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Author B. Khatri |
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Effect of time of grafting and budding on trifoliate rootstocks for mandarin orange saplings production / Gautam, I.P.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Title : Effect of time of grafting and budding on trifoliate rootstocks for mandarin orange saplings production Material Type: printed text Authors: Gautam, I.P., Author ; Sah, D.N., Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 78-81 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Grafting and budding time, mandarin, trifoliate Abstract: An experiment was conducted in factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) at RARS, Lumle (1400 masl) during 199912000. Ten scions grafted/ budded in different months represented a treatment and replicated twice. The grafting and budding operations were carried out from 6 Oct 1999 to 14 Feb at I 5 days intervals. The results showed that there was a highly significant difference in plant height due to the time after grafting or budding. The maximum plant height (29.77 cm) and diameter (0.69 cm) was observed on 20 Nov, 12 months after grafting. However, maximum success percentage (87.5%) was observed on 31 Jan grafting and it was found at par with 16 Jan (85%), 14 Feb, (77.5 %}, 1 Jan (70 %) and 21 Oct (72.5%). Minimum (37.5%) was observed on 20 Nov grafting time. It clearly indicates that the grafting and budding can be successfully done from 1 Jan to 14 Feb.....
Link for e-copy: Effect of time of grafting and budding on trifoliate rootstocks for mandarin orange saplings production [printed text] / Gautam, I.P., Author ; Sah, D.N., Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 78-81 p.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Grafting and budding time, mandarin, trifoliate Abstract: An experiment was conducted in factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) at RARS, Lumle (1400 masl) during 199912000. Ten scions grafted/ budded in different months represented a treatment and replicated twice. The grafting and budding operations were carried out from 6 Oct 1999 to 14 Feb at I 5 days intervals. The results showed that there was a highly significant difference in plant height due to the time after grafting or budding. The maximum plant height (29.77 cm) and diameter (0.69 cm) was observed on 20 Nov, 12 months after grafting. However, maximum success percentage (87.5%) was observed on 31 Jan grafting and it was found at par with 16 Jan (85%), 14 Feb, (77.5 %}, 1 Jan (70 %) and 21 Oct (72.5%). Minimum (37.5%) was observed on 20 Nov grafting time. It clearly indicates that the grafting and budding can be successfully done from 1 Jan to 14 Feb.....
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment / K. P. Upadhyay ; Gautam, I.P. ; J.N. Chaudhary ; B. Khatri
Title : Evaluation of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment Material Type: printed text Authors: K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 352-358 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: cucumber, genotypes, income, off-season, plastic house Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Hemja ami Lumle during late winter-spring-summer season
in 2003 to identify suitable high yielding cucumber genotypes under plastic environment and
to assess economic viability of the effectiveness of plastic house technology over open field
for off-season cucumber production. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized complete
block design with seven genotypes replicated thrice. The plot size was maintained in 9 m2 (2
rows of 1.5 meter length). The results show a statistically significmzt difference in yield of the
genotypes at Lumle and a highly significant difference at Hemja. Among the tested genotypes,
Mohico Green Long (45.5 t/ha) was found superior to others at Lumle for its fruit yield that was
at par with Rishing Local (39.7 tlha) mul Kusu/e (30.0 tllza). At Hemja, Bhaktapur Local (60.97
tlha) was superior to others for its fmit yield and was at par with Paundur Local (58. I 3 tllw)
and Mohico Green Long (51 .0 tlha). Economic analysis revealed that there was 90.7%
increase in fruit yield and 22.96 % increase in net income from cucumber cultivated under
plastic house tlzan that in open field. This result indicated that the cucumber production
under plastic house is more beneficial than that in open field condition.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Cucumber Genotypes Under Plastic House Environment [printed text] / K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 352-358 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: cucumber, genotypes, income, off-season, plastic house Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Hemja ami Lumle during late winter-spring-summer season
in 2003 to identify suitable high yielding cucumber genotypes under plastic environment and
to assess economic viability of the effectiveness of plastic house technology over open field
for off-season cucumber production. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized complete
block design with seven genotypes replicated thrice. The plot size was maintained in 9 m2 (2
rows of 1.5 meter length). The results show a statistically significmzt difference in yield of the
genotypes at Lumle and a highly significant difference at Hemja. Among the tested genotypes,
Mohico Green Long (45.5 t/ha) was found superior to others at Lumle for its fruit yield that was
at par with Rishing Local (39.7 tlha) mul Kusu/e (30.0 tllza). At Hemja, Bhaktapur Local (60.97
tlha) was superior to others for its fmit yield and was at par with Paundur Local (58. I 3 tllw)
and Mohico Green Long (51 .0 tlha). Economic analysis revealed that there was 90.7%
increase in fruit yield and 22.96 % increase in net income from cucumber cultivated under
plastic house tlzan that in open field. This result indicated that the cucumber production
under plastic house is more beneficial than that in open field condition.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Potato Genotypes in the Western Hills of Nepal / Gautam, I.P. ; Paudel, K.B. ; K. P. Upadhyay ; J. N. Chaudahry ; B. Khatri
Title : Evaluation of Potato Genotypes in the Western Hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Gautam, I.P., Author ; Paudel, K.B., Author ; K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; J. N. Chaudahry, Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 146-153 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: mid-hills. potato, RVT, RFFT, river basin Abstract: Regional varietal trial (RVI') and Regional Farmers' Field Trial (RFFT) on potato were
conducted to find out the most suitable and high yielding varieties at the outreach research
(OR) site Hemja ( 1000 masl) and river-basins of westem hills during winter of 2001 and
