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Author R Yadav |
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in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Title : Evaluation of maize germplasm in terai, inner terai of Nepal, 2000/2002 Material Type: printed text Authors: Divakar Sharma, Editor ; Upadhyay, S.R., Author ; Adhikari, K., Author ; Rijal, T.R., Author ; Mahato, R.K., Author ; B.B Rokya, Author ; B.P Yadav, Author ; R Yadav, Author ; Chaudhary, R.N., Author ; L.N Raya, Author ; J.B Chhetri, Author Pagination: 91-104 p. Abstract: A series of e~periments for varietal irTVesfigation/imptovetnent were conducted in AzFha Lattice
. Design 2000 and 2001 summer and w.inter both ·seasons. Duri"tlg 2000 summer seaso~ the
result at Ram pur was poor because of the maize .borer and stalk rot problem. From the result of IfT
at Rainpur during 2000 summer the genotype [P501-SRCo-F1} produced the highest (2.58 tlha)
·grain yieid and all other genotypes produc;ed l~ss than 2 t/ha grain yield However, tested genotypes
were statistically non significant. At ARS, Surkhet the genotype DRACOSYN F1/l)RBC produced the
highest grain yield (2.86 tlha) iollowed by"{P50]-SRCO-F11..] (2.82 t/ha) and farmer's local (2.41
tlha) respectively. purfng winter at Rampur differenr set. of IYT then the summer season· was tested.
Among the tested genotype ACROSS S9528 produced .the -highest grain yield (9. 59 tlha) followed by
KANPUR S952.8 (9.17 tlha) and CRAVINHOS S9531 (8.15 tlha) respectively. · Genotypes were
significantly ·different. ·During. 2001 summer, the combined result of Rampur and. Surkhet showed
that ACROss· S9530 produced .significantly highest grai"1fyield (4.6 tlha) followed by ACROSS
S9531-(4.5 'tlha) and r.[PAHARX POOL-21 (4.4 t/ha) respe~tively. Du1:ing 200112.002 winter season,
BIOSEED:..9681 pFoduced the highest grain yield (8.16 t!ha) followed by AC:ROSS 9227 (8.05 tlha)
a1Jd SUWAN-3 .(7.91 · t/ha) respectively across locations. During 2000 summer ·season the tested
genotypes in CVT prodtfced less then 2 t/ha grain yield . However:, a~ ARS, Surkhet Farmers' local
proditced the .highest grain yield (3.30 tfha) followed by A"CROSS 9331 (3.16 tlha). In winter at
Rampur from the same· set, RAMPUR COMPOSITE produced the highest grain yield (7.20 t/ha)
followed by UPAHAR (7.05 tlhaj and ACRQSS. 9331 (6."93 tlha) respectively . . At Parwariipur
Farmers' local produced the highest grain. yield (5.29 . t/ha) followed by AGROSS 9545 (4.2 tlha)
·during winter. season. Durmg 2001 summer season, the. combined results of Rampur and Surkhet
s_howed that BIOSEED 9681 produced the _highest grain yield (4.4 tlha) followe(i by UPAHAR (3.8
. Jlha) and S97TLY-GH "~YB"(3) produced 3. 7 tlha respectively. During 2001/200i winter season,
UPAHAR produced the highest grain yield (7.0 t/ha) followed by TAKFA-S9536 (6.78 t/ha) and
: NARAYAN! (6.58 t/ha) respectively. The result of Parwanipur during winter seaso~ showed that
. Farmers' local check producec! the hignest grain yield (5.3 t/ha) followed by ACROS$ 9545 (4.2
: t/ha) and RAMPUR. COMPOSitE (3. 7 tlha) respectively. The result of CFFT during 2001 summer,
. wJiiqh was-planted at 3 OR site of NMRP Rampur (6 farmers were selected as replications) and OR"
. · · ~ite of ARS Surkhet (5 farmers were seleCted as replication). Combined analysis revealed that
· · UPAHAR pro4.uced th'e highest grain yield (3.5 t/ha) followed by RAMPUR COMPOSITE (3.4 tlha)' .
, · .and ACRQSS-9331 RE (3.2 t/ha) respectively.Link for e-copy: Evaluation of maize germplasm in terai, inner terai of Nepal, 2000/2002 [printed text] / Divakar Sharma, Editor ; Upadhyay, S.R., Author ; Adhikari, K., Author ; Rijal, T.R., Author ; Mahato, R.K., Author ; B.B Rokya, Author ; B.P Yadav, Author ; R Yadav, Author ; Chaudhary, R.N., Author ; L.N Raya, Author ; J.B Chhetri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 91-104 p.
in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Abstract: A series of e~periments for varietal irTVesfigation/imptovetnent were conducted in AzFha Lattice
. Design 2000 and 2001 summer and w.inter both ·seasons. Duri"tlg 2000 summer seaso~ the
result at Ram pur was poor because of the maize .borer and stalk rot problem. From the result of IfT
at Rainpur during 2000 summer the genotype [P501-SRCo-F1} produced the highest (2.58 tlha)
·grain yieid and all other genotypes produc;ed l~ss than 2 t/ha grain yield However, tested genotypes
were statistically non significant. At ARS, Surkhet the genotype DRACOSYN F1/l)RBC produced the
highest grain yield (2.86 tlha) iollowed by"{P50]-SRCO-F11..] (2.82 t/ha) and farmer's local (2.41
tlha) respectively. purfng winter at Rampur differenr set. of IYT then the summer season· was tested.
