiya, all tested wheat genotypes except BL1968 were performed equally well. Likewise,
highest grain yield of 2. 4 t/ha was obtained in Bhrilcuti that was at par with BL 2047 (2.27
t/ha ).Butachlor was noticed effective in controlling of weed in rice. But in case of wheat,
maximum grain yield of 3.5 tlha was obtained with the use of Isoproturan applied@ 1.5
Kg/ha. In FFT on potato, the highest mean tuber yield of 25.5 t/ha was recorded in TPS 67
that was statistically at par with NSf (23.8 tlha) and C 40 (21.5 t/ha).Link for e-copy: Outreach research report of NRRP, Hardinath [printed text] / Thakur, P. ; NP Adhikari, Author ; E.M. Bhattarai, Author ; Yadaw, R.B., Author ; M Yadav, Author ; R.K Joshi, Author ; R.B Das, Author . - [s.d.] . - 376-381 p.
in Rice research in Nepal : Proceedings of 24th National Summer Crops Research Workshop, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, 30-31 June 2004 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Outreach research activities in various crops (Rice, wheat and potato) were conducted at
Raghunathpur, Dhanusha and Ekarahiya, Mahottari during 2002 and 2003. The result
differed agro-ecologically in difforent sites in different years. Out of six rice genotypes tested
in normal season. highest mean grain yield (4.9 tlha) was produced by BPI 3-2, BR 4684-13-
1-1-6-3 (4.7 t/ha) and IR 52115-103-3-1-1 (4.5 t/ha). Significant higher grain yield was
obtained in BR 425-189-1-1-2-1 (3. 7 t/ha) and B 6149F -MR-7 (3.6 tlha) in rainfed lowland
areas. Among fine and aromatic rice, all tested lines except GAN-WAN-XIAN-22 recorded
significantly higher grain yield than the local check variety. None of the tested genotypes in
wheat CFFT were superior to check variety ( Bhrilcuti ) at Raghunathpur but in case of
Ekarahiya, all tested wheat genotypes except BL1968 were performed equally well. Likewise,
highest grain yield of 2. 4 t/ha was obtained in Bhrilcuti that was at par with BL 2047 (2.27
t/ha ).Butachlor was noticed effective in controlling of weed in rice. But in case of wheat,
maximum grain yield of 3.5 tlha was obtained with the use of Isoproturan applied@ 1.5
Kg/ha. In FFT on potato, the highest mean tuber yield of 25.5 t/ha was recorded in TPS 67
that was statistically at par with NSf (23.8 tlha) and C 40 (21.5 t/ha).Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkVarietal development research works for boro season rice under irrigated condition during 2001/02-2003/04 / Yadaw, R.B.