Author details
Author Paudel, M.N. |
Available item(s) by this author

An overview of different seed production initiatives in Nepal / Paudel, M.N. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.3 (2013)
Title : An overview of different seed production initiatives in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudel, M.N., Author ; s. Pokhrel, Author ; N. Gadal, Author ; G-Ortiz Ferrara, Author ; P Joshi, Author ; R. Humagain, Author Publication Date: 2013 Article on page: 1-10p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: single funnel seed system, initiatives, SWOT analysis, DISSPRO, CBSP Link for e-copy:
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.3 (2013) . - 1-10p.[article] An overview of different seed production initiatives in Nepal [printed text] / Paudel, M.N., Author ; s. Pokhrel, Author ; N. Gadal, Author ; G-Ortiz Ferrara, Author ; P Joshi, Author ; R. Humagain, Author . - 2013 . - 1-10p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.3 (2013) . - 1-10p.
Keywords: single funnel seed system, initiatives, SWOT analysis, DISSPRO, CBSP Link for e-copy: Economic cropping patterns for upland and lowland under ARS Rampur Command Districts / B. Chaudhary ; Chaudhary, I.B. ; D.Sharma ; Paudel, M.N. ; M.L. Sah
Title : Economic cropping patterns for upland and lowland under ARS Rampur Command Districts Material Type: printed text Authors: B. Chaudhary, Author ; Chaudhary, I.B., Author ; D.Sharma, Author ; Paudel, M.N., Author ; M.L. Sah, Author Pagination: 241-245 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Economic cropping patterns for upland and lowland under ARS Rampur Command Districts [printed text] / B. Chaudhary, Author ; Chaudhary, I.B., Author ; D.Sharma, Author ; Paudel, M.N., Author ; M.L. Sah, Author . - [s.d.] . - 241-245 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: E-copies
Title : ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF GREEN LEAF MANURE, A FEASffiLE ALTERNATIVE FOR NITROGEN SUBSTITUTION TO IRRIGATED RICE Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudel, M.N., Author ; S. H. UPASENA, Author Publication Date: 1998 Article on page: 14-19 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Dominance analysis, Green leaf manure, Nitrogen substitution, Partial budgeting Link for e-copy:
in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal > Vol.2, No.1 (1998) . - 14-19 p.[article] ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF GREEN LEAF MANURE, A FEASffiLE ALTERNATIVE FOR NITROGEN SUBSTITUTION TO IRRIGATED RICE [printed text] / Paudel, M.N., Author ; S. H. UPASENA, Author . - 1998 . - 14-19 p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal > Vol.2, No.1 (1998) . - 14-19 p.
Keywords: Dominance analysis, Green leaf manure, Nitrogen substitution, Partial budgeting Link for e-copy: Effect of climate change on food production and its implication in Nepal / Paudel, M.N. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
Title : Effect of climate change on food production and its implication in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudel, M.N., Author Publication Date: 2010 Article on page: 40-49p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Climate change, Food security, sovereignty, crisis Link for e-copy:
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.1 (2010) . - 40-49p.[article] Effect of climate change on food production and its implication in Nepal [printed text] / Paudel, M.N., Author . - 2010 . - 40-49p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.1 (2010) . - 40-49p.
Keywords: Climate change, Food security, sovereignty, crisis Link for e-copy: Emergence of improved varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by different soil types and planting depths in Chitwan, Nepal / Paudel, M.N. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
Title : Emergence of improved varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by different soil types and planting depths in Chitwan, Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudel, M.N., Author Publication Date: 2010 Article on page: 23-27p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Emergence, Soil types, Planting depths, Improved varieties Link for e-copy:
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.1 (2010) . - 23-27p.[article] Emergence of improved varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by different soil types and planting depths in Chitwan, Nepal [printed text] / Paudel, M.N., Author . - 2010 . - 23-27p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Agronomy Journal of Nepal > Vol.1 (2010) . - 23-27p.
Keywords: Emergence, Soil types, Planting depths, Improved varieties Link for e-copy: Ethics of Agronomists: An Issue for Professionals for Agriculture Research and Development / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkInclusion of grain legumes in rice based systems in the mid-hills of central Nepal / Khadka, R. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkMaize variety evaluation in the eastern high hills of ars pakhribas command area during 2000-2001 / Barakoti, T.P.
PermalinkMeasuring Returns from Improved Rice, Maize and Wheat Research in Nepal / Thakur, Naresh Singh in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2007)
PermalinkMixed variety cultivation as productivity-enhancing and cost-reducing strategies for maize (Zea mays L.) / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkNutrient management for Suphan Buri 90 rice variety in acid sulphate soil with green leaf manure / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkOn-farm comparison of improved maize variety Manakamana-3 with Local Thulo Seto for grain yield and agronomic attributes at Dukuchhap, Lalitpur, Nepal / Paudel, M.N. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.1 (2010)
PermalinkOn-farm evaluation of grain legumes and their scaling up in river valley(Sindhuli and Ramechhap) of Nepal / Khadka, R. ; Paudel, M.N. ; Barakoti, T.P. ; ,Ghimire, R.C. ; Amatya, S.M.
PermalinkOutreach Research: A liaison between research and extension / Paudel, M.N. in Agronomy Journal of Nepal, Vol.3 (2013)
PermalinkPermalinkProceedings of the National Outreach Research Working Group Workshop, Outreach Research Division, (NARC), Khumatar. 11 May 2011 / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkProceedings of the 7th National Agricultural Technical Working Group (NATWG) Workshop, NARC, Khumaltar, July 9, 2010 (Ashad 25, 2010) / Barakoti, T.P.
PermalinkProceedings of the 8th National Agricultural Technical Working Group (NATWG) Workshop, NARC, Khumaltar, 11 July 2011 / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkProceedings of the 9th National Agricultural Technical Working Group (NATWG) Workshop, NARC Khumaltar, 15 July 2012 / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkProceedings of the Sixth National Agricultural Technical Working Group (NATWG) Workshop, NARC, Kathmandu, 15 September 2008 / Paudel, M.N.
PermalinkA proposal for restructuring of Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) in the new federal system of the country / Gauchan, D. ; Paudel, M.N.