2002. Seven genotypes were replicated three times in RVI' and si.t: times iiz RFFT.
Experiments were conducted in a RCB design with the plot size of 16.8m2 in RVI' and 21m2 in
RFFT. Spacing was maintained at 60cm x 25cnL Fertilizers were applied at the rate of 20 t/ha
FYM and /50:100:90 kg N: P20 5: K20/ha. Observations were recorded on yield and yield
contributing parameters. The pooled analysis of two-year RVI' data showed a significant
result on tuber yield per hectare. The maximum tuber yield (25.0 tlha) was recorded on
genotype 388764.26 LB and it was found at par. with NSI -17 (22.6 t/ha) and NSI-6 (22.5
t/ha). Where as the lowest yield ( 18.6 t/ha) was recorded in MS-42-3 and was found at a par
with NSI-3W (20.9), NS/-1 3 (21) and NS/-1 2 (20.2) t/ha, respectively. The weight and number
of under sized tubers and tubers/plam showed a significant and highly significallt effect.
Similarly, the pooled analysis of CFFT result showed a highly significant effect on tuber yield
due to genotypic effect. The highest yield (22.38 t/ha) was recorded on the NS/-17 and it was
found at a par with NS1-12, NSI-3W and NS/-6 where as the lowest yield (14.16 t/ha) was
recorded 011 local variety MS-42-3.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Potato Genotypes in the Western Hills of Nepal [printed text] / Gautam, I.P., Author ; Paudel, K.B., Author ; K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; J. N. Chaudahry, Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 146-153 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: mid-hills. potato, RVT, RFFT, river basin Abstract: Regional varietal trial (RVI') and Regional Farmers' Field Trial (RFFT) on potato were
conducted to find out the most suitable and high yielding varieties at the outreach research
(OR) site Hemja ( 1000 masl) and river-basins of westem hills during winter of 2001 and
2002. Seven genotypes were replicated three times in RVI' and si.t: times iiz RFFT.
Experiments were conducted in a RCB design with the plot size of 16.8m2 in RVI' and 21m2 in
RFFT. Spacing was maintained at 60cm x 25cnL Fertilizers were applied at the rate of 20 t/ha
FYM and /50:100:90 kg N: P20 5: K20/ha. Observations were recorded on yield and yield
contributing parameters. The pooled analysis of two-year RVI' data showed a significant
result on tuber yield per hectare. The maximum tuber yield (25.0 tlha) was recorded on
genotype 388764.26 LB and it was found at par. with NSI -17 (22.6 t/ha) and NSI-6 (22.5
t/ha). Where as the lowest yield ( 18.6 t/ha) was recorded in MS-42-3 and was found at a par
with NSI-3W (20.9), NS/-1 3 (21) and NS/-1 2 (20.2) t/ha, respectively. The weight and number
of under sized tubers and tubers/plam showed a significant and highly significallt effect.
