Author details
Author Mishra, B |
Available item(s) by this author

Baidehi (I.C.G.V 90173) Badam Ko sangchipta Parichayye (A brief introduction of Baidehi(I.C.G.V 90173) almonds) / Chaudhary, B.P.
Title : Baidehi (I.C.G.V 90173) Badam Ko sangchipta Parichayye (A brief introduction of Baidehi(I.C.G.V 90173) almonds) Material Type: printed text Authors: Chaudhary, B.P., Author ; Mishra, B, Author Publisher: Nawalpur,Sarlahi : NARC,Rastriya Telwali Anusandhan Karyakarm Publication Date: 2061(2005) Pagination: 8. p General note: 3 copies Languages : Nepali (nep) Call Number : NR4735A/NR4736B/NR4737C Baidehi (I.C.G.V 90173) Badam Ko sangchipta Parichayye (A brief introduction of Baidehi(I.C.G.V 90173) almonds) [printed text] / Chaudhary, B.P., Author ; Mishra, B, Author . - [S.l.] : Nawalpur,Sarlahi : NARC,Rastriya Telwali Anusandhan Karyakarm, 2061(2005) . - 8. p.
3 copies
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Call Number : NR4735A/NR4736B/NR4737C Farmer Participatory Research on Rapeseed-mustard and chickpea (2002/2003-2003/2004) / Chaudhary, B.P. ; T. P. Ghimire ; Chaudhary, R.N. ; Mishra, B
in Agricultural Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Proceedings of Seventh National Outreach Research Workshop, held at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, June 24-25, 2004![]()
Title : Farmer Participatory Research on Rapeseed-mustard and chickpea (2002/2003-2003/2004) Material Type: printed text Authors: Chaudhary, B.P., Author ; T. P. Ghimire, Author ; Chaudhary, R.N., Author ; Mishra, B, Author Pagination: 116-122 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Farmer Participatory Research on Rapeseed-mustard and chickpea (2002/2003-2003/2004) [printed text] / Chaudhary, B.P., Author ; T. P. Ghimire, Author ; Chaudhary, R.N., Author ; Mishra, B, Author . - [s.d.] . - 116-122 p.
in Agricultural Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Proceedings of Seventh National Outreach Research Workshop, held at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, June 24-25, 2004![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of fertilizer application in preceding crops on the N and P response of mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern Coss] / Mishra, B
Title : Influence of fertilizer application in preceding crops on the N and P response of mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern Coss] Material Type: printed text Authors: Mishra, B ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Agricultural Research Institute Publication Date: 2003 Pagination: 90 p. General note: AN: NR-5366 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Mustard; Fertilizers; Oilcrops; results of soil analysis;yield and harvest index Class number: 633.853 Link for e-copy: Influence of fertilizer application in preceding crops on the N and P response of mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern Coss] [printed text] / Mishra, B ; , . - New Delhi : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 2003 . - 90 p.
AN: NR-5366
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Mustard; Fertilizers; Oilcrops; results of soil analysis;yield and harvest index Class number: 633.853 Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC2005366 633.853, MIS Document NARC Library Documents Available
in Proceedings of 22nd National Summer Crops Workshop (Grain Legumes and Oil Seeds) held at Lumle, Kaski 27-29 March 2000 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Title : Inter-cropping of sunflower with maize, groundnut and sesame Material Type: printed text Authors: Mishra, B, Author ; T.B Ghimire, Author Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: 144-149 p. Keywords: Grain legumes; Oil crops; Research; Legumes Abstract: Sunflower (Helianthus ann~us) is newly emerging oilseed crop in Nepal It is grown either
sole or intercrop with maize/ sugarcane/groundnut etc. A field experiment was conducted at
Oilseed Research Program, Nawalpur Sarlahl during 1998 andl999 son to determine the most
compatible and remunerative inter crop · combination of sunflower with other crops. The
experiment was conducted on sandy loam soiltmder irrigated condition in spring season and
rainfed condition in rainy season In general Ute· sunflower seed yield was higher in sole
cropping system in both seasons. Sole sunflower recorded mean seed yield of 1850 kg/ha .in
spring season and 162 kg/ha in rainy season. Among Ute different intercroppiug system,
swlflower + groundnut (1 :3) row proportion recorded highest mean net returns of
Rs.23219/ba wiU1 highest mean LER (1.36). In rainy season, sole maize recorded the highest
mean net returns of Rs.9929/ha. Sunflower+ sesame (1:3) row proportion recorded highest
mean LER (1.42) in rainy season.Link for e-copy: Inter-cropping of sunflower with maize, groundnut and sesame [printed text] / Mishra, B, Author ; T.B Ghimire, Author . - Lalitpur : NARC, 2000 . - 144-149 p.
in Proceedings of 22nd National Summer Crops Workshop (Grain Legumes and Oil Seeds) held at Lumle, Kaski 27-29 March 2000 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Keywords: Grain legumes; Oil crops; Research; Legumes Abstract: Sunflower (Helianthus ann~us) is newly emerging oilseed crop in Nepal It is grown either
sole or intercrop with maize/ sugarcane/groundnut etc. A field experiment was conducted at
Oilseed Research Program, Nawalpur Sarlahl during 1998 andl999 son to determine the most
compatible and remunerative inter crop · combination of sunflower with other crops. The
experiment was conducted on sandy loam soiltmder irrigated condition in spring season and
rainfed condition in rainy season In general Ute· sunflower seed yield was higher in sole
cropping system in both seasons. Sole sunflower recorded mean seed yield of 1850 kg/ha .in
spring season and 162 kg/ha in rainy season. Among Ute different intercroppiug system,
swlflower + groundnut (1 :3) row proportion recorded highest mean net returns of
Rs.23219/ba wiU1 highest mean LER (1.36). In rainy season, sole maize recorded the highest
mean net returns of Rs.9929/ha. Sunflower+ sesame (1:3) row proportion recorded highest
mean LER (1.42) in rainy season.Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedings of 22nd National Summer Crops Workshop (Grain Legumes and Oil Seeds) held at Lumle, Kaski 27-29 March 2000 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Title : Oilseed research and development strategy in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Mishra, B, Sponsor Publisher: Lalitpur : NARC Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: 108-111 p Keywords: Grain legumes; Oil crops; Research; Legumes Link for e-copy: Oilseed research and development strategy in Nepal [printed text] / Mishra, B, Sponsor . - Lalitpur : NARC, 2000 . - 108-111 p.
in Proceedings of 22nd National Summer Crops Workshop (Grain Legumes and Oil Seeds) held at Lumle, Kaski 27-29 March 2000 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Keywords: Grain legumes; Oil crops; Research; Legumes Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkSustainability of productivity in rice-mustard sequential cropping system through integrated nutrient management for Terai condition of Nepal / Mishra, B in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
PermalinkTechnology generation for sustainable rural livelihood: Proceedings of the 8th National Outreach Research Workshop, 19-20 June 2007, NARC, Kathmandu Nepal / Paudel, Mina Nath
PermalinkTechnology generation for sustainable rural livelihood: Supplementary Proceedings of the 8th National Outreach Research Workshop, 19-20 June 2007, NARC, Kathmandu Nepal / Paudel, Mina Nath
PermalinkTori,sarso rae rayo utpadhan prawedhi(2060/061) (Rapeseed,Yellow sarso,mustard seed production technology(2003/04) / Mishra, B