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Author M. Karki |
Available item(s) by this author

Effect Of Herbal Liver Stimulant On The Performance Of Commercial Broilers / Neupane, D. ; M. Karki ; TS Dhaubhadel
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Title : Effect Of Herbal Liver Stimulant On The Performance Of Commercial Broilers Material Type: printed text Authors: Neupane, D., Author ; M. Karki, Author ; TS Dhaubhadel, Author Pagination: 141-145 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: The present investigation was undertaken on 240 day-old broiler chicks (Vencobb-100) in Swine and A_vian
Research Program, Khumaltar of NARC; which were randomized into 4 dietary groups (Olto 04) wtth 3
replicates of each. All the groups along with their replicates were separately housed in a poultry house with
standard and identical management and environmental conditions. A commercial broiler feed (Ratna feed)
was used as basal diet (01). Other diets were prepared by mixing different herbal liver stimulants in
different dose levels in the basal diet. Birds fed with Livoliv 250@ 250 g/ton (02) attained higher body
weight ( 1903±72 g) followed by 04 i.e. Superliv @ 500 g/ton (17 I I± 16 g) and basal diet (1675±78 g) with
FCR of2.70±0.09, 2.84±0.04 and 2.83±0.06 respectively. Whereas birds under 03 (Livoliv 250@500 g/ton)
gained significantly (P<0.05) lower body weight ( 1582±23 g) with FCR of 2.81 ±0.0 l. The results clearly
indicated a negative effect of higher concentration of Livoliv 250 in feed consumption and weight gain.
Similarly, percentage mortality was recorded 1.59% and 1.64% under the diet 03 and 04 respectively.
Profit per bird over chick and feed cost was obtained higher with Livoliv 250 @250 g/ton (Rs 73.69±6.1)
followed by Superliv @ 500 g/ton (Rs 59.55± 1.9) and it was lowest under Livoliv 250 @500 g/ton (Rs
53.99±1.4). It may be concluded that supplementation of herbal liver stimulant (Livoliv 250@250g/ton) is
beneficial for improving growth. FCR, nutrient digestibility, reducing severity of liver lesions and higher
profit in broilers.Link for e-copy: Effect Of Herbal Liver Stimulant On The Performance Of Commercial Broilers [printed text] / Neupane, D., Author ; M. Karki, Author ; TS Dhaubhadel, Author . - [s.d.] . - 141-145 p.
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: The present investigation was undertaken on 240 day-old broiler chicks (Vencobb-100) in Swine and A_vian
Research Program, Khumaltar of NARC; which were randomized into 4 dietary groups (Olto 04) wtth 3
replicates of each. All the groups along with their replicates were separately housed in a poultry house with
standard and identical management and environmental conditions. A commercial broiler feed (Ratna feed)
was used as basal diet (01). Other diets were prepared by mixing different herbal liver stimulants in
different dose levels in the basal diet. Birds fed with Livoliv 250@ 250 g/ton (02) attained higher body
weight ( 1903±72 g) followed by 04 i.e. Superliv @ 500 g/ton (17 I I± 16 g) and basal diet (1675±78 g) with
FCR of2.70±0.09, 2.84±0.04 and 2.83±0.06 respectively. Whereas birds under 03 (Livoliv 250@500 g/ton)
gained significantly (P<0.05) lower body weight ( 1582±23 g) with FCR of 2.81 ±0.0 l. The results clearly
indicated a negative effect of higher concentration of Livoliv 250 in feed consumption and weight gain.
Similarly, percentage mortality was recorded 1.59% and 1.64% under the diet 03 and 04 respectively.