Similarly, the pooled analysis of CFFT result showed a highly significant effect on tuber yield
due to genotypic effect. The highest yield (22.38 t/ha) was recorded on the NS/-17 and it was
found at a par with NS1-12, NSI-3W and NS/-6 where as the lowest yield (14.16 t/ha) was
recorded 011 local variety MS-42-3.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum L.) Genotypes in Farmer's Field for Rainy Season in the Western Hills of Nepal / Paudel, K.B. ; Gautam, P. ; Regmi, H.N. ; J.N. Chaudhary ; K. P. Upadhya ; P. Dauwadi ; ,Pokharel, D. ; B. Khatri
Title : Evaluation of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum L.) Genotypes in Farmer's Field for Rainy Season in the Western Hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudel, K.B., Author ; Gautam, P., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; K. P. Upadhya, Author ; P. Dauwadi, Author ; ,Pokharel, D., Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 422-426 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Diseases, genotypes, rainy season, tomato, yield Abstract: The rainy season tomato has been stressed by various biotic and abiotic constraints. Among
various biotic stresses bacterial wilt, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), late blight,
altemeria and septoria leaf spot are common where as the major abiotic constraints are high
temperature and high rainfall. Some tomato genot)pes were evaluated for resistallt to
bacterial wilt under glass house condition during 2001 rainy season at Lumle condition.
These different tomato genotypes along with other were evaluated in Gaunsahara (Lamjung),
Tenkilo (Gorkha), Hemja (Kaski) and Chambas (Tanahu) during 2058 and 2059 in plastic
house and open field condition for their yield potentials. The test was peiformed mainly
during rainy season. Some genotypes were found highly resistant to bacterial wilt in glass
house condition. The yield potential of N-162 was found 140 mt/ha followed by LTH -162
( 111. 11 mt/ha) under plastic house. Among the tested genotypes N-162 has produced the
highest fruit yield (83.3 mt/ha) and found to be resistant to bacterial wilt in farmers' field
condition at Kavre district. N-162 id ready to release for general cultivation.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum L.) Genotypes in Farmer's Field for Rainy Season in the Western Hills of Nepal [printed text] / Paudel, K.B., Author ; Gautam, P., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; K. P. Upadhya, Author ; P. Dauwadi, Author ; ,Pokharel, D., Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 422-426 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Diseases, genotypes, rainy season, tomato, yield Abstract: The rainy season tomato has been stressed by various biotic and abiotic constraints. Among
various biotic stresses bacterial wilt, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), late blight,
altemeria and septoria leaf spot are common where as the major abiotic constraints are high
temperature and high rainfall. Some tomato genot)pes were evaluated for resistallt to
bacterial wilt under glass house condition during 2001 rainy season at Lumle condition.
These different tomato genotypes along with other were evaluated in Gaunsahara (Lamjung),
Tenkilo (Gorkha), Hemja (Kaski) and Chambas (Tanahu) during 2058 and 2059 in plastic
house and open field condition for their yield potentials. The test was peiformed mainly
during rainy season. Some genotypes were found highly resistant to bacterial wilt in glass
house condition. The yield potential of N-162 was found 140 mt/ha followed by LTH -162
( 111. 11 mt/ha) under plastic house. Among the tested genotypes N-162 has produced the
highest fruit yield (83.3 mt/ha) and found to be resistant to bacterial wilt in farmers' field
condition at Kavre district. N-162 id ready to release for general cultivation.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of appropriate planting time for rainy season tomato production in the hills of Nepal / K. P. Upadhyay
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Title : Identification of appropriate planting time for rainy season tomato production in the hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; K. B. Poudel, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author Pagination: 98-104p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Hills, plantong time, rainy season, tomato Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at two agro-ecological research sites (AER sites) of the Regional Agriculture Regional Station, Lumle, namely Chambas in Tanahun (riverbasin) from 1999 to 2002) and Deurali in Palpu (mid-hill) from 2001 to 2002. The main objective of the experiment was to find out the appropriate planting time for rainy season tomato production in the hills…..
Link for e-copy: Identification of appropriate planting time for rainy season tomato production in the hills of Nepal [printed text] / K. P. Upadhyay, Author ; K. B. Poudel, Author ; Gautam, I.P., Author ; J.N. Chaudhary, Author ; B. Khatri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 98-104p.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Hills, plantong time, rainy season, tomato Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at two agro-ecological research sites (AER sites) of the Regional Agriculture Regional Station, Lumle, namely Chambas in Tanahun (riverbasin) from 1999 to 2002) and Deurali in Palpu (mid-hill) from 2001 to 2002. The main objective of the experiment was to find out the appropriate planting time for rainy season tomato production in the hills…..
Link for e-copy: E-copies