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Author Ranjit, J.D. |
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Effect of date of sowing and varieties on growth, weed infestation and yield on direc sow rice in rice-wheat cropping system in the mid-hills of Nepal / R.K Bhattarai
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. II / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Effect of date of sowing and varieties on growth, weed infestation and yield on direc sow rice in rice-wheat cropping system in the mid-hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: R.K Bhattarai, Editor ; Ranjit, J.D. ; D.D Gautam, Author Pagination: 282-287 p. Abstract: A Field experiments was conducted in 2010 and 2011 in experimental field of Agronomy
division, Khumaltar. In the experiments 4 dates of sowing with 15 days interval and 4
varieties were experimented as factor A and factor B in RCBD replicated 3 times in plot
size of3x 4 m2.The different dates of sowing as factor A were as; 01 May (1st date); 15th
May(2nd date); 30th May(3rd date) and 15tlt June (4th date) and for varieties as factor B were
; Khumal-4 (Var-1) ; Khumal-8 (Var-2) ; Khuma-13 (Var-3) and Khumal-10(Var-4)
respectively. And these two factors make 16 treatments. The seeds were sown in line with
spacing of20 x 10 em and recommended fertilizer dose ofN: P20 5: K20: 100: 40:30 kglha)
were applied. The experimental results revealed that data on fowth shows highest plant
height at early stage i.e. 30 DAS & 60 DAS was found in 15 June (4th date) sowing and
at maturity I 5th May(2nd date) and for variety Khumal-8 recorded maximum height. The
15th May (2nd date) sowing produces maximum numbers of tillers/m2 with 271.41(mean)
and minimum by 30th May (3rd date) sowing with 201.16(mean) and are significantly
different among the different dates of sowing. The 15th May (2nd date) sowing exhibited
highest grain yield in both the years with 2942.19 kg/ha (2067~ and 6892.29 kglha (2068)
and are significantly different from 30th May (3rd date) and 15t June (4th date) sowing and
at par with 01 May (1st date). Among the varieties Khumal-8 produces the highest grain
yield in both the years with mean yield of 4950.34 kglha and significantly different from
Khumal-13(2206.56kglha) and at par with Khumal -10 (4317.38 kglha) and Khumal-
4(4307.74 kglha).Link for e-copy: Effect of date of sowing and varieties on growth, weed infestation and yield on direc sow rice in rice-wheat cropping system in the mid-hills of Nepal [printed text] / R.K Bhattarai, Editor ; Ranjit, J.D. ; D.D Gautam, Author . - [s.d.] . - 282-287 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. II / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Abstract: A Field experiments was conducted in 2010 and 2011 in experimental field of Agronomy
division, Khumaltar. In the experiments 4 dates of sowing with 15 days interval and 4
varieties were experimented as factor A and factor B in RCBD replicated 3 times in plot
size of3x 4 m2.The different dates of sowing as factor A were as; 01 May (1st date); 15th
May(2nd date); 30th May(3rd date) and 15tlt June (4th date) and for varieties as factor B were
; Khumal-4 (Var-1) ; Khumal-8 (Var-2) ; Khuma-13 (Var-3) and Khumal-10(Var-4)
respectively. And these two factors make 16 treatments. The seeds were sown in line with
spacing of20 x 10 em and recommended fertilizer dose ofN: P20 5: K20: 100: 40:30 kglha)
were applied. The experimental results revealed that data on fowth shows highest plant
height at early stage i.e. 30 DAS & 60 DAS was found in 15 June (4th date) sowing and
at maturity I 5th May(2nd date) and for variety Khumal-8 recorded maximum height. The
15th May (2nd date) sowing produces maximum numbers of tillers/m2 with 271.41(mean)
and minimum by 30th May (3rd date) sowing with 201.16(mean) and are significantly
different among the different dates of sowing. The 15th May (2nd date) sowing exhibited
highest grain yield in both the years with 2942.19 kg/ha (2067~ and 6892.29 kglha (2068)
and are significantly different from 30th May (3rd date) and 15t June (4th date) sowing and
at par with 01 May (1st date). Among the varieties Khumal-8 produces the highest grain
