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Author Bedanand Chaudhary |
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Title : श्रोत संरक्षण तथा जलवायु अनुकुल उन्नत धान खेती प्रविधि Material Type: printed text Authors: Dil Raj Yadav, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Rajib Kumar Yadav, Author Publisher: Hardinath, Dhanusha : National Rice Research Program Publication Date: 2073 BS Pagination: 17 p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Rice; Paddy; Production technology; Climate change; Source Conservation; Link for e-copy: श्रोत संरक्षण तथा जलवायु अनुकुल उन्नत धान खेती प्रविधि [printed text] / Dil Raj Yadav, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Rajib Kumar Yadav, Author . - Hardinath, Dhanusha : National Rice Research Program, 2073 BS . - 17 p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Rice; Paddy; Production technology; Climate change; Source Conservation; Link for e-copy:
Title : धानको पाते फेद डदुवा रोग र त्यसको रोकथाम Material Type: printed text Authors: Bedanand Chaudhary, Author Publisher: तरहरा सुनसरी : क्षेत्रीय कृषि अनुसन्धान केन्द्र Pagination: 3 .p Languages : Nepali (nep) Link for e-copy: धानको पाते फेद डदुवा रोग र त्यसको रोकथाम [printed text] / Bedanand Chaudhary, Author . - [S.l.] : तरहरा सुनसरी : क्षेत्रीय कृषि अनुसन्धान केन्द्र, [s.d.] . - 3 .p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Link for e-copy:
Title : मकै बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि Material Type: printed text Authors: Sarita Manandhar, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Surya Prakash Poudel, Author ; Nabin Kumar Dangal, Author ; Sudeep Kumar Upadhyay, Author Publisher: Taraha,Sunsari : NARC,Kshetriya Krisi Anusandhan Parishad (SSNP-AF) Pagination: 19p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Maize seed;Maize productiton Link for e-copy: मकै बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि [printed text] / Sarita Manandhar, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Surya Prakash Poudel, Author ; Nabin Kumar Dangal, Author ; Sudeep Kumar Upadhyay, Author . - [S.l.] : Taraha,Sunsari : NARC,Kshetriya Krisi Anusandhan Parishad (SSNP-AF), [s.d.] . - 19p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Maize seed;Maize productiton Link for e-copy: Evaluation of rice genotypes against bacterial leaf blight under field conditions / Bedanand Chaudhary
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Evaluation of rice genotypes against bacterial leaf blight under field conditions Material Type: printed text Authors: Bedanand Chaudhary ; Nabin Kumar Dangal, Author ; Parbati Joshi, Author ; Ang Tenjing Sherpa, Author Pagination: 313-318 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Disease severity ; Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Genotype Resistant and Susceptible Abstract: Bacterial Leaf blight (BLB) of rice; caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, is one of the
most important diseases of rice in the eastern terai ofNepal. A field screening experiment was
conducted to identify the resistance in rice to the disease during 2011 and 2012 wet season at
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara. A total of 134 (OBN-71 , RA VTRL-26,
RA VTN -21 , Quality-16) rice genotypes were evaluated for resistance in both the years. Each
entry was planted in 2 rows of 2m length. Susceptible variety of rice (purple) was planted at
an interval of every 10 entries. The pathogen was inoculated in all entries at 56 days after
transplanting using Kauffmans clipping method. The disease was scored at 21 days after
inoculation and continued for three scorings at 7 days interval using 0-9 scale. Severity of the
disease varied significantly among the tested rice genotypes in both years. Level of disease
severity was higher in most entries in 2012 than 2011 . Disease severity varied 11 to 100%.
