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Author Karki, T.B. |
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Community-Based Seed Production Programme (CBSP) of Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVS) of Maize in the Hills of Nepal / Tiwari, T.P. ; G. O Ferrara ; Sah, S.N. ; Prasad, R.C. ; Karki, T.B. ; Gurung, D.B.
Title : Community-Based Seed Production Programme (CBSP) of Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVS) of Maize in the Hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Tiwari, T.P., Author ; G. O Ferrara, Author ; Sah, S.N., Author ; Prasad, R.C., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author ; Gurung, D.B., Author Publisher: Kathmandu : Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: 2006 Pagination: 26 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Community-Based Seed Production Programme (CBSP) of Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVS) of Maize in the Hills of Nepal [printed text] / Tiwari, T.P., Author ; G. O Ferrara, Author ; Sah, S.N., Author ; Prasad, R.C., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author ; Gurung, D.B., Author . - Kathmandu : Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), 2006 . - 26 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Title : Community managed maize seed production program: an experience of ars, Lumle Material Type: printed text Authors: Joshi, K.R., Editor ; Tripathi, B.P., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author Pagination: 245-252 p. Keywords: Hybrid ; maize genotype yield inbred Abstract: ·The main ·objective of the program was to initiate participatory onfarm maize seed production in .
·order to. meet the local level seed demand and develop as an enterprise. ~· total of fifty ni7Je .
farmers were involved in seed multiplication program. The program was conducted· at four
· villages namely.Dudhekhola (river basin), ·Artbunge "(mid hill), Bhakiml (high hill) of Myagdi, .
·· district and Deitrali (mid hill) in Palpa district in the western hills of Nepal. Agricultural·
Research Sta(ion, Lumle assisted to establish the revolving fund in a group to make the program
·sustainable. Far~e~s from Dudhekhola of Myagdi produced]. 0 mt of Arun -I from 2. 0 hectares· ·
of land and Arthunge produced I. 85 mt seed of Manakamana - I fi·om 3. 0 hectares. All together ·
2. 85 mt of seed was sold to different agencies at the rate of Rs. I8. 0/kg and the remaining seeds ·
. were exchanged among the farmers during .summer season of 2000. Farmers from -Bhakimli
produced 2.3 mt ·maize seed of (Manakamana ~I) from 2.5 hectares of land and I.O mt of white
· hill pool seed was produced from I.5 hec(ares at Bhaidmli, Myagdi. Similarly, farm~rs from
Deaural, Palpd produped I.O mt of Population- 22 maize· seed from I.2 hectares, ZM 62I 0.05
· . · mt. from 0. 03 hectare and Yellow hill pool was 0. 05 mt from 0. 02 hectare. A total of 3. 4 mt. of
. . seed ll?~ . sold to different agenci~s at the rate of Rs. I8. 0/kg and the remaining. seeds w_ere
exchanged among_ the farmers to farmers as cash and as well as kind. The net return from a
· hectare oj land of Arun maize seed production was· Rs. 23885. 0/hectare at river ·basin of
' Dhudhekhola and Rs. "19I50.0/ hectare from Manakamana -I in mid hill of Arthunge and grass ·
product of maize seed output/inpur ratio. was 2.23 and 1".83 respectively at each location during
. 2000. Similarly, net return from a hectare of land ·of maize seed was Rs. 25I59.0 at mid hill, ·
Dew·ali and Rs. 2~920.0 hectare from high hili Bhakimli. The gross. product of maize seed of
output/input ration was 2.I6 at Deurali, Palpa and 2.0I .at Bhakimli, Myagdi districts in 200I,_
Community based maize seed production program was implemented succes$fully with the active
participation of researchers, extension, liNGO 011d farmers. Farmers were highly impressed with ·
the community managed seed production, which helped to increase production and productivity
·as well as generated income of the farmers .through the seed. enterprise. Such program should be. .
. . launched in other potential areas of the couniry to meet the seed demand of the farmers ·locally
and improve the economic stahis ofthe ·hillfarme~·s.Link for e-copy: Community managed maize seed production program: an experience of ars, Lumle [printed text] / Joshi, K.R., Editor ; Tripathi, B.P., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author . - [s.d.] . - 245-252 p.
in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Keywords: Hybrid ; maize genotype yield inbred Abstract: ·The main ·objective of the program was to initiate participatory onfarm maize seed production in .
·order to. meet the local level seed demand and develop as an enterprise. ~· total of fifty ni7Je .
farmers were involved in seed multiplication program. The program was conducted· at four
· villages namely.Dudhekhola (river basin), ·Artbunge "(mid hill), Bhakiml (high hill) of Myagdi, .
