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Author Rasali, D.P. |
Available item(s) by this author

Adoption of improved large ruminant breeds in Lumle agricultural research centre's extension command area: a logistic regression analysis. / Gurung, H.B.
in Promotion of animal production through research and development: Proceedings of the 2nd National Animal Science Convention, Lalitpur, August 7-10, 1995 / Pariyar, D.![]()
Title : Adoption of improved large ruminant breeds in Lumle agricultural research centre's extension command area: a logistic regression analysis. Material Type: printed text Authors: Gurung, H.B., Author ; Rasali, D.P., Author ; Vaidya, A.K., Author ; Rana R.B., Author Publisher: Lalitpur : Nepal Animal Science Association Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 66-72 p. Keywords: Animal products; Research; Fisheries; Pastures; Livestock Abstract: The study is a synthesis of findings of results of three different studies viz. large ruminant crossbreedingprogramme assessment study (1993), research impact study (1994), and census survey of Lumle AgriculturalResearch Centre's Extension Command Area {I991). The study has primarily attempted to identify the factorsaffecting adoption of improved cattle and buffaloes using a logistic regression analysis (stepwise forwardmethod). Six variables viz household food balance, breeding bull distribution programme. number of largeruminants (LS unit), interaction between number of large ruminants and livestock system, feed source and sexof household head significantly affected adoption of improved breed of buffalo. Similarly, in cattle adoptionof improved breed was affected by agro-ecological zone, food balance, feed source, livestock feed balance,breeding bull distribution programme, and interaction between number of large ruminants and feed balance.Of these variables, correlation of the adoption of improved breed varied with the category of feed source. However, food balance, number of large ruminants, and interaction between number of large ruminants and feed balance was positively correlated. whilst the rest of the variables were negatively correlated with improved breed adoption. Striking results qf the study are that wealthier class of farmers, and farmhouseholds with Kudo/mixed feed source have adopted improved breed of both species. Negative correlationof breeding bull distribution programme with adoption of improved animals by farm households residing inprogramme villages is indicative of diffusion q( the technology to villages without breeding bull distributionprogramme, attributing to the success of the programme.
Link for e-copy: Adoption of improved large ruminant breeds in Lumle agricultural research centre's extension command area: a logistic regression analysis. [printed text] / Gurung, H.B., Author ; Rasali, D.P., Author ; Vaidya, A.K., Author ; Rana R.B., Author . - Lalitpur : Nepal Animal Science Association, 1995 . - 66-72 p.
in Promotion of animal production through research and development: Proceedings of the 2nd National Animal Science Convention, Lalitpur, August 7-10, 1995 / Pariyar, D.![]()
Keywords: Animal products; Research; Fisheries; Pastures; Livestock Abstract: The study is a synthesis of findings of results of three different studies viz. large ruminant crossbreedingprogramme assessment study (1993), research impact study (1994), and census survey of Lumle AgriculturalResearch Centre's Extension Command Area {I991). The study has primarily attempted to identify the factorsaffecting adoption of improved cattle and buffaloes using a logistic regression analysis (stepwise forwardmethod). Six variables viz household food balance, breeding bull distribution programme. number of largeruminants (LS unit), interaction between number of large ruminants and livestock system, feed source and sexof household head significantly affected adoption of improved breed of buffalo. Similarly, in cattle adoptionof improved breed was affected by agro-ecological zone, food balance, feed source, livestock feed balance,breeding bull distribution programme, and interaction between number of large ruminants and feed balance.Of these variables, correlation of the adoption of improved breed varied with the category of feed source. However, food balance, number of large ruminants, and interaction between number of large ruminants and feed balance was positively correlated. whilst the rest of the variables were negatively correlated with improved breed adoption. Striking results qf the study are that wealthier class of farmers, and farmhouseholds with Kudo/mixed feed source have adopted improved breed of both species. Negative correlationof breeding bull distribution programme with adoption of improved animals by farm households residing inprogramme villages is indicative of diffusion q( the technology to villages without breeding bull distributionprogramme, attributing to the success of the programme.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P.
Title : Assessment of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Rasali, D.P. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1998 Pagination: 16 Keywords: Cattle; Cows; Domestic buffaloes; Diseases; Infertility; Surveys; Livestock Assessment of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal [printed text] / Rasali, D.P. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1998 . - 16.
