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Author Joshi, K.D. |
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पूर्व उत्पादन परिक्षण बिधि वाली प्रणाली कार्यक्रम (Purba utpadan parikshan bidhi bali pranali karyakram) / Singh, B.K.
Title : पूर्व उत्पादन परिक्षण बिधि वाली प्रणाली कार्यक्रम (Purba utpadan parikshan bidhi bali pranali karyakram) Material Type: printed text Authors: Singh, B.K., Author ; Gurung, Babu Ram, Author ; Joshi, K.D., Author Publisher: Lalitpur : Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 2035 BS Pagination: 91 p. General note: Prepared for Agricultural Extension workers' training Languages : Nepali (nep) Link for e-copy: पूर्व उत्पादन परिक्षण बिधि वाली प्रणाली कार्यक्रम (Purba utpadan parikshan bidhi bali pranali karyakram) [printed text] / Singh, B.K., Author ; Gurung, Babu Ram, Author ; Joshi, K.D., Author . - Lalitpur : Department of Agriculture, 2035 BS . - 91 p.
Prepared for Agricultural Extension workers' training
Languages : Nepali (nep)
Link for e-copy: Addressing diversity through farmers participatory variety testing and dissemination approach: a case study of chaite rice in the western hills of Nepal / Joshi, K.D.
Title : Addressing diversity through farmers participatory variety testing and dissemination approach: a case study of chaite rice in the western hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Joshi, K.D. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 20 General note: , seminar paper 95/6 Keywords: Variety trials; Farming systems; Plant breeding Link for e-copy: Addressing diversity through farmers participatory variety testing and dissemination approach: a case study of chaite rice in the western hills of Nepal [printed text] / Joshi, K.D. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1995 . - 20.
, seminar paper 95/6
Keywords: Variety trials; Farming systems; Plant breeding Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-416 NR-416, Document NARC Library Documents Available Assessment of chiling injury in rice through chlorophyll fluorescence analysis and standard evaluation techniques for cold torerance rice breeding in Nepal / Joshi, K.D.
Title : Assessment of chiling injury in rice through chlorophyll fluorescence analysis and standard evaluation techniques for cold torerance rice breeding in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Joshi, K.D. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: 11 General note: , seminar paper 94/4 Keywords: Rice; Plant breeding Assessment of chiling injury in rice through chlorophyll fluorescence analysis and standard evaluation techniques for cold torerance rice breeding in Nepal [printed text] / Joshi, K.D. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1994 . - 11.
, seminar paper 94/4
Keywords: Rice; Plant breeding Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-1167 NR-1167, Document NARC Library Documents Available
Title : Bacterial sheath brown rot of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Sharma, S. ; Sthapit, B.R., Author ; Pradhanang, P.M. ; Joshi, K.D., Author Edition statement: 96/5 Publisher: Pokhara : Lumle Regional Agricultural Research Centre (LARC) Publication Date: 1996 Series: LARC Seminar Paper Pagination: 10 p. Keywords: Rice; Pseudomonas fuscovaginae; Altitude; Plant diseases Link for e-copy: Bacterial sheath brown rot of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in Nepal [printed text] / Sharma, S. ; Sthapit, B.R., Author ; Pradhanang, P.M. ; Joshi, K.D., Author . - 96/5 . - Pokhara : Lumle Regional Agricultural Research Centre (LARC), 1996 . - 10 p.. - (LARC Seminar Paper) .
Keywords: Rice; Pseudomonas fuscovaginae; Altitude; Plant diseases Link for e-copy: Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-1792 NR-1792, Document NARC Library Documents Available
Title : Barley variety improvement research 1992/93 Material Type: printed text Authors: Joshi, K.D. ; , Publisher: Pokhara : LARC Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: 29 Keywords: Barley; Research; Plant breeding Barley variety improvement research 1992/93 [printed text] / Joshi, K.D. ; , . - Pokhara : LARC, 1994 . - 29.
Keywords: Barley; Research; Plant breeding Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status NR-1870 NR-1870, Document NARC Library Documents Available PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkDevelopment of biotechnological research capabilities for crop imporvement and food security / Joshi, K.D.
PermalinkEffectiveness of participatory variety testing and dissemination programme: a case study of chaite rice in the western hills of Nepal / Joshi, K.D.
PermalinkEnhancing yield potential of rainfed rice using participatory plant breeding and participatory varietal selection during 2004/05 / Yadaw, R.B.
PermalinkEvaluation of indigenous and exotic rice genotypes for different rice-ecosystems of western hills of Nepal 1993/1994 / Joshi, K.D.
PermalinkEvaluation of Wheat (Trlticum aestivum L.) genotypes for rainfed ecosystems of Western Hills of Nepal / Joshi, K.D.
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkParticipatory plant breeding in rice: Experience of National Rice Research Program, Hardinath / B. Chaudhary
PermalinkPermalinkRed Listing of Agricultural Crop Species, Varieties and Landraces / Joshi, Bal K. in Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 5 (2004)