·· district and Deitrali (mid hill) in Palpa district in the western hills of Nepal. Agricultural·
Research Sta(ion, Lumle assisted to establish the revolving fund in a group to make the program
·sustainable. Far~e~s from Dudhekhola of Myagdi produced]. 0 mt of Arun -I from 2. 0 hectares· ·
of land and Arthunge produced I. 85 mt seed of Manakamana - I fi·om 3. 0 hectares. All together ·
2. 85 mt of seed was sold to different agencies at the rate of Rs. I8. 0/kg and the remaining seeds ·
. were exchanged among the farmers during .summer season of 2000. Farmers from -Bhakimli
produced 2.3 mt ·maize seed of (Manakamana ~I) from 2.5 hectares of land and I.O mt of white
· hill pool seed was produced from I.5 hec(ares at Bhaidmli, Myagdi. Similarly, farm~rs from
Deaural, Palpd produped I.O mt of Population- 22 maize· seed from I.2 hectares, ZM 62I 0.05
· . · mt. from 0. 03 hectare and Yellow hill pool was 0. 05 mt from 0. 02 hectare. A total of 3. 4 mt. of
. . seed ll?~ . sold to different agenci~s at the rate of Rs. I8. 0/kg and the remaining. seeds w_ere
exchanged among_ the farmers to farmers as cash and as well as kind. The net return from a
· hectare oj land of Arun maize seed production was· Rs. 23885. 0/hectare at river ·basin of
' Dhudhekhola and Rs. "19I50.0/ hectare from Manakamana -I in mid hill of Arthunge and grass ·
product of maize seed output/inpur ratio. was 2.23 and 1".83 respectively at each location during
. 2000. Similarly, net return from a hectare of land ·of maize seed was Rs. 25I59.0 at mid hill, ·
Dew·ali and Rs. 2~920.0 hectare from high hili Bhakimli. The gross. product of maize seed of
output/input ration was 2.I6 at Deurali, Palpa and 2.0I .at Bhakimli, Myagdi districts in 200I,_
Community based maize seed production program was implemented succes$fully with the active
participation of researchers, extension, liNGO 011d farmers. Farmers were highly impressed with ·
the community managed seed production, which helped to increase production and productivity
·as well as generated income of the farmers .through the seed. enterprise. Such program should be. .
. . launched in other potential areas of the couniry to meet the seed demand of the farmers ·locally
and improve the economic stahis ofthe ·hillfarme~·s.Link for e-copy: E-copies
Title : Crop husbandry practices on blackgram: a review Material Type: printed text Authors: Karki, T.B. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 2002 Pagination: 15 Keywords: Urd; Crop production; management; Plant diseases; Pests of plants; Weeding; Yields; Agronomy Crop husbandry practices on blackgram: a review [printed text] / Karki, T.B. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 2002 . - 15.
Keywords: Urd; Crop production; management; Plant diseases; Pests of plants; Weeding; Yields; Agronomy Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-3916 NR-3916, Document NARC Library Documents Available
in Rice research reports: Proceedings of 17th National Summer Crops Workshop held at Rampur, Chitawan, 26-31 January 1992 (12-17 Magh 2048)![]()
Title : Effect of different sources of green manure on the yield of rice Material Type: printed text Authors: Maskey, S.L., Author ; Bhattarai, S., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 161-167p. Link for e-copy: Effect of different sources of green manure on the yield of rice [printed text] / Maskey, S.L., Author ; Bhattarai, S., Author ; Karki, T.B., Author . - 1992 . - 161-167p.
in Rice research reports: Proceedings of 17th National Summer Crops Workshop held at Rampur, Chitawan, 26-31 January 1992 (12-17 Magh 2048)![]()
Link for e-copy: E-copies
Title : Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on maize (Zea mays L.) Material Type: printed text Authors: Karki, T.B. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Agricultural Research Institute Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: 60 General note: AN: NR-5419 Keywords: Maize; Cereals Class number: 633.15 Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on maize (Zea mays L.) [printed text] / Karki, T.B. ; , . - New Delhi : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 2004 . - 60.
AN: NR-5419
Keywords: Maize; Cereals Class number: 633.15 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC2005419 633.15, KAR Document NARC Library Documents Available PermalinkEffect of wheather parameter's on maize productivity and insec population dynamics in Chitwan / G.S Bhandari
PermalinkFarmers of western hills of Nepal select the suitable variety of maize / Amrit prasad Paudel ; A.P Paudel ; Ghimire, K.H. ; SB BK ; Koirala, K.B. ; Karki, T.B. ; Pathak, H.P. ; H. Poudel
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkOn-farm Agricultural Research: An Experience of Lumle / Karki, T.B. ; Pandey, Y.R. ; Koirala, K.B. ; S.B BK ; Ghimire, K.H.
PermalinkOn-farm trials to verify promising rice varieties for different agro-environments of western hills / Ghimire, K.H. ; Amrit Paudel ; A.P Paudel ; Koirala, K.B. ; SB BK ; Karki, T.B. ; Pathak, H.P. ; Paudel H P ; Mishra, R.C.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkParticipatory Technology Development on Maize in the Western Hills of Nepal / Karki, T.B. ; Pandey, Y.R. ; Koirala, K.B. ; S.B BK ; Ghimire, K.H.
PermalinkParticipatory variety slection of cold tolerant rice in the western hills of Nepal / Karki, T.B. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
PermalinkPerformance of vegetable types of soybean in the research command area of ARS, Lumle during 1999 / Shrestha, R.L.
PermalinkRaising blackgram productivity in the western hills through varietal and crop husbandry practice / Karki, T.B.
PermalinkRaising blackgram productivity in the western hills through varietal and crop husbandry practice / Karki, T.B.
PermalinkStatus and prospects of maize research in Nepal / KC, G. in Journal of Maize Research and Development, Vol.1, No. 1 (December 2015)
PermalinkStatus, challenges and opportunities of conservation agriculture(CA) in maize based systems of Nepal / Karki, T.B.
PermalinkStatus, challenges and opportunities of conservation agriculture(CA) in maize based systems of Nepal / Karki, T.B.
PermalinkStudy on the yield contributing factors of finger millet with an overview of finger millet research at LARC during the summer season of 1995 / Subedi, M.