yield in both the years with mean yield of 4950.34 kglha and significantly different from
Khumal-13(2206.56kglha) and at par with Khumal -10 (4317.38 kglha) and Khumal-
4(4307.74 kglha).Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceeding of 20th National Summer Crops Workshop, Parwanipur, Bara, April 22-24, 1997 (10-13 Baisakh 2054) : Rice research reports![]()
Title : Interaction of planting method and weed management in lowland rice Material Type: printed text Authors: Ranjit, J.D. ; R.B. Chaurasia, Author Pagination: 85 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Two separate experiment were conducted at Khumaltar (mid-hill) and Parwanipur (terai)
to find out the performance of planting methods and weed management on yield and weed
dynamics and its succeeding effect on wheat and wheat weeds in rice wheat cropping
pattern. Design of the trial was split-plot replicated thrice with plot size of 2m x 3m
(Khumal) and 3m x Sm (Parwanipur). Varieties used were Khumal-4 (Khumal) and Radha-
11 (Parwanipur. The main plots comprises of 3 planting methods such as direct seeding of
on dry soil, direct seeding of sprout seeds in wet soil and transplanting while the sub-plot
consists of 5 weed management practices such as weedy check, weed free hand weeding two
pre-emergence application of butachlor @ 2 Uha, and pre-emergence of butachlor @ 1 Vha
+ one hand weeding. In Parwanipur there was a visual diffe-rences on weed dynamics in
different planting methods. Caesulitt ttxillares, Jsclwemum, Ecltilwcllloa sp. were
more in number in direct seeding rice while Fimhris(vlis littorttlis, Cyperus iria were more
in transplanting.
Plant height was not significantly different in both the locations showing that the varieties
could be planted in direct deeding method saving time. Tillers per method square in weed
management practices have also shown a significant difference in both the locations. But in
planting methods this was not significantly different in Khumal condition. From the result
two locations it could be summarized that significantly less gra~sy weeds (Khumal) and
broad leaf (Parwanipur) were recorded in transplanting method. In Parwanipur weeds like
Cyperus iritt, Fimbrisrylis littoralis were more in transplanting method while lsclwemum
rugosum, Ecllillocll/oa sp. Caesulitt ttxillaris were less but these weeds were more in direct
seeding method. In Khumal significantly higher number of grassy weeds were recorded in
direct seeding than in transplanting method. Regarding the grain yield, no significant
difference was recorded due different planting methods. It showed that the tested varieties
can be directly seeded which save the labor cost seed bed raising and transplanting. The rice
yield can be increased with an integrated weed management practice.Link for e-copy: Interaction of planting method and weed management in lowland rice [printed text] / Ranjit, J.D. ; R.B. Chaurasia, Author . - [s.d.] . - 85 p.
in Proceeding of 20th National Summer Crops Workshop, Parwanipur, Bara, April 22-24, 1997 (10-13 Baisakh 2054) : Rice research reports![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Two separate experiment were conducted at Khumaltar (mid-hill) and Parwanipur (terai)
to find out the performance of planting methods and weed management on yield and weed
dynamics and its succeeding effect on wheat and wheat weeds in rice wheat cropping
pattern. Design of the trial was split-plot replicated thrice with plot size of 2m x 3m
(Khumal) and 3m x Sm (Parwanipur). Varieties used were Khumal-4 (Khumal) and Radha-
11 (Parwanipur. The main plots comprises of 3 planting methods such as direct seeding of
on dry soil, direct seeding of sprout seeds in wet soil and transplanting while the sub-plot
consists of 5 weed management practices such as weedy check, weed free hand weeding two
pre-emergence application of butachlor @ 2 Uha, and pre-emergence of butachlor @ 1 Vha
+ one hand weeding. In Parwanipur there was a visual diffe-rences on weed dynamics in
different planting methods. Caesulitt ttxillares, Jsclwemum, Ecltilwcllloa sp. were
more in number in direct seeding rice while Fimhris(vlis littorttlis, Cyperus iria were more
in transplanting.
