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Author Mahto, B.N. |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : कृषि प्रविधि संग्रह - १ (Krishi Prabidhi Sangraha-1) Material Type: printed text Authors: Yagya Giri, Editor ; Keshav Prasad Shrestha, Editor ; Paudel, Mina Nath, Editor ; Shrestha, S.P., Editor ; Mahto, B.N., Editor ; Manoj Kumar Thakur, Author Publisher: Kathmandu : Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Publication Date: 2012 Pagination: 65 p ISBN (or other code): 978-9937-2-4822-8 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agriculture Class number: 631.587 Link for e-copy: कृषि प्रविधि संग्रह - १ (Krishi Prabidhi Sangraha-1) [printed text] / Yagya Giri, Editor ; Keshav Prasad Shrestha, Editor ; Paudel, Mina Nath, Editor ; Shrestha, S.P., Editor ; Mahto, B.N., Editor ; Manoj Kumar Thakur, Author . - Kathmandu : Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), 2012 . - 65 p.
ISBN : 978-9937-2-4822-8
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agriculture Class number: 631.587 Link for e-copy: Copies (2)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC1008883 631.587 GIR-K 2069 Document NARC Library Documents Available NARC1008884 631.587 GIR-K 2069 Document NARC Library Documents Available E-copies
![]() of variability in Drechslera sorokiniana causing spot blotch of wheat / Mahto, B.N.
Title : Characterisation of variability in Drechslera sorokiniana causing spot blotch of wheat Material Type: printed text Authors: Mahto, B.N. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : IARI Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: 148 p General note: AN: NR-5044 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Wheats; Drechslera; Plant diseases; Cereals Class number: 633.1192 Link for e-copy: Characterisation of variability in Drechslera sorokiniana causing spot blotch of wheat [printed text] / Mahto, B.N. ; , . - New Delhi : IARI, 2000 . - 148 p.
AN: NR-5044
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Wheats; Drechslera; Plant diseases; Cereals Class number: 633.1192 Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC2005044 633.1192, MAH Document NARC Library Documents Available
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Title : Disease status and generic Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of potato Material Type: printed text Authors: Mahto, B.N., Author Pagination: 118-131 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Generic Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of potato was done to develop database as demanded by Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement. There are 135 pathogens (pests) reported on potato (Solanum tuberosum) globally. Out of 135 global diseases fungi, bacteria and viruses were 73, 22 and 40 respectively. Altogether 45 pathogens (diseases) have been recorded in Nepal list including potato and other than potato crops present in Nepal. Out of 45 pathogens, fungi were 24, bacteria were 7 and viruses were 14………………..
Link for e-copy: Disease status and generic Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of potato [printed text] / Mahto, B.N., Author . - [s.d.] . - 118-131 p.
in Agricultural research for poverty alleviation and livelihood enhancement. Proceedings of the 3rd SAS-N Convention 27-29 August 2008, Lalitpur / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Generic Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of potato was done to develop database as demanded by Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement. There are 135 pathogens (pests) reported on potato (Solanum tuberosum) globally. Out of 135 global diseases fungi, bacteria and viruses were 73, 22 and 40 respectively. Altogether 45 pathogens (diseases) have been recorded in Nepal list including potato and other than potato crops present in Nepal. Out of 45 pathogens, fungi were 24, bacteria were 7 and viruses were 14………………..
Link for e-copy: E-copies
in National Wintercrops Technology Workshop, September 7-10, 1995 (Bhadra 22-25, 2052): Proceedings of Wheat Research Reports, National Wheat Research Program, Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa / Rabindra Nath Devkota
Title : Effect of integrated practices on foliar blight management in wheat Material Type: printed text Authors: Mahto, B.N., Author ; B.P Sah, Author Pagination: 309-313 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Foliar blight (HLB) was found significantly less, by applying two irrigation as compared two one irrigation. High seed rate @ of 150 kg/ha against 120 kg/ha had not measurable effect of HLB (AUDPC)Area Under Disease Progress Curve at flag leaf and whole plant. Foliar blight development and irrigation were observed negatively correlated either on whole plant and flage leaf Thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain yield (kg/ha) were also found to be highly negatively correlated with A UDPC on flag leaf as well as on whole plant.
