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Author Bajracharya, J. |
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Title : बीउ भण्डारणमा अपनाउनुपर्ने विधिहरु Material Type: printed text Authors: Bajracharya, J., Author Publisher: Khumaltar : NARC, Rastriya Krishi Anusandhan Pratistan, Beeu Begyan Prawedhi Mahashakha Publication Date: 2012(2069) Pagination: 3 .p General note: 5 copies Languages : Nepali (nep) Call Number : NR5110A/NR5111B/NR5112C/NR5113D/NR5114E Link for e-copy: बीउ भण्डारणमा अपनाउनुपर्ने विधिहरु [printed text] / Bajracharya, J., Author . - [S.l.] : Khumaltar : NARC, Rastriya Krishi Anusandhan Pratistan, Beeu Begyan Prawedhi Mahashakha, 2012(2069) . - 3 .p.
5 copies
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Call Number : NR5110A/NR5111B/NR5112C/NR5113D/NR5114E Link for e-copy: Agro-morphological characterization of promising rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes for hills of Nepal / R.K Basnet
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Title : Agro-morphological characterization of promising rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes for hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: R.K Basnet, Editor ; Bajracharya, J., Editor ; Upreti, H.K., Author Publisher: Hardinath, Janakpur : National Rice Research Programme Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 93-101 p. Keywords: Rice ; quantitative and qualitative traits genetic purity promising genotypes agro-morphological characterization Abstract: A study on agro-morphological characterization was carried out to identify the key traits distinguishing the promising genotypes
developed by Agriculture Botany Division and to maintain the quality of seed with high genetic purity in laboratory and field in
2005 and 2006 rice season in Khumaltar. Four promising rice genotypes for mid- and high-hill conditions were agromorphologically
characterized along with two local varieties: Patle and Gudgud, and two standard checks of modern varieties:
Khumal-4 and Khumal-11. Altogether 14 different quantitative and 20 qualitative characters were observed at respective growth
stages of the rice plant following the ISTA Rules (2003) and standard rice descriptors (IRRI, 1980). A significant variability was
found for most quantitative traits (1.0 to 58.9% of CV) with two common .traits: two-clefted ligule and droopy panicle axis across the
genotypes under study. Variability was also observed in flag leaf angle with horizontal type in NR10492-7-22, Patle, erect in
NR10491-57-2-l, Khumal-11 and NR10515-69-1, and intermediate in rest of the genotypes; culm angle with intermediate and/or
erect type in most the genotypes and open in Patle. Likewise, strong to intermediate culm strength was found in six genotypes and
weak in Khumal-4 and Patle. Intermediate type of panicle was found in only two locallandraces with high sterility in Gudgud and
partial sterility in Patlc:: Thus, these promising genotypes were different from each other and can be easily identified based on these
qualitative and quantitative traits.Link for e-copy: Agro-morphological characterization of promising rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes for hills of Nepal [printed text] / R.K Basnet, Editor ; Bajracharya, J., Editor ; Upreti, H.K., Author . - Hardinath, Janakpur : National Rice Research Programme, 2010 . - 93-101 p.