None of the genotypes were free from the disease. Out of 134 genotypes, 34 genotypes were
moderately resistant to BLB disease during both the years which were IR09F 146, IR09F 166,
IR09Fl72, IR09F174, IR09Fl89, IR09Fll3, IR09Fl17, IR09Fl43, IR09Fl47, IR09Fl58,
IR09Fl77, IR09F229, CH-2, IR 80411-B-28-4, NR 1887-8-1-1-2, IR09Fl02, IR09F104,
IR09F187, IR09Fl95, IR09Fl03, IR09F105, IR09F106, IR09FIIO, IR09Fl23, IR09Fl78,
IR09F221 , IR09F226, IR09F283 , IR09F293, Sura vi, Sipi 5920-333 , Tarahara-1, Swarna and
Swam a sub-1. Altogether 96 genotypes were moderately resistant during 2011 which
decreased to 36 in 2012. Similarly, 16 genotypes were moderately susceptible during 2011
which increased to 55 in 2012. There were no highly susceptible genotypes during 2011 , but
32 genotypes became highly susceptible during 2012. Higher level of BLB disease was
observed in 2012 than 2011. IR 78937-B-B-B-B-1, IR 79913-B-176-B-4, IR 80973-B-186-
41-2, IR 70210-39-CPA7-1-1-4-2 were moderately resistant in 2011 but became highly
susceptible in 2012. BRRI Dhan-38, Mahima, IR70422-95-J-l , IR74052-95-3-3, Hardinath-2,
BASMATI 10 I were moderately susceptible during 2011 but became highly susceptible
during 2012. Similarly, IR 82635-B-B-47-2, Lalka basmati, IR 74371-54-1-1 , IR 86815-23-4-
1-2 and JH 15-1-1-1 were highly susceptible during 2012. Disease severity increased in
second and third scoring in all entries.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of rice genotypes against bacterial leaf blight under field conditions [printed text] / Bedanand Chaudhary ; Nabin Kumar Dangal, Author ; Parbati Joshi, Author ; Ang Tenjing Sherpa, Author . - [s.d.] . - 313-318 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Disease severity ; Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Genotype Resistant and Susceptible Abstract: Bacterial Leaf blight (BLB) of rice; caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, is one of the
most important diseases of rice in the eastern terai ofNepal. A field screening experiment was
conducted to identify the resistance in rice to the disease during 2011 and 2012 wet season at
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara. A total of 134 (OBN-71 , RA VTRL-26,
RA VTN -21 , Quality-16) rice genotypes were evaluated for resistance in both the years. Each
entry was planted in 2 rows of 2m length. Susceptible variety of rice (purple) was planted at
an interval of every 10 entries. The pathogen was inoculated in all entries at 56 days after
transplanting using Kauffmans clipping method. The disease was scored at 21 days after
inoculation and continued for three scorings at 7 days interval using 0-9 scale. Severity of the
disease varied significantly among the tested rice genotypes in both years. Level of disease
severity was higher in most entries in 2012 than 2011 . Disease severity varied 11 to 100%.
None of the genotypes were free from the disease. Out of 134 genotypes, 34 genotypes were
moderately resistant to BLB disease during both the years which were IR09F 146, IR09F 166,
IR09Fl72, IR09F174, IR09Fl89, IR09Fll3, IR09Fl17, IR09Fl43, IR09Fl47, IR09Fl58,
IR09Fl77, IR09F229, CH-2, IR 80411-B-28-4, NR 1887-8-1-1-2, IR09Fl02, IR09F104,
IR09F187, IR09Fl95, IR09Fl03, IR09F105, IR09F106, IR09FIIO, IR09Fl23, IR09Fl78,
IR09F221 , IR09F226, IR09F283 , IR09F293, Sura vi, Sipi 5920-333 , Tarahara-1, Swarna and
Swam a sub-1. Altogether 96 genotypes were moderately resistant during 2011 which
decreased to 36 in 2012. Similarly, 16 genotypes were moderately susceptible during 2011
which increased to 55 in 2012. There were no highly susceptible genotypes during 2011 , but
32 genotypes became highly susceptible during 2012. Higher level of BLB disease was
observed in 2012 than 2011. IR 78937-B-B-B-B-1, IR 79913-B-176-B-4, IR 80973-B-186-
41-2, IR 70210-39-CPA7-1-1-4-2 were moderately resistant in 2011 but became highly
susceptible in 2012. BRRI Dhan-38, Mahima, IR70422-95-J-l , IR74052-95-3-3, Hardinath-2,
BASMATI 10 I were moderately susceptible during 2011 but became highly susceptible
during 2012. Similarly, IR 82635-B-B-47-2, Lalka basmati, IR 74371-54-1-1 , IR 86815-23-4-
1-2 and JH 15-1-1-1 were highly susceptible during 2012. Disease severity increased in
second and third scoring in all entries.Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Evaluation of rice genotypes against blast disease under field condition Material Type: printed text Authors: Nabin Kumar Dangal ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Parbati Joshi, Author ; Ang Tenjing Sherpa, Author Pagination: 323-330 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Pyricularia grise a, genotype, disease severity, leaf blast and resist~ce Abstract: Blast of rice, caused by Pyricularia grisea, is one of the most important diseases of rice in
Nepal. It has been causing significant yield loss in all rice growing areas. A field screening
experiment was conducted to identify resistance in rice to the disease during 2011 and 2012