Link for e-copy: Effect of integrated practices on foliar blight management in wheat [printed text] / Mahto, B.N., Author ; B.P Sah, Author . - [s.d.] . - 309-313 p.
in National Wintercrops Technology Workshop, September 7-10, 1995 (Bhadra 22-25, 2052): Proceedings of Wheat Research Reports, National Wheat Research Program, Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa / Rabindra Nath Devkota
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Foliar blight (HLB) was found significantly less, by applying two irrigation as compared two one irrigation. High seed rate @ of 150 kg/ha against 120 kg/ha had not measurable effect of HLB (AUDPC)Area Under Disease Progress Curve at flag leaf and whole plant. Foliar blight development and irrigation were observed negatively correlated either on whole plant and flage leaf Thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain yield (kg/ha) were also found to be highly negatively correlated with A UDPC on flag leaf as well as on whole plant.
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Botanicals ·for the Management of Blister Blight (Exobasidium Vexans) in Tea / P.K. Yadav ; Mahto, B.N. ; D.L. Mandal
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Title : Evaluation of Botanicals ·for the Management of Blister Blight (Exobasidium Vexans) in Tea Material Type: printed text Authors: P.K. Yadav, Author ; Mahto, B.N., Author ; D.L. Mandal, Author Pagination: 203-207 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Banmara, Blister blight, Botanicals, Neem, Sisnu,Titepati Abstract: Blister blight caused by Exobasidium vexans Massee is a major disease of tea in Nepal
which inflicted severe crop losses. An experiment was conducted in RCBD with four
replications during 2061/62, 2062/63 and 2063/54 to test effectiveness of locally
available botanicals in crude form for the management of blister blight under natural
epiphytotic condition at Guranse Tea Estates, Dhankuta and Chiya Bistar Yojana, &
11/am. The treatments were Multi-Neem (4 mVIit of water), Titepati 20% solution (2 kg
fresh green leaf in 21iter of water), Sisnu 20% solution (2 kg fresh green leaf in 21iter of
water), Banmara 20% solution (2 kg green leaf in 21it water) and 5% mixture of Neem,
Titepati, Sisnu, and Banmara solution in 2 liter of water and water spray as control.
Mixture of Neem, Titepati, Sisnu, and Banmara was found effective for the
management of blister blight of tea. Hence, this mixture treatment was found superior
than other individual treatments and also increased green leaves tea yield. Most of the
tea planters have been using chemical pesticide.s at higher dose to manage this
disease. This practice leads misuse and overuse of chemical pesticides on tea which
creates various problems on human health, water and environmental pollution. Tea as
a value added exportable commodity and possibility of toxic residues in the processed
tea is a major concern to the consumers. Therefore, this investigation could be helpful
to reduce misuse and overuse of chemical pesticides, safe for human health and
reduce water and environmental degradation.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of Botanicals ·for the Management of Blister Blight (Exobasidium Vexans) in Tea [printed text] / P.K. Yadav, Author ; Mahto, B.N., Author ; D.L. Mandal, Author . - [s.d.] . - 203-207 p.
in Proceedings of the fifth National Seminar on Horticulture June 9-10, 2008 / Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) (Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal)![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Banmara, Blister blight, Botanicals, Neem, Sisnu,Titepati Abstract: Blister blight caused by Exobasidium vexans Massee is a major disease of tea in Nepal
which inflicted severe crop losses. An experiment was conducted in RCBD with four
replications during 2061/62, 2062/63 and 2063/54 to test effectiveness of locally
available botanicals in crude form for the management of blister blight under natural
epiphytotic condition at Guranse Tea Estates, Dhankuta and Chiya Bistar Yojana, &
11/am. The treatments were Multi-Neem (4 mVIit of water), Titepati 20% solution (2 kg
fresh green leaf in 21iter of water), Sisnu 20% solution (2 kg fresh green leaf in 21iter of
water), Banmara 20% solution (2 kg green leaf in 21it water) and 5% mixture of Neem,
Titepati, Sisnu, and Banmara solution in 2 liter of water and water spray as control.
Mixture of Neem, Titepati, Sisnu, and Banmara was found effective for the
management of blister blight of tea. Hence, this mixture treatment was found superior
than other individual treatments and also increased green leaves tea yield. Most of the
tea planters have been using chemical pesticide.s at higher dose to manage this
disease. This practice leads misuse and overuse of chemical pesticides on tea which
creates various problems on human health, water and environmental pollution. Tea as
a value added exportable commodity and possibility of toxic residues in the processed
tea is a major concern to the consumers. Therefore, this investigation could be helpful
to reduce misuse and overuse of chemical pesticides, safe for human health and
reduce water and environmental degradation.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of rust resistance of selected wheat lines and mapping of pathotype flora of leaf rust in Nepal / Mahto, B.N.
PermalinkPermalinkProceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.
PermalinkProceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. II / Giri, Y.P.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkWheat grain yield losses in farmers' fields due to folliarblight infection at or site bankatti 1994/95 / Mahto, B.N.