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Author S. Piya |
Available item(s) by this author

Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation / P. P. Khatiwada ; S. Piya ; Chaudhary, B.P.
in Effects of Different Levels of Agricultural-Lime on Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L) Production in Acid Soils / B. H. Adhikary ; C. Adhikary
Title : Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation Material Type: printed text Authors: P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author Pagination: 321-327 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: cauliflower, curd yield, nitrogen, phosphorus Abstract: A study to identify an appropriate dose of nitrogen and phosphorus for late season
cauliflower (May production) was accomplished in the upper mid hills of eastem Nepal.
The experiment was conducted during the two consecutive years of 2000 and 2001. Three
level of nitrogen (60, 100 and 140 kg/ha) and the same level ofphosphoms (40, 80 and 120
kglha) were tested to Kibo Giant variety mailllaining a plant spacing of 45x30 em between
and within rows. Application of a minimum level (60:40:50 N: P20 5: K20 kg/Ita) of mineral
fertiliur yielded about a double ( 12.02 t/ha) curd yield titan that of only using compost at a
rate of 30 t/ha (6.77 t/ha). Among the different combinations of Nand P205fertilizers, only
different doses of nitrogen played role on curd yield. Analysis of variance of nitrogen,
phosphorus and their illferaction showed a significant (p<. 001) effect of nitrogen and nonsignificant
effect of different levels ofphosplwrus and their interactions. Nitrogen 140 kg/ha
yielded statistically the highest ( 19.65 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 100 kg
nitrogen per hectare ( 16.79 t/ha). There was a positive trend of increased level of nitrogen
(y=10.96+2.9x) belt not a clear trend of phosphorus. Pre and post experiment soil and plant
analysis failed to show significant correlation among N, P20s. K20, pH and OM contellts.
The results have given new direction in relation with fertilizer management for late season
cauliflower cultivation in the upper mid hills of east em Nepal.Link for e-copy: Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application on Late Season Cauliflower Cultivation [printed text] / P. P. Khatiwada, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Chaudhary, B.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 321-327 p.
in Effects of Different Levels of Agricultural-Lime on Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L) Production in Acid Soils / B. H. Adhikary ; C. Adhikary
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: cauliflower, curd yield, nitrogen, phosphorus Abstract: A study to identify an appropriate dose of nitrogen and phosphorus for late season
cauliflower (May production) was accomplished in the upper mid hills of eastem Nepal.
The experiment was conducted during the two consecutive years of 2000 and 2001. Three
level of nitrogen (60, 100 and 140 kg/ha) and the same level ofphosphoms (40, 80 and 120
kglha) were tested to Kibo Giant variety mailllaining a plant spacing of 45x30 em between
and within rows. Application of a minimum level (60:40:50 N: P20 5: K20 kg/Ita) of mineral
fertiliur yielded about a double ( 12.02 t/ha) curd yield titan that of only using compost at a
rate of 30 t/ha (6.77 t/ha). Among the different combinations of Nand P205fertilizers, only
different doses of nitrogen played role on curd yield. Analysis of variance of nitrogen,
phosphorus and their illferaction showed a significant (p<. 001) effect of nitrogen and nonsignificant
effect of different levels ofphosplwrus and their interactions. Nitrogen 140 kg/ha
yielded statistically the highest ( 19.65 t/ha) curd yield, which was followed by 100 kg
nitrogen per hectare ( 16.79 t/ha). There was a positive trend of increased level of nitrogen
(y=10.96+2.9x) belt not a clear trend of phosphorus. Pre and post experiment soil and plant
analysis failed to show significant correlation among N, P20s. K20, pH and OM contellts.
The results have given new direction in relation with fertilizer management for late season
cauliflower cultivation in the upper mid hills of east em Nepal.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of corm size and planting depth on flower quality and corm yield of Gladiolus (cv. Jester) / S. Piya
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Title : Effect of corm size and planting depth on flower quality and corm yield of Gladiolus (cv. Jester) Material Type: printed text Authors: S. Piya, Author ; Ajaya S. R. Bajracharya, Author ; Subba, N., Author ; J Mandal, Author ; Khatiwada, P.P., Author Pagination: 279-283 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Gladiolus is very popular and commercial cut flower in Nepal. An experimental study was carried out at ARS, Pakhribas (1740 masl) with the objective to find out the appropriate planting depth and corm size to produce higher quality spike and higher corm yield. Three corm sizes 2.5-3 cm, 3-3.5 cm and 3.5-4 cm and three planting depths 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm were studied in factorial RCBD with three replications. The corm size did not show any significant effect on plant height…………..
