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Author Vaidya, M.L. |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : फापर खेती Material Type: printed text Authors: Vaidya, M.L., Author ; DR Sharma., Author Publisher: हरिहरभवन कृषि संज्चार महाशाखा Publication Date: 2055/56 Pagination: 9 .p Languages : Nepali (nep) Link for e-copy: फापर खेती [printed text] / Vaidya, M.L., Author ; DR Sharma., Author . - [S.l.] : हरिहरभवन कृषि संज्चार महाशाखा, 2055/56 . - 9 .p.
Languages : Nepali (nep)
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in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Title : Agro-morphological characterization of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Jumla Material Type: printed text Authors: Neupane R.K., Author ; Shrestha, R., Author ; Vaidya, M.L., Author ; E.M. Bhattarai, Author Pagination: 174-177 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agro-morphology, diversity, germplasm, Phaseolus beans Abstract: Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important grain legume grown in the hills of mid-western Nepal and other areas with similar agro-climatic conditions. In Jumla and adjoining areas, farmers usually grow beans during summer season in bari-land as a rain fed crop. The predominant cropping patterns are bean-wheat, bean-barley, bean + maize - wheat and bean-other vegetables. A total of 114 accessions of local and exotic bean germplasm collected from various locations were studied for agro morphological characteristics at Agriculture Research Station Jumla (2300 masl) for two consecutive years 2000-2001……..
Link for e-copy: Agro-morphological characterization of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Jumla [printed text] / Neupane R.K., Author ; Shrestha, R., Author ; Vaidya, M.L., Author ; E.M. Bhattarai, Author . - [s.d.] . - 174-177 p.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agro-morphology, diversity, germplasm, Phaseolus beans Abstract: Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important grain legume grown in the hills of mid-western Nepal and other areas with similar agro-climatic conditions. In Jumla and adjoining areas, farmers usually grow beans during summer season in bari-land as a rain fed crop. The predominant cropping patterns are bean-wheat, bean-barley, bean + maize - wheat and bean-other vegetables. A total of 114 accessions of local and exotic bean germplasm collected from various locations were studied for agro morphological characteristics at Agriculture Research Station Jumla (2300 masl) for two consecutive years 2000-2001……..
Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() and testing of wheat genotypes suitable for high altitude region of Nepal, 2002 / Vaidya, M.L.
Title : Exploration and testing of wheat genotypes suitable for high altitude region of Nepal, 2002 Material Type: printed text Authors: Vaidya, M.L., Author Publication Date: 2002 Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Exploration and testing of wheat genotypes suitable for high altitude region of Nepal, 2002 [printed text] / Vaidya, M.L., Author . - 2002.
Languages : English (eng)
Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR006009 VAI Document NARC Library Documents Available
in Proceedings of the fourth Farming Systems Working Group Meeting, June 13-15, 1989, Kathmandu / Farming Systems Research and Dev. Div![]()
Title : Farming systems research activities at Naldung Kavre district Nepal 1988/89 Material Type: printed text Authors: Upraity V.N ; Vaidya, M.L., Author ; Daly A.T Publisher: Khumaltar : FSRDD Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: 31-51 p. Keywords: Farming Systems; Agriculture Link for e-copy: Farming systems research activities at Naldung Kavre district Nepal 1988/89 [printed text] / Upraity V.N ; Vaidya, M.L., Author ; Daly A.T . - Khumaltar : FSRDD, 1989 . - 31-51 p.
in Proceedings of the fourth Farming Systems Working Group Meeting, June 13-15, 1989, Kathmandu / Farming Systems Research and Dev. Div![]()
Keywords: Farming Systems; Agriculture Link for e-copy: E-copies
Title : Feasibility study of bitter buckwheat on in situ conservation in mountains of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Vaidya, M.L. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : DFID Publication Date: 22002 Pagination: 31 Keywords: Buckwheat; Fagopyrum; Germplasm; Indigenous knowledge; Pseudocereals Feasibility study of bitter buckwheat on in situ conservation in mountains of Nepal [printed text] / Vaidya, M.L. ; , . - Kathmandu : DFID, 22002 . - 31.
Keywords: Buckwheat; Fagopyrum; Germplasm; Indigenous knowledge; Pseudocereals Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-2915 NR-2915, Document NARC Library Documents Available PermalinkFinal technical report; On-farm conservation of bitter buckwheat in the mountain of Nepal: a reasibility study / Vaidya, M.L.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkStudies on nodule microflora and chemical seed protectants with Rhizobium leguminosarum incitant of common bean root nodules / Vaidya, M.L.