Keywords: Cattle; Cows; Domestic buffaloes; Diseases; Infertility; Surveys; Livestock Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-2581 NR-2581, Document NARC Library Documents Available assessment of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P.
Title : assessment of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Rasali, D.P. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1998 Pagination: 16 Keywords: Cows; Domesticated buffaloes; Infertility; Livestock assessment of the infertility situation in cows and buffaloes in the western hills of Nepal [printed text] / Rasali, D.P. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1998 . - 16.
Keywords: Cows; Domesticated buffaloes; Infertility; Livestock Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-2831 NR-2831, Document NARC Library Documents Available Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills / Rasali, D.P.
Title : Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills Material Type: printed text Authors: Rasali, D.P. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 10 Keywords: Sheep; Crossbreeding; Livestock Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills [printed text] / Rasali, D.P. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1995 . - 10.
Keywords: Sheep; Crossbreeding; Livestock Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-2479 NR-2479, Document NARC Library Documents Available Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills / Rasali, D.P.
Title : Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills Material Type: printed text Authors: Rasali, D.P. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 11 Keywords: Sheep; Crossbreeding; Experiment; Livestock Comparative performance of baruwal and 25 percent border leicester x 75 percent baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills [printed text] / Rasali, D.P. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1995 . - 11.
Keywords: Sheep; Crossbreeding; Experiment; Livestock Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-2826 NR-2826, Document NARC Library Documents Available Comparative performance of baruwaland 25%, border leicester x 75% baruwal yearling lambs under a transhumance system in the high hills. / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkComparative performance of improved pigs under improved and traditional management systems in a village at western mid-hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkComparative study on the performance of the border leicester x baruwal crosses and baruwal sheep in the migratory management system of western hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkComparative study on the performance of the border leicester x baruwal crosses and baruwal sheep in the migratory management system of western hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkA Comparative Study on the Productive Performance of the Indigenous Hill Buffaloes Raised Under Farmers Management in the Western Hills of Nepal / Amatya, N. ; Rasali, D.P. ; Rana, R.S. ; R. Jalan
PermalinkContagious bovine pleuropheumonia (CBPP): a disease of potential significance for Nepal / Shrestha, H.K.
PermalinkEffects of altitude, management system and parity on the production performance of monsoon calving indigenous hill buffaloes under farmers' management in the western hill / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkEvaluation of phenotypic and production characteristics of indigenous buffalo types in the western hills of Nepal / Amatya, N.
PermalinkFactors Affecting the Lactation Curves in the Hill Buffaloes and Their Murrah Crossbreds Raised under Farmers' Management in the Western Hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.2, No.1 (1998)
PermalinkFodder Biomass Production from Badahar (Artocarpus lakoocha) and Response of its Feeding on Lactating Buffalo / Agrawal, K.C. ; Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkGenetic phenotypic and economic parameters for construction of swine selection indices: cases of Nepal and the Philippines / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkLivestock herds and their breeding management systems in the western hills of Nepal: an analysis through samuhik bhraman / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkMilk recording of monsoon calving cows and buffaloes across exotic bolld levels under farmers' management conditions in the LARC's extension command area (1993-94) / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkPerformance recording of lactating local and crossbred cows and buffaloes of various exotic breed blood levels under farmer's management in the western hills (1995/1997) / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkPotential for Utilization of Indigenous Genetic Resources in the Improvement of Buffalo in the Hills of Nepal / Rasali, D.P. ; Joshi, B.R.
PermalinkPermalinkProceedings of the Seminar on Footrot Eradication Programme in Sheep and Goats in Nepal, Kathmandu, 2nd December 1993 / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkProduction performance of local hill cows and their crossbreds of various jersey blood level bands under farmers' management conditions in Lumle extension command area of three western hill districts / Rasali, D.P.
PermalinkProduction Performance of Local Hill Cows & Their Crossbreds of Various Jersey Blood Level Bands Under Farmers Management Condition in Three Western Hill Districts / Rasali, D.P. ; Gurung, D.B. ; E.R. Yadav
PermalinkProductive performance of indigenous strains of goats under lumle farm management: khari goats and khari x sinhal crossbreds / Rasali, D.P.