Link for e-copy: Effect of corm size and planting depth on flower quality and corm yield of Gladiolus (cv. Jester) [printed text] / S. Piya, Author ; Ajaya S. R. Bajracharya, Author ; Subba, N., Author ; J Mandal, Author ; Khatiwada, P.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 279-283 p.
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Gladiolus is very popular and commercial cut flower in Nepal. An experimental study was carried out at ARS, Pakhribas (1740 masl) with the objective to find out the appropriate planting depth and corm size to produce higher quality spike and higher corm yield. Three corm sizes 2.5-3 cm, 3-3.5 cm and 3.5-4 cm and three planting depths 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm were studied in factorial RCBD with three replications. The corm size did not show any significant effect on plant height…………..
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of plant spacing on the yield and quality of flower, corm and cormel of gladiolus cv. jester / S. Piya
in Agricultural Research for Development: Proceedings of fourth SAS-N Convention, 4-6 April 2012, Lalitpur / Hira K. Manandhar![]()
Title : Effect of plant spacing on the yield and quality of flower, corm and cormel of gladiolus cv. jester Material Type: printed text Authors: S. Piya, Author ; Ajaya S. R. Bajracharya, Author ; Jawahar L.Mandal, Author Pagination: 183-187 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Gladiolus is the most important cut flower among the bulbous flower, being commercially grown in Nepal. Plant spacing is one of the most important agronomic factors that affect the vegetative growth, yield and quality of flower, corm and cormels. In order to find the optimum plant spacing of gladiolus cv. Jester for mid hills of Nepal, experiments were conducted for two consecutive years 2006 and 2007 at Agriculture Research Station, Pakhribas. There were eight plant spacing as treatment, 20x15, 20x20, 20x25, 20x30, 30x15, 30x20, 30x25 and 30x30 cm with three replications. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design. The results showed that earliest spike harvesting days (75.37 d in 2006 and 90.07 d in 2007) in spacing 30x30 cm. First pair of flower opening after spike emergence was found earliest (14.83) from 30x25 cm in 2006 while in 14.57 days in 2007 from 30x30 cm. Largest flower size (10.902 cm) was recorded from 30x30 cm spacing in 2006 and 10.083 cm from 20x30 cm in 2007. In 2006, greater number of florets per spike (18.83) was recorded from 20x30 cm and in 2007 it was insignificant. Similarly, longest spike (104.60 cm and 101.90 cm) was found from 30x30 cm spacing in both 2006 and 2007, respectively. In case of average weight of daughter corm 20x30 cm produced maximum in 2006 while in 2007 it was found from 30x30 cm. Same result obtained for corm size, 20x30 cm gave largest corm in 2006 and by 30x30 in 2007. Finally, higher daughter corm yield (29746 kg/ha in 2006 and 17179 kg/ha in 2007) were acquired from narrower spacing (20x15 cm). Considering all of these results, it can be concluded that spacing 30x30 cm and 20x30 cm are best for both flower quality and corm size of gladiolus cv. Jester for mid hills of Nepal.
Link for e-copy: Effect of plant spacing on the yield and quality of flower, corm and cormel of gladiolus cv. jester [printed text] / S. Piya, Author ; Ajaya S. R. Bajracharya, Author ; Jawahar L.Mandal, Author . - [s.d.] . - 183-187 p.