in Summer crops research in Nepal: Proceedings of the 25th Summer Crops Workshop held at Kathmandu 21-23 June 2007 / Adhikari, N.P.![]()
Keywords: Rice ; quantitative and qualitative traits genetic purity promising genotypes agro-morphological characterization Abstract: A study on agro-morphological characterization was carried out to identify the key traits distinguishing the promising genotypes
developed by Agriculture Botany Division and to maintain the quality of seed with high genetic purity in laboratory and field in
2005 and 2006 rice season in Khumaltar. Four promising rice genotypes for mid- and high-hill conditions were agromorphologically
characterized along with two local varieties: Patle and Gudgud, and two standard checks of modern varieties:
Khumal-4 and Khumal-11. Altogether 14 different quantitative and 20 qualitative characters were observed at respective growth
stages of the rice plant following the ISTA Rules (2003) and standard rice descriptors (IRRI, 1980). A significant variability was
found for most quantitative traits (1.0 to 58.9% of CV) with two common .traits: two-clefted ligule and droopy panicle axis across the
genotypes under study. Variability was also observed in flag leaf angle with horizontal type in NR10492-7-22, Patle, erect in
NR10491-57-2-l, Khumal-11 and NR10515-69-1, and intermediate in rest of the genotypes; culm angle with intermediate and/or
erect type in most the genotypes and open in Patle. Likewise, strong to intermediate culm strength was found in six genotypes and
weak in Khumal-4 and Patle. Intermediate type of panicle was found in only two locallandraces with high sterility in Gudgud and
partial sterility in Patlc:: Thus, these promising genotypes were different from each other and can be easily identified based on these
qualitative and quantitative traits.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal / Subedi, A ; Bajracharya, J. ; Regmi, H.N. ; H. B. K. C ; Gupta, S.R. ; B.K. Joshi
Title : Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author Pagination: 66-70 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: Ecogeographic and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mango in Nepal [printed text] / Subedi, A, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Regmi, H.N., Author ; H. B. K. C, Author ; Gupta, S.R., Author ; B.K. Joshi, Author . - [s.d.] . - 66-70 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: ccogcographic survey, genetic diversity, landraccs, diversity index Abstract: Mango is one of the important tropical fruits of Nepal ami occurs as a domesticated or ll'ild
entity in the complex of biotic community of the ecosystem. Wide ecological variation and
diverse needs of multi-ethnic comm1mities has enriched the country with genetic 1vealth of
diverse mango varieties and land races. The tropical plain, river gorge areas and sub-tropical
valleys are the regions that are rich in mango diversity. As a result, the global project on
"Strengthening scientific basis of in-situ consen•ation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm,
Nepal componellt" identified mango as a mandatol)' crop and under the project,
ecogeographic sun•ey and genetic di1•ersity was carried to measure the extent of diversity.
Siraha, Saptari, Dhading, Kavre, Parbat. Baglw1g and Dadeldlwra, the districts representing
the Terai and mid-hill ecosystems ll'ere surreyed for mango diversity. Fruit samples of 216
mango trees collected in ecogeographic sun•ey were evaluated for nineteen nwrplwlogical
characters of fruit to understand the genetic relationships. A mnge of \'(/riation e.risted in
varietalfrmit of mango with dijferellf shapes, co/ow; sizes,j7al'fmr (aroma) and taste u·ith 25-
47 coefficiellts of variation and 0.59-0.87 Shannon Weaver index. Principal compm1e11t
analysis of qualitative traits and quallfitative traits of fruits sholl'ed the existence of a
collfinuum diversity of mango in Ne1}(ll with no ecogeograpflic differentiation and qualiwtive
traits were of importance in determining tile groupings and relationships rif mcmgo \'Orieties
under study. The ecogeographic survey findings and genetic di1•ersity results were discussed
relative to the efficient utilization and c:onsen•ation.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() diversity study in landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by agro-morphological characters and microsatellite DNA markers / Bajracharya, J.
Title : Genetic diversity study in landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by agro-morphological characters and microsatellite DNA markers Material Type: printed text Authors: Bajracharya, J. ; , Publisher: Bangor : University of Wales Publication Date: 2003 Pagination: 272 p. General note: AN: NR-5313 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Rice; Plant anatomy; Genetics; Cereals Class number: D.633.18 Link for e-copy: Genetic diversity study in landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by agro-morphological characters and microsatellite DNA markers [printed text] / Bajracharya, J. ; , . - Bangor : University of Wales, 2003 . - 272 p.
AN: NR-5313
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Rice; Plant anatomy; Genetics; Cereals Class number: D.633.18 Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NARC2005313 633.18, BAJ Document NARC Library Documents Due for return by 08/05/2013 How seed system works to avail the quality seed of rice in Nepal / S Sapkota ; Bajracharya, J. ; Gauchan, D. ; Pandey, S.
in Proceedings of the 9th National Outreach Research Workshop 7-8 June 2010 (24-25 Jestha 2067) held at Khumaltar, Laltipur / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Title : How seed system works to avail the quality seed of rice in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: S Sapkota, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Gauchan, D., Author ; Pandey, S., Author Pagination: 201-208 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: How seed system works to avail the quality seed of rice in Nepal [printed text] / S Sapkota, Author ; Bajracharya, J., Author ; Gauchan, D., Author ; Pandey, S., Author . - [s.d.] . - 201-208 p.
in Proceedings of the 9th National Outreach Research Workshop 7-8 June 2010 (24-25 Jestha 2067) held at Khumaltar, Laltipur / Paudel, Mina Nath![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() PermalinkA study on characteristics of promising rice cultivators / Bajracharya, J. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.1, No. 1 (1997)