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Author Gupta, S.R. |
Available item(s) by this author

Characterization of variability in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) for yield and nutritional quality / Gupta, S.R.
Title : Characterization of variability in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) for yield and nutritional quality Material Type: printed text Authors: Gupta, S.R. ; , Publisher: Udaipur : Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology Publication Date: 2003 Pagination: 73 General note: AN: NR-5316 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Millets; Yields; Plant breeding; Cereals Class number: 633.171 Link for e-copy: Characterization of variability in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) for yield and nutritional quality [printed text] / Gupta, S.R. ; , . - Udaipur : Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, 2003 . - 73.
AN: NR-5316
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Millets; Yields; Plant breeding; Cereals Class number: 633.171 Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC2005316 633.171, GUP Document NARC Library Documents Available Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal / Subedi, A ; Bajracharya, J. ; Regmi, H.N. ; H. B. K. C ; Gupta, S.R. ; B.K. Joshi
Title : Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author Pagination: 66-70 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal [printed text] / Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author . - [s.d.] . - 66-70 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) Germplasms on the basis of Agro-morphological Traits / Gupta, S.R.
in Proceedings of the 28th National Winter Crops Workshops held at Lumle, 9-10 March 2011 / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Evaluation of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) Germplasms on the basis of Agro-morphological Traits Material Type: printed text Authors: Gupta, S.R., Author ; KC, H.B., Author Pagination: 37-46 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agro-morphological Trait, Genetic Resources, Principal Component Analysis Abstract: Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) is a leading food legume and exportable commodity in Nepal whose seed yield is low and unpredictable as it is grown under limited soil moisture conditions during the winter months. However, there may be a potential to increase its yields by utilizing germplasm that is adapted to rainfed conditions and residual soil moisture from the preceding crop. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (NAGRC) has collected and conserved 489 accessions of lentil germplasm in the NAGRC gene bank at Khumaltar. Among them, a total of 209 accessions of lentil germplasm were evaluated on the basis of agro-morphological traits at Khumaltar during 2008/09 and 2009/10. Tenqualitative and six quantitative traits were recorded to evaluate the variability on the basis of agro-morphological traits. Principal component analysis accounted 92.0% of the total variance among the accessions. Variability range for number of flower per peduncle was 2-3, for plant height 14.6-31.2cm and for maturity 117-130 days. The evaluated germplasm shows high variability in agro-morphological traits, which are very important in crop improvement programme. Evaluation and utilization of such valuable genetic resources would provide crucial information for its improvement in future.
Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) Germplasms on the basis of Agro-morphological Traits [printed text] / Gupta, S.R., Author ; KC, H.B., Author . - [s.d.] . - 37-46 p.
in Proceedings of the 28th National Winter Crops Workshops held at Lumle, 9-10 March 2011 / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agro-morphological Trait, Genetic Resources, Principal Component Analysis Abstract: Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) is a leading food legume and exportable commodity in Nepal whose seed yield is low and unpredictable as it is grown under limited soil moisture conditions during the winter months. However, there may be a potential to increase its yields by utilizing germplasm that is adapted to rainfed conditions and residual soil moisture from the preceding crop. National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (NAGRC) has collected and conserved 489 accessions of lentil germplasm in the NAGRC gene bank at Khumaltar. Among them, a total of 209 accessions of lentil germplasm were evaluated on the basis of agro-morphological traits at Khumaltar during 2008/09 and 2009/10. Tenqualitative and six quantitative traits were recorded to evaluate the variability on the basis of agro-morphological traits. Principal component analysis accounted 92.0% of the total variance among the accessions. Variability range for number of flower per peduncle was 2-3, for plant height 14.6-31.2cm and for maturity 117-130 days. The evaluated germplasm shows high variability in agro-morphological traits, which are very important in crop improvement programme. Evaluation and utilization of such valuable genetic resources would provide crucial information for its improvement in future.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
Title : NEPALESE GERMPLASM CATALOGUE - 2000 Material Type: printed text Authors: Gupta, S.R., Author ; Upadhyay, M.P., Author Publisher: Khumaltar: Plant Genetic Resources Section,Agriculture Botany Division,NARC Pagination: 311 .p Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: NEPALESE GERMPLASM CATALOGUE - 2000 [printed text] / Gupta, S.R., Author ; Upadhyay, M.P., Author . - [S.l.] : Khumaltar: Plant Genetic Resources Section,Agriculture Botany Division,NARC, [s.d.] . - 311 .p.
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR006308 GUP Document NARC Library Documents Available
Title : Results of experiments on fruit crops at PAC Material Type: printed text Authors: Gupta, S.R. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta : PAC Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: 16 Keywords: Fruit crops; Horticulture Results of experiments on fruit crops at PAC [printed text] / Gupta, S.R. ; , . - Dhankuta : PAC, 1989 . - 16.
Keywords: Fruit crops; Horticulture Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-3083 NR-3083, Document NARC Library Documents Available