in Agricultural Research for Development: Proceedings of fourth SAS-N Convention, 4-6 April 2012, Lalitpur / Hira K. Manandhar![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Gladiolus is the most important cut flower among the bulbous flower, being commercially grown in Nepal. Plant spacing is one of the most important agronomic factors that affect the vegetative growth, yield and quality of flower, corm and cormels. In order to find the optimum plant spacing of gladiolus cv. Jester for mid hills of Nepal, experiments were conducted for two consecutive years 2006 and 2007 at Agriculture Research Station, Pakhribas. There were eight plant spacing as treatment, 20x15, 20x20, 20x25, 20x30, 30x15, 30x20, 30x25 and 30x30 cm with three replications. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design. The results showed that earliest spike harvesting days (75.37 d in 2006 and 90.07 d in 2007) in spacing 30x30 cm. First pair of flower opening after spike emergence was found earliest (14.83) from 30x25 cm in 2006 while in 14.57 days in 2007 from 30x30 cm. Largest flower size (10.902 cm) was recorded from 30x30 cm spacing in 2006 and 10.083 cm from 20x30 cm in 2007. In 2006, greater number of florets per spike (18.83) was recorded from 20x30 cm and in 2007 it was insignificant. Similarly, longest spike (104.60 cm and 101.90 cm) was found from 30x30 cm spacing in both 2006 and 2007, respectively. In case of average weight of daughter corm 20x30 cm produced maximum in 2006 while in 2007 it was found from 30x30 cm. Same result obtained for corm size, 20x30 cm gave largest corm in 2006 and by 30x30 in 2007. Finally, higher daughter corm yield (29746 kg/ha in 2006 and 17179 kg/ha in 2007) were acquired from narrower spacing (20x15 cm). Considering all of these results, it can be concluded that spacing 30x30 cm and 20x30 cm are best for both flower quality and corm size of gladiolus cv. Jester for mid hills of Nepal.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production / S. Piya ; P. P. Khatiwada
Title : Effect of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production Material Type: printed text Authors: S. Piya, Author ; P. P. Khatiwada, Author Pagination: 334-337 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Cauliflower, hardening, marketable yield, transplanting age Abstract: Afield experiment was executed to identify an appropriate transplanting age of seedling and
hardening effect on curd yield in spring season cauliflower production. The experiment was
conducted for two consecutive years at the central fann of Agriculture Research Station,
Pakhribas. The design was RCB in 3x2 factorial arrangemelll with three replications. Three
ages of seedlings (35, 45 and 55 days after sowing) with and without hardening were tested.
Marketable curd yield of cauliflower were found highly significant on ages (p<.05),
hardening (p<.OOI) and interaction (p<.05) of these factors. The highest yield (13.85 t/lta)
was recorded from the hardened seedlings of 45 days old. It can be concluded from the
experiment that hardening has the positive contribution to curd yield and seedlings of 45
days are appropriate for transplanting during spring season production while using an open
pollinated variety.Link for e-copy: Effect of Seedlings Age and Hardening on Spring (March- 'May) Season Cauliflower Production [printed text] / S. Piya, Author ; P. P. Khatiwada, Author . - [s.d.] . - 334-337 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Cauliflower, hardening, marketable yield, transplanting age Abstract: Afield experiment was executed to identify an appropriate transplanting age of seedling and
hardening effect on curd yield in spring season cauliflower production. The experiment was
conducted for two consecutive years at the central fann of Agriculture Research Station,
Pakhribas. The design was RCB in 3x2 factorial arrangemelll with three replications. Three
ages of seedlings (35, 45 and 55 days after sowing) with and without hardening were tested.
Marketable curd yield of cauliflower were found highly significant on ages (p<.05),
hardening (p<.OOI) and interaction (p<.05) of these factors. The highest yield (13.85 t/lta)
was recorded from the hardened seedlings of 45 days old. It can be concluded from the
experiment that hardening has the positive contribution to curd yield and seedlings of 45
days are appropriate for transplanting during spring season production while using an open
pollinated variety.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of chemical insecticides against mango stone weevil (Sternochetus mangiferae; Fabricus; Coleopter; Curculionidae) in the foot hills of eastern Nepal / ASR Bajracharya ; S. Piya ; Ghimire, K. ; D.L. Mandal
in Proceedings of the 10th National Outreach Research Workshop 27-28 February, 2012 (15-16 Falgun, 2068) Held at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lumle, Kaski / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Title : Effectiveness of chemical insecticides against mango stone weevil (Sternochetus mangiferae; Fabricus; Coleopter; Curculionidae) in the foot hills of eastern Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: ASR Bajracharya, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Ghimire, K., Author ; D.L. Mandal, Author Pagination: 256-259 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Effectiveness of chemical insecticides against mango stone weevil (Sternochetus mangiferae; Fabricus; Coleopter; Curculionidae) in the foot hills of eastern Nepal [printed text] / ASR Bajracharya, Author ; S. Piya, Author ; Ghimire, K., Author ; D.L. Mandal, Author . - [s.d.] . - 256-259 p.
in Proceedings of the 10th National Outreach Research Workshop 27-28 February, 2012 (15-16 Falgun, 2068) Held at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lumle, Kaski / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkUp-scaling of polyhouse tomato production technology in mid and high hills of eastern Nepal / T.R Chapagain ; S. Piya ; J. L. Mandal ; Chaudhary, B.P.