Among the tested genotype ACROSS S9528 produced .the -highest grain yield (9. 59 tlha) followed by
KANPUR S952.8 (9.17 tlha) and CRAVINHOS S9531 (8.15 tlha) respectively. · Genotypes were
significantly ·different. ·During. 2001 summer, the combined result of Rampur and. Surkhet showed
that ACROss· S9530 produced .significantly highest grai"1fyield (4.6 tlha) followed by ACROSS
S9531-(4.5 'tlha) and r.[PAHARX POOL-21 (4.4 t/ha) respe~tively. Du1:ing 200112.002 winter season,
BIOSEED:..9681 pFoduced the highest grain yield (8.16 t!ha) followed by AC:ROSS 9227 (8.05 tlha)
a1Jd SUWAN-3 .(7.91 · t/ha) respectively across locations. During 2000 summer ·season the tested
genotypes in CVT prodtfced less then 2 t/ha grain yield . However:, a~ ARS, Surkhet Farmers' local
proditced the .highest grain yield (3.30 tfha) followed by A"CROSS 9331 (3.16 tlha). In winter at
Rampur from the same· set, RAMPUR COMPOSITE produced the highest grain yield (7.20 t/ha)
followed by UPAHAR (7.05 tlhaj and ACRQSS. 9331 (6."93 tlha) respectively . . At Parwariipur
Farmers' local produced the highest grain. yield (5.29 . t/ha) followed by AGROSS 9545 (4.2 tlha)
·during winter. season. Durmg 2001 summer season, the. combined results of Rampur and Surkhet
s_howed that BIOSEED 9681 produced the _highest grain yield (4.4 tlha) followe(i by UPAHAR (3.8
. Jlha) and S97TLY-GH "~YB"(3) produced 3. 7 tlha respectively. During 2001/200i winter season,
UPAHAR produced the highest grain yield (7.0 t/ha) followed by TAKFA-S9536 (6.78 t/ha) and
: NARAYAN! (6.58 t/ha) respectively. The result of Parwanipur during winter seaso~ showed that
. Farmers' local check producec! the hignest grain yield (5.3 t/ha) followed by ACROS$ 9545 (4.2
: t/ha) and RAMPUR. COMPOSitE (3. 7 tlha) respectively. The result of CFFT during 2001 summer,
. wJiiqh was-planted at 3 OR site of NMRP Rampur (6 farmers were selected as replications) and OR"
. · · ~ite of ARS Surkhet (5 farmers were seleCted as replication). Combined analysis revealed that
· · UPAHAR pro4.uced th'e highest grain yield (3.5 t/ha) followed by RAMPUR COMPOSITE (3.4 tlha)' .
, · .and ACRQSS-9331 RE (3.2 t/ha) respectively.Link for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Title : Introduction, evaluation and utilization of exotic maize germplasm Material Type: printed text Authors: Adhikari, K., Editor ; Upadhyay, S.R., Author ; Sharma, D., Author ; Mahato, R.K., Author ; Rijal, T.R., Author ; Paudel, M.N., Author ; Katuwal, R.B., Author ; B. B. Rokaya, Author ; ,Karki, T.B., Author ; H.K Ghimire, Author ; B. N. Adhikari, Author ; B.P Yadav, Author ; R Yadav, Author ; L.N Raya, Author ; J.B Chhetri, Author Pagination: 37-76 p. Abstract: A number of germpl~m evaluation field· experiments were tested in different research stations of
Nepal. Which were received from CIMMYT Mexico, CIMMIT Zimbabwe and ARMP Thailand
during 200012001 and 2001102 summer and wi'nter seasons. All the experiments were conducted in .
Alpha Lattice design. In terai and inner tetai Experimental varietal trials (EVT)-13, .EVT-14A
were . evaluated in different stations. In .the hills the EVT-16A, EVT-16B, EPOP, ILPOP were
evaluated at · different stations. Experimental results of 200012001 summer and· winter ·seasons
showed some CIMMYT germplasm were highly promising and the seeds were reCJU:ested to -include
in our own national trials for further verifications. The selected genotypes from EVT-16A and
EVT-16B were CELAYA-9733, CELAYA.:.9745, PANTANAGAR-9745, BANGALORE-9745,
ACROSS-9745, -SlDS-9545 (Rl), TLALTIZAPAN-9542(Rl), ACROSS MEXIC0-97501, .and
ACROSS-97501 respectively. Now these genotypes are ri1cluded"in m hill set. From tke result of
·. EVT-13 ani EVT-14A· the selected genotypes were S97TLY GH "AyB" (1), IQUITOS 9328RE, ·
S9528, ACROSS 9536, KANPUR S9536, 8_IBP-4TYF, ACROSS S9528 AND CRA VINHOS S9531,
. ·ACROSS S9531, TAK-FA S9531, MONTE~A 9331, ACROSS 933JRE, . PQZA RICA S953J,·
J!YDERABAD S9531 and S97TEY GH''AYB"(4) respectively. These selected genotypes were
·pronioted in IYT and ·cvr terai set for further evaluation and improvement. On the basis of
· experimental results of 2001101 summer. anc{ winter season from EVT-14 A genotypes S97 TEY
GH "AYB" (2), WLTFYI (RRS) YD promoted to IYTTerai Set. From EPOPOI genotype POOL 16
·SR ZAMBIA was promoted to IYT Early · and Extra Early Set. From ILPOPOJ75 genotypes
IYT hill set full season. From· SEVSYQOOI genotype HIGH OIL C15 was promoted to liT hill set ·
fill! season and from EVT 16 B genotype TLALT1ZAPAN 9942 (N) was promoted and being t~sted .