Profit per bird over chick and feed cost was obtained higher with Livoliv 250 @250 g/ton (Rs 73.69±6.1)
followed by Superliv @ 500 g/ton (Rs 59.55± 1.9) and it was lowest under Livoliv 250 @500 g/ton (Rs
53.99±1.4). It may be concluded that supplementation of herbal liver stimulant (Livoliv 250@250g/ton) is
beneficial for improving growth. FCR, nutrient digestibility, reducing severity of liver lesions and higher
profit in broilers.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() Management Of Dual-Purpose Chicken As Potential Income Generating Option For Medium Farmers / Dhaubhadel, T.S. ; M. Karki ; SB Shrestha
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Title : Intensive Management Of Dual-Purpose Chicken As Potential Income Generating Option For Medium Farmers Material Type: printed text Authors: Dhaubhadel, T.S., Author ; M. Karki, Author ; SB Shrestha, Author Pagination: 135-140 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: Comparative performance of New Hampshire, Black Australorp and Giriraja was studied at Swine and
Avian Research Program, Khumaltar during Feb to July of 2005. The observation on feed intake, weight
gain and mortality was taken from day-old chicks to 12 weeks of age. All experimental birds were fed with
commercial broilers feed (Ratna feed) and were reared under similar management.
Significant (<0.001) effect of breed on body weight was observed with Giriraja above others. Effect of sex and
season on body weight was also found significant (P<O.OO I). Irrespective of breed, higher weight was obtained
with birds reared in Feb- May compared to May-July. At twelve-week of age, higher body weight was observed
for Giriraja male ( 1.82 kg), followed by Giriraja female ( 1.46 kg) and New Hampshire male {1.23 kg) with
cumulative FCR of 3.55, 3.65 and 3.83, respectively. Irrespective of sex and season, Giriraja exhibited better
FCR than others in all weeks of rearing. The better FCR was observed for bird reared in Feb- May season. The
cumulative mortality was found as 6.64%, 9.95% and 16.29% for New Hampshire, Black Australorp and
Giriraja, respectively. Up to 12 weeks of rearing, higher saving per bird was observed for Giriraja (Rs50.63),
followed by New Hampshire (Rs 18.4) and Black Australorp (Rs 12.74). The finding of the present study
revealed that these dual-purpose breeds have potentiality to be competitive meat producer in intensive
management. Feb-May season is favorable for dual-purpose chicken rearing than May-July in tenns of higher
growth, better feed efficiency and saving per birds but need for proper health management in future. Heaviest
body weight with having better feed efficiency and higher saving per bird of 12 week rearing of Giriraja
suggesting that it may be the choice of economically viable intensive farming for medium farmers whereas
New Hampshire and Black Australorp are appeared to be suitable for semi-intensive and scavenging
management.Link for e-copy: Intensive Management Of Dual-Purpose Chicken As Potential Income Generating Option For Medium Farmers [printed text] / Dhaubhadel, T.S., Author ; M. Karki, Author ; SB Shrestha, Author . - [s.d.] . - 135-140 p.
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: Comparative performance of New Hampshire, Black Australorp and Giriraja was studied at Swine and
Avian Research Program, Khumaltar during Feb to July of 2005. The observation on feed intake, weight
gain and mortality was taken from day-old chicks to 12 weeks of age. All experimental birds were fed with
commercial broilers feed (Ratna feed) and were reared under similar management.