wet season at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara. A total of 134 (OBN -70,
RA VTRL-26, RA VTN-22 and Quality-16) rice genotypes were evaluated for resistance in
both the years. atural spread of the pathogen in the test lines was allowed from border lines I
inoculums rows planted around the nursery with mixture of susceptible varieties (i.e. Mansuli
and Sankharika). Conducive environment for blast development was created by planting four
rows of Sesbania eculeata around the experimental plot 35 days prior to seeding of test
genotypes. Scoring was done on 22 days after seeding and continued for three scorings at 7
days interval using 0-9 scale developed by IRRI. Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC)
varied significantly among the tested rice genotypes in both years. Disease severity varied 0 to
77.77%. Out of 134 entries, 58 entries were resistant to the disease during 2011 and 63 in
2012. Among them, IR09Fl12, IR09Fl20, IR09Fl27, IR09F158, IR09Fl66, IR09Fl74,
IR09F 178, TR09F226, IR09F229, IR09F236, IR09F238, R09F253, IR09F293, IR-64-Sub-1,
IRRI-119, lET 14846, WAS 202-B-B-13 , IR 75299-94-1-2-2, IR 73007-131-1-2-2, 1R 70215-
70-CPA3-4-1-3, IR 80411-B-28-4, IR 79913-B-176-B-4, IR 78937-B-20-B-B-4, BR 4363-3-
8-1-2-4(BR-32), Basundhara, Tarahara-1, Hardinath-2, Sura vi and Mahima were free from
blast in both the years. The number of moderately resistant (3 -4), moderately susceptible (5 -6)
and highly susceptible (7-9) genotypes was 43, 9 and 2 in 2011 and 54, 3 and 1 in 2012,
respectively. Disease severity increased in second and third scorings in all entries except the
resistant ones. IR09Fll0, NR 1887-8-1-1-2 and Kanchhi masuli were highly susceptible to
blast with the highest disease score (7) which were completely knocked down in the final
scoring.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of rice genotypes against blast disease under field condition [printed text] / Nabin Kumar Dangal ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Parbati Joshi, Author ; Ang Tenjing Sherpa, Author . - [s.d.] . - 323-330 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Pyricularia grise a, genotype, disease severity, leaf blast and resist~ce Abstract: Blast of rice, caused by Pyricularia grisea, is one of the most important diseases of rice in
Nepal. It has been causing significant yield loss in all rice growing areas. A field screening
experiment was conducted to identify resistance in rice to the disease during 2011 and 2012
wet season at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara. A total of 134 (OBN -70,
RA VTRL-26, RA VTN-22 and Quality-16) rice genotypes were evaluated for resistance in
both the years. atural spread of the pathogen in the test lines was allowed from border lines I
inoculums rows planted around the nursery with mixture of susceptible varieties (i.e. Mansuli
and Sankharika). Conducive environment for blast development was created by planting four
rows of Sesbania eculeata around the experimental plot 35 days prior to seeding of test
genotypes. Scoring was done on 22 days after seeding and continued for three scorings at 7
days interval using 0-9 scale developed by IRRI. Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC)
varied significantly among the tested rice genotypes in both years. Disease severity varied 0 to
77.77%. Out of 134 entries, 58 entries were resistant to the disease during 2011 and 63 in
2012. Among them, IR09Fl12, IR09Fl20, IR09Fl27, IR09F158, IR09Fl66, IR09Fl74,
IR09F 178, TR09F226, IR09F229, IR09F236, IR09F238, R09F253, IR09F293, IR-64-Sub-1,
IRRI-119, lET 14846, WAS 202-B-B-13 , IR 75299-94-1-2-2, IR 73007-131-1-2-2, 1R 70215-
70-CPA3-4-1-3, IR 80411-B-28-4, IR 79913-B-176-B-4, IR 78937-B-20-B-B-4, BR 4363-3-
8-1-2-4(BR-32), Basundhara, Tarahara-1, Hardinath-2, Sura vi and Mahima were free from
blast in both the years. The number of moderately resistant (3 -4), moderately susceptible (5 -6)
and highly susceptible (7-9) genotypes was 43, 9 and 2 in 2011 and 54, 3 and 1 in 2012,
respectively. Disease severity increased in second and third scorings in all entries except the
resistant ones. IR09Fll0, NR 1887-8-1-1-2 and Kanchhi masuli were highly susceptible to
blast with the highest disease score (7) which were completely knocked down in the final
scoring.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of rice genotypes for resistance to sheath blight under field contions / Bedanand Chaudhary
PermalinkIntegrated Management of Mango Stem Borer (Batocera Rufomaculata Dejan) in Nepal / Sudeep Kumar Upadhyay ; Bedanand Chaudhary ; Pradeep K Karki ; Bibek Sapkota ; Deep Narayan Mahato
PermalinkMolecular Tagging, Allele mining and marker aided breeding for blast resistance in rice / Joshi, Bal K.
PermalinkYield Interactions of Wheat Genotypes to Dates of Seeding in Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal / Rudra Bhattarai in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)