in IYT hill set full season of2002 experiments. In CAVTOi-2 genotypes SWS0033Y-6, SWS0033Y-
7· and. SWS00351-I were found promising. ln EVT-13, the genotypes S98TLY-1B, S9BTLYGH
"AyB!' (I) and ACROSS S 9624-1 were obseryed pron1ising. In_ EVT-14 A, the genotypes .
CRA VINljOS S 9531 (RE) , S98TEY-4 AB and S99 TEY-4GH AxB were found prom~sing. These
seleqted g_enotypes wm be evaluated in the advanced experiments.Link for e-copy: Introduction, evaluation and utilization of exotic maize germplasm [printed text] / Adhikari, K., Editor ; Upadhyay, S.R., Author ; Sharma, D., Author ; Mahato, R.K., Author ; Rijal, T.R., Author ; Paudel, M.N., Author ; Katuwal, R.B., Author ; B. B. Rokaya, Author ; ,Karki, T.B., Author ; H.K Ghimire, Author ; B. N. Adhikari, Author ; B.P Yadav, Author ; R Yadav, Author ; L.N Raya, Author ; J.B Chhetri, Author . - [s.d.] . - 37-76 p.
in Proceedings of the 23rd National Summer Crops Workshop on Maize Research and Production held NARC Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2-4, 2002, / Adhikari, K.![]()
Abstract: A number of germpl~m evaluation field· experiments were tested in different research stations of
Nepal. Which were received from CIMMYT Mexico, CIMMIT Zimbabwe and ARMP Thailand
during 200012001 and 2001102 summer and wi'nter seasons. All the experiments were conducted in .
Alpha Lattice design. In terai and inner tetai Experimental varietal trials (EVT)-13, .EVT-14A
were . evaluated in different stations. In .the hills the EVT-16A, EVT-16B, EPOP, ILPOP were
evaluated at · different stations. Experimental results of 200012001 summer and· winter ·seasons
showed some CIMMYT germplasm were highly promising and the seeds were reCJU:ested to -include
in our own national trials for further verifications. The selected genotypes from EVT-16A and
EVT-16B were CELAYA-9733, CELAYA.:.9745, PANTANAGAR-9745, BANGALORE-9745,
ACROSS-9745, -SlDS-9545 (Rl), TLALTIZAPAN-9542(Rl), ACROSS MEXIC0-97501, .and
ACROSS-97501 respectively. Now these genotypes are ri1cluded"in m hill set. From tke result of
·. EVT-13 ani EVT-14A· the selected genotypes were S97TLY GH "AyB" (1), IQUITOS 9328RE, ·
S9528, ACROSS 9536, KANPUR S9536, 8_IBP-4TYF, ACROSS S9528 AND CRA VINHOS S9531,
. ·ACROSS S9531, TAK-FA S9531, MONTE~A 9331, ACROSS 933JRE, . PQZA RICA S953J,·
J!YDERABAD S9531 and S97TEY GH''AYB"(4) respectively. These selected genotypes were
·pronioted in IYT and ·cvr terai set for further evaluation and improvement. On the basis of
· experimental results of 2001101 summer. anc{ winter season from EVT-14 A genotypes S97 TEY
GH "AYB" (2), WLTFYI (RRS) YD promoted to IYTTerai Set. From EPOPOI genotype POOL 16
·SR ZAMBIA was promoted to IYT Early · and Extra Early Set. From ILPOPOJ75 genotypes
IYT hill set full season. From· SEVSYQOOI genotype HIGH OIL C15 was promoted to liT hill set ·
fill! season and from EVT 16 B genotype TLALT1ZAPAN 9942 (N) was promoted and being t~sted .
in IYT hill set full season of2002 experiments. In CAVTOi-2 genotypes SWS0033Y-6, SWS0033Y-
7· and. SWS00351-I were found promising. ln EVT-13, the genotypes S98TLY-1B, S9BTLYGH
"AyB!' (I) and ACROSS S 9624-1 were obseryed pron1ising. In_ EVT-14 A, the genotypes .
CRA VINljOS S 9531 (RE) , S98TEY-4 AB and S99 TEY-4GH AxB were found prom~sing. These
seleqted g_enotypes wm be evaluated in the advanced experiments.Link for e-copy: E-copies