Significant (<0.001) effect of breed on body weight was observed with Giriraja above others. Effect of sex and
season on body weight was also found significant (P<O.OO I). Irrespective of breed, higher weight was obtained
with birds reared in Feb- May compared to May-July. At twelve-week of age, higher body weight was observed
for Giriraja male ( 1.82 kg), followed by Giriraja female ( 1.46 kg) and New Hampshire male {1.23 kg) with
cumulative FCR of 3.55, 3.65 and 3.83, respectively. Irrespective of sex and season, Giriraja exhibited better
FCR than others in all weeks of rearing. The better FCR was observed for bird reared in Feb- May season. The
cumulative mortality was found as 6.64%, 9.95% and 16.29% for New Hampshire, Black Australorp and
Giriraja, respectively. Up to 12 weeks of rearing, higher saving per bird was observed for Giriraja (Rs50.63),
followed by New Hampshire (Rs 18.4) and Black Australorp (Rs 12.74). The finding of the present study
revealed that these dual-purpose breeds have potentiality to be competitive meat producer in intensive
management. Feb-May season is favorable for dual-purpose chicken rearing than May-July in tenns of higher
growth, better feed efficiency and saving per birds but need for proper health management in future. Heaviest
body weight with having better feed efficiency and higher saving per bird of 12 week rearing of Giriraja
suggesting that it may be the choice of economically viable intensive farming for medium farmers whereas
New Hampshire and Black Australorp are appeared to be suitable for semi-intensive and scavenging
management.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() Performance And Economics Of Turkey Reared Under Scavenging Condition / S Paudel ; BP Kushwaha ; M. Karki ; JP Yadav
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Title : Production Performance And Economics Of Turkey Reared Under Scavenging Condition Material Type: printed text Authors: S Paudel, Author ; BP Kushwaha, Author ; M. Karki, Author ; JP Yadav, Author Pagination: 154-156 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: A study was carried out to evaluate production performances and economics of turkey (Meleagris gallopava)
under scavenging condition at outreach research sites of RARS, Parwanipur. Three sites; Fattepur (Bara),
Bindhyawasini (Parsa) and Saruhatha (Rautahat) were taken for the study. Three farmers were selected from
each site. One farmer was provided with one male and four female chicks to rear under scavenging
condition. Results indicated that male attained 12.89 kg (SD=0.98 kg) and female attained 5.83 kg (SD=0.24
kg) of average body weight after one year. Average egg laying was 66 (SD=9.07) in 500 days. Economic
analysis of turkey rearing suggests that an average net profit of NRs. 775.6 can be made under scavenging
conditionsLink for e-copy: Production Performance And Economics Of Turkey Reared Under Scavenging Condition [printed text] / S Paudel, Author ; BP Kushwaha, Author ; M. Karki, Author ; JP Yadav, Author . - [s.d.] . - 154-156 p.
in Proceedings of the 7th (seventh) National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research, June 22-27, 2007 / Shrestha, B.S.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: A study was carried out to evaluate production performances and economics of turkey (Meleagris gallopava)
under scavenging condition at outreach research sites of RARS, Parwanipur. Three sites; Fattepur (Bara),
Bindhyawasini (Parsa) and Saruhatha (Rautahat) were taken for the study. Three farmers were selected from
each site. One farmer was provided with one male and four female chicks to rear under scavenging
condition. Results indicated that male attained 12.89 kg (SD=0.98 kg) and female attained 5.83 kg (SD=0.24
kg) of average body weight after one year. Average egg laying was 66 (SD=9.07) in 500 days. Economic
analysis of turkey rearing suggests that an average net profit of NRs. 775.6 can be made under scavenging
conditionsLink for e-copy: E-copies
in Proceedings: 5th national workshop on livestock and fisheries research in Nepal 10-11 July 2002 / Rai, Ash Kumar![]()
Title : Production Performance Of Three Lines Of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonjca) Material Type: printed text Authors: M. Karki, Author Pagination: 106-110 p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: The study was conducted of 360 (120 each of the three lines); days old Japanese quails replicated four
times each to know the growth pe1formance under our geographical condition. All experimental birds
were reared under same feed and management condition. Chicken starter ration supplementing with 5%
fishmeal H'as fed to all birds ad libitum. Daily feed intake, mortality and weekly weight gained recorded
from day old to six weeks. The adult female, irrespective of lines are found slightly heavier than male.