Plant height was not significantly different in both the locations showing that the varieties
could be planted in direct deeding method saving time. Tillers per method square in weed
management practices have also shown a significant difference in both the locations. But in
planting methods this was not significantly different in Khumal condition. From the result
two locations it could be summarized that significantly less gra~sy weeds (Khumal) and
broad leaf (Parwanipur) were recorded in transplanting method. In Parwanipur weeds like
Cyperus iritt, Fimbrisrylis littoralis were more in transplanting method while lsclwemum
rugosum, Ecllillocll/oa sp. Caesulitt ttxillaris were less but these weeds were more in direct
seeding method. In Khumal significantly higher number of grassy weeds were recorded in
direct seeding than in transplanting method. Regarding the grain yield, no significant
difference was recorded due different planting methods. It showed that the tested varieties
can be directly seeded which save the labor cost seed bed raising and transplanting. The rice
yield can be increased with an integrated weed management practice.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Spergula Arvenis L. in wheat in Parbat District / Ranjit, J.D. ; D.D Gautam ; R.K Bhattarai
in Proceedings of the 9th National Outreach Research Workshop 7-8 June 2010 (24-25 Jestha 2067) held at Khumaltar, Laltipur / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Title : Management of Spergula Arvenis L. in wheat in Parbat District Material Type: printed text Authors: Ranjit, J.D., Author ; D.D Gautam, Author ; R.K Bhattarai, Author Pagination: 243-246 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Management of Spergula Arvenis L. in wheat in Parbat District [printed text] / Ranjit, J.D., Author ; D.D Gautam, Author ; R.K Bhattarai, Author . - [s.d.] . - 243-246 p.
in Proceedings of the 9th National Outreach Research Workshop 7-8 June 2010 (24-25 Jestha 2067) held at Khumaltar, Laltipur / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() phalaris minor in the rice-wheat cropping system ofdifferent agro-ecological regions of Nepal / Ranjit, J.D.
Title : Mapping phalaris minor in the rice-wheat cropping system ofdifferent agro-ecological regions of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Ranjit, J.D. ; Rajbhandari, N.K. ; ,Bellinder, Robin Publisher: Khumaltar : Agronomy Division, Weed Science Unit Publication Date: 1999 Pagination: 65 Keywords: Cropping systems; Surveys; Weed control; Agronomy Mapping phalaris minor in the rice-wheat cropping system ofdifferent agro-ecological regions of Nepal [printed text] / Ranjit, J.D. ; Rajbhandari, N.K. ; ,Bellinder, Robin . - Khumaltar : Agronomy Division, Weed Science Unit, 1999 . - 65.
Keywords: Cropping systems; Surveys; Weed control; Agronomy Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-3957 NR-3957, Document NARC Library Documents Available
in National Wintercrops Technology Workshop, September 7-10, 1995 (Bhadra 22-25, 2052): Proceedings of Wheat Research Reports, National Wheat Research Program, Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa / Rabindra Nath Devkota
Title : Performance of herbicides on weeds of wheat (1994/95), Khumatar Material Type: printed text Authors: Ranjit, J.D., Author Pagination: 475-478 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Wheat is the most important crop of Nepal. Identification of a suitable genotype to have a better impact of wheat to a particular recommendation is not only sufficient; however, other husbandry practices needs to be investigated according to the farmers' problems and needs. In this connection, two experiments; green fodder cutting in VL-616, in order to identify the proper stage of cutting and variety cum seed rate trial, in order to find out suitable seed rates for three wheat varieties having different seed sizes (large, medium and small) were carried out in 1993/94 and 1994/95 respectively………………….
Link for e-copy: Performance of herbicides on weeds of wheat (1994/95), Khumatar [printed text] / Ranjit, J.D., Author . - [s.d.] . - 475-478 p.
in National Wintercrops Technology Workshop, September 7-10, 1995 (Bhadra 22-25, 2052): Proceedings of Wheat Research Reports, National Wheat Research Program, Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa / Rabindra Nath Devkota
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Wheat is the most important crop of Nepal. Identification of a suitable genotype to have a better impact of wheat to a particular recommendation is not only sufficient; however, other husbandry practices needs to be investigated according to the farmers' problems and needs. In this connection, two experiments; green fodder cutting in VL-616, in order to identify the proper stage of cutting and variety cum seed rate trial, in order to find out suitable seed rates for three wheat varieties having different seed sizes (large, medium and small) were carried out in 1993/94 and 1994/95 respectively………………….
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.
PermalinkProceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. II / Giri, Y.P.
PermalinkPermalinkResponse of direct dry seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) to seeding dates and seed rates / Ranjit, J.D. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
PermalinkRice varieties under direct dry seeding: Prospect for resource conservation practices / Ranjit, J.D.
PermalinkStudy on the Effect of Tillage and Weed Management in Wheat / Ranjit, J.D. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.3 No.1 (1999)
PermalinkPermalinkWeeds: a quick biotic tool for indicating soil type / Ranjit, J.D. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.1, No. 1 (1997)