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Author KC, R.B. |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : प्लास्टिक घर भित्र गोलभेंडा खेती र गोलभेंडाको वर्णशंकर वीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि‚ २०६७ Material Type: printed text Authors: KC, R.B., Author ; Depa Sing Shrestha, Author ; Chakra Prasad Lalchan, Author Publisher: Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) Publication Date: 2067 Pagination: 20p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Tomato;Tomato production Link for e-copy: प्लास्टिक घर भित्र गोलभेंडा खेती र गोलभेंडाको वर्णशंकर वीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि‚ २०६७ [printed text] / KC, R.B., Author ; Depa Sing Shrestha, Author ; Chakra Prasad Lalchan, Author . - Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture), 2067 . - 20p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Tomato;Tomato production Link for e-copy:
Title : प्लास्टिक घर भित्र गोलभेंडा खेती र गोलभेंडाको वर्णशंकर वीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि‚ २०६८ Material Type: printed text Authors: KC, R.B., Author ; Shrestha, Deepa Singh, Author ; Thapa, Krishna Bahadur, Author ; Adhikari, S., Author ; Chakra Prasad Lalchan, Author Publisher: Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) Publication Date: 2068 Pagination: 30p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Tomato;Tomato production Link for e-copy: प्लास्टिक घर भित्र गोलभेंडा खेती र गोलभेंडाको वर्णशंकर वीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि‚ २०६८ [printed text] / KC, R.B., Author ; Shrestha, Deepa Singh, Author ; Thapa, Krishna Bahadur, Author ; Adhikari, S., Author ; Chakra Prasad Lalchan, Author . - Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture), 2068 . - 30p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Tomato;Tomato production Link for e-copy:
Title : बागवानीका उन्नत प्रविधिहरु‚ २०७१ Material Type: printed text Authors: KC, R.B., Author Publisher: Pokhara, Malepatan : NARC, Krishi Anusandhan Kendra Publication Date: 2071 Pagination: 30p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Vegetable farming,Onion farming;Coffee Link for e-copy: बागवानीका उन्नत प्रविधिहरु‚ २०७१ [printed text] / KC, R.B., Author . - [S.l.] : Pokhara, Malepatan : NARC, Krishi Anusandhan Kendra, 2071 . - 30p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Vegetable farming,Onion farming;Coffee Link for e-copy:
Title : कफी खेती प्रविधि‚ २०७० Material Type: printed text Authors: KC, R.B., Author ; Y Bhusal, Author ; Durga Datta Paudel, Author Publisher: Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) and National Tea and Coffee Development Board Publication Date: 2070 Pagination: 20p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Coffee farming;Coffee plantation Link for e-copy: कफी खेती प्रविधि‚ २०७० [printed text] / KC, R.B., Author ; Y Bhusal, Author ; Durga Datta Paudel, Author . - Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) and National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2070 . - 20p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Coffee farming;Coffee plantation Link for e-copy:
Title : कफी खेतीमा अनुसन्धानका प्रयासहरु‚ २०६७ Material Type: printed text Authors: Thapa, Krishna Bahadur, Author ; KC, R.B., Author ; Durga Datta Paudel, Author Publisher: Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) and National Tea and Coffee Development Board Publication Date: 2067 Pagination: 22p. Languages : Nepali (nep) Keywords: Coffee farming;Study coffee Link for e-copy: कफी खेतीमा अनुसन्धानका प्रयासहरु‚ २०६७ [printed text] / Thapa, Krishna Bahadur, Author ; KC, R.B., Author ; Durga Datta Paudel, Author . - Pokhara : ARS (Horticulture) and National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2067 . - 22p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Keywords: Coffee farming;Study coffee Link for e-copy: PermalinkCharacterization and evaluation of indigeneous garlic (Alium sativum L.) germplasms of Nepal / KC, R.B.
PermalinkPermalinkEffect of Organic Manure and Chemical Fertilizer Application on Fresh Cherry Production of Coffee / Thapa, K.B. ; Y. R. Bhusal ; KC, R.B. ; Durga D. Paudel
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkGolbheda ko barnasankar beeu utpadhan prawedhi (Hybrid tomato seed production technology) / KC, R.B.
PermalinkPermalinkParticipatory Black Scurf Disease Management on Potato in Nepal / Sharma, B.P. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2007)
PermalinkPermalinkReport on horticultural activities at Regional Agriculture Research Station, Khajura, Nepalgunj / KC, R.B.
PermalinkResponse of different manure and fertilizer combinations on nutrient status of soil and fresh pod yield of cowpea under acidic soil conditions / Thapa, K.B.
PermalinkPermalinkSummary report of outreach research findings and recommendation of RARS Nepalgunj command area / Paudel, C.L.
PermalinkVerification of resistant rootstocks against root-knot nematodes and grafting technology on tomato / KC, R.B.