No significant difference was observed in feed intake at all age. Howe·ver, at maturity heavy I Feight had
slightly higher cumulatil•e feed intake folloll'ed by wMte feather and white breasted fines (585.83 g,
576.63 g. 570.48 g., respectively). At 2, 3 and 4 weeks age, heavy weight showed significantly higher
body weight than white feather but non significant difference was obse1Ted at maturity (1 45.68 g., 144.8
g., 142.04 g., respectively). Significantly better feed efficiency was observed in hem~v weight at 2 and 3
weeks of age followed by white breasted and white feather, although no significant differences 11 ·ere
obsen•ed at maturity, nevertheless better efficiency was obsen·ed in 1vhite feather than other (4.19 I'S
4.23). A1ortality percentage of three lines did not show significant differences. 01•er all mortality lt'as
observed 4.16% at 2 ll'eeks and 4.83% up to 6 weeks. It ll'as found that growth rate of quail is in
increasing trends up to ji1·e weeks of age and is the best marketable age of Japanese quail (meat t)1Je)
for fetching higher profit.Production Performance Of Three Lines Of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonjca) [printed text] / M. Karki, Author . - [s.d.] . - 106-110 p.
in Proceedings: 5th national workshop on livestock and fisheries research in Nepal 10-11 July 2002 / Rai, Ash Kumar![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Abstract: The study was conducted of 360 (120 each of the three lines); days old Japanese quails replicated four
times each to know the growth pe1formance under our geographical condition. All experimental birds
were reared under same feed and management condition. Chicken starter ration supplementing with 5%
fishmeal H'as fed to all birds ad libitum. Daily feed intake, mortality and weekly weight gained recorded
from day old to six weeks. The adult female, irrespective of lines are found slightly heavier than male.
No significant difference was observed in feed intake at all age. Howe·ver, at maturity heavy I Feight had
slightly higher cumulatil•e feed intake folloll'ed by wMte feather and white breasted fines (585.83 g,
576.63 g. 570.48 g., respectively). At 2, 3 and 4 weeks age, heavy weight showed significantly higher
body weight than white feather but non significant difference was obse1Ted at maturity (1 45.68 g., 144.8
g., 142.04 g., respectively). Significantly better feed efficiency was observed in hem~v weight at 2 and 3
weeks of age followed by white breasted and white feather, although no significant differences 11 ·ere
obsen•ed at maturity, nevertheless better efficiency was obsen·ed in 1vhite feather than other (4.19 I'S
4.23). A1ortality percentage of three lines did not show significant differences. 01•er all mortality lt'as
observed 4.16% at 2 ll'eeks and 4.83% up to 6 weeks. It ll'as found that growth rate of quail is in
increasing trends up to ji1·e weeks of age and is the best marketable age of Japanese quail (meat t)1Je)
for fetching higher profit.E-copies
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Title : Production performance of Turkey at Parwanipur Material Type: printed text Authors: M. Karki, Author ; Dhaubhadel T, Author ; Osti, N.P., Author Pagination: 347-352p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Management, production, turkey Abstract: Turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo) is an important poultry species reared mainly for meat production. It was introduced at Parwanipur in January 2001 from CARI, India by importing 200 fertilized eggs. The study was conducted at RARS, Parwanipur during April to December 2002 in one hundred and twelve day old turkey poults with four replications to know the production performance under ordinary management condition. Similar feed and management were provided to all experimental birds. Daily feed intake, mortality and weekly weight gain were recorded from day old to 34 weeks of age. Four male and 3 female at 16 week and one male and one female at 24 weeks of age were slaughtered for carcass yields…………
Link for e-copy: Production performance of Turkey at Parwanipur [printed text] / M. Karki, Author ; Dhaubhadel T, Author ; Osti, N.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 347-352p.
in Agricultural research for enhancing livelihood of Nepalese people: Proceedings of 2nd SAS-N Convention, 30 July-1 Aug 2003, Kathmandu / Joshi, Bal K.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Management, production, turkey Abstract: Turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo) is an important poultry species reared mainly for meat production. It was introduced at Parwanipur in January 2001 from CARI, India by importing 200 fertilized eggs. The study was conducted at RARS, Parwanipur during April to December 2002 in one hundred and twelve day old turkey poults with four replications to know the production performance under ordinary management condition. Similar feed and management were provided to all experimental birds. Daily feed intake, mortality and weekly weight gain were recorded from day old to 34 weeks of age. Four male and 3 female at 16 week and one male and one female at 24 weeks of age were slaughtered for carcass yields…………
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