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Author Robinson Adhikary |
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Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils / Bishnu Hari Adhikary
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils Material Type: printed text Authors: Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Bandhu Raj Baral, Author ; Jeeban Shrestha, Author ; Chitra Bahadur Kunwar, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author Pagination: 260-265 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Agriculture lime ; green-manuring oil-cakes soil acidification and zea mays Abstract: Acidification of so il is one of the major factors contributing soi l fertility decline in most of the
arable land in the hills and terai of Nepal. It does not only limit the nutri ent availabili ty but
also limit the maize (Zea mays L.) production and plant growth resulting low or reduced crop
y ields if not ameliorated. Soil acidity correction measures need to be employed for increased
maize productivity in the problem so il s. To evaluate the effects of different practices
employed in soi l ac idity correction, experiments were conducted during the years 20 I 0 and
2011 in NMRP, Ram pur on the hybrid maize (Across -9944 x Across- 9942 in) and Across-
9331 variety by us ing eight different treatments (control, agriculture-lime, compost , urea-N,
ammonium sulphate-N, poultry manu·re, ex-situ green- manuring and oil-cakes). The plot size
was 12sq.m . (4 m x 3 m). The experiment was la id-out in a randomized compl ete block
design (RCBD) with three replications. Soil samples were collected befo re crop pl anting and
after harvest for so il pH and nutrient analysis. Growth and yield parameters were recorded
and analysed statistica lly. The results revea led that high ly significant effect of treatments on
the crop yields were observed in both years . Highest grain y ield (6.57 t ha- 1
) in the 1 sr year
when the crop was fertilized by oil-cakes at I 0 t ha- 1 where as in the following year the
highest gra in yie ld (5.37 t ha- 1
) was produced by poultry manures at 10 t ha-1
• Appl ication of
oil-cakes at 1 t ha-1 in the 2"0 year produced only 3.84 t ha- 1 of gra ins . Two years mean grain
yield result indicated a sharp response of treatments on the grain production of maize over the
non-treated crop. The highest grain yie ld (5.2 t ha- 1
) was produced when the crop was
supplied with oil-cakes followed by poultry manures which produced the mean grain yield of
4.49 t ha-1
. Lowest grain yield (1.8 t ha- 1
) was produced by non-treated crop (control
plot).Application of agriculture-lime, compost, oil-cakes and green-manuring help decrease
the soil acidity to some extent. It can be concluded that farmers are suggested to apply organic
sources of fertilization along with agriculture-lime for increased maize productivity.This
paper highlights and discuss the results of the soil acidity management practices in detail.Link for e-copy: Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through soil acidity managment in Chitwan valley soils [printed text] / Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Bandhu Raj Baral, Author ; Jeeban Shrestha, Author ; Chitra Bahadur Kunwar, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author . - [s.d.] . - 260-265 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Agriculture lime ; green-manuring oil-cakes soil acidification and zea mays Abstract: Acidification of so il is one of the major factors contributing soi l fertility decline in most of the
arable land in the hills and terai of Nepal. It does not only limit the nutri ent availabili ty but
also limit the maize (Zea mays L.) production and plant growth resulting low or reduced crop
y ields if not ameliorated. Soil acidity correction measures need to be employed for increased
maize productivity in the problem so il s. To evaluate the effects of different practices
employed in soi l ac idity correction, experiments were conducted during the years 20 I 0 and
2011 in NMRP, Ram pur on the hybrid maize (Across -9944 x Across- 9942 in) and Across-
9331 variety by us ing eight different treatments (control, agriculture-lime, compost , urea-N,
ammonium sulphate-N, poultry manu·re, ex-situ green- manuring and oil-cakes). The plot size
was 12sq.m . (4 m x 3 m). The experiment was la id-out in a randomized compl ete block
design (RCBD) with three replications. Soil samples were collected befo re crop pl anting and
after harvest for so il pH and nutrient analysis. Growth and yield parameters were recorded
and analysed statistica lly. The results revea led that high ly significant effect of treatments on
the crop yields were observed in both years . Highest grain y ield (6.57 t ha- 1
) in the 1 sr year
when the crop was fertilized by oil-cakes at I 0 t ha- 1 where as in the following year the
highest gra in yie ld (5.37 t ha- 1
) was produced by poultry manures at 10 t ha-1
• Appl ication of
oil-cakes at 1 t ha-1 in the 2"0 year produced only 3.84 t ha- 1 of gra ins . Two years mean grain
yield result indicated a sharp response of treatments on the grain production of maize over the
non-treated crop. The highest grain yie ld (5.2 t ha- 1
) was produced when the crop was
supplied with oil-cakes followed by poultry manures which produced the mean grain yield of
4.49 t ha-1
. Lowest grain yield (1.8 t ha- 1
) was produced by non-treated crop (control
plot).Application of agriculture-lime, compost, oil-cakes and green-manuring help decrease
the soil acidity to some extent. It can be concluded that farmers are suggested to apply organic
sources of fertilization along with agriculture-lime for increased maize productivity.This
paper highlights and discuss the results of the soil acidity management practices in detail.Link for e-copy: E-copies
![]() of Maize Varieties to Varying Rates of Fertilizer and Manure Application / Adhikary, Bishnu H.
Title : Response of Maize Varieties to Varying Rates of Fertilizer and Manure Application Material Type: printed text Authors: Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; B.R. Baral, Author ; Shrestha, J., Author ; M. Tripathi, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author ; Kunwar, C.B., Author Publication Date: 2012 General note: In: Proc. of Abstracts. pp 25-26. In: Proc. Of Abstracts. Economic Growth Through Science, Technology and Innovation.Paper presented at the Sixth National Conference on Science and Technology (NAST), organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) held at Hotel Everest, New Baneswor, Kathmandu, on September 25-27, 2012 (Aswin 9-11, 2069). Languages : English (eng) Keywords: fertilizer and manures; grain yield; maize genotypes significant effect. Abstract: The development of agronomic practices in terms of ‘maize genotypes and nutrient management’ is essential for enhancing maize productivity. In order to identify and evaluate suitable rates of fertilizers (NPK and farmyard manures) to different maize genotypes, field experiments were conducted at Rampur, Chitwan during the winter season of 2009/10 and 2010/011. Five levels of fertilization; (1) Control (zero fertilizer), (2) Farm yard manure (FYM) 10 t ha-1, (3); 60:30:20 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1; (4) 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1; (5) 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 and (6) 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 ) applied to four maize genotypes (Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4, Across9942 / Across 9944 and S99TLYQ-B) in the experiment. The experiment was laidout in a factorial RCB design with three replications. The plot size was 12 sq. m (4 m x 3 m) and the crop was planted in the month of October and harvested in April. The results revealed that most of the growth and yield parameters were found significantly increased with increased level of fertilizers (180:90:60 kg N, P2O5 and K2O plus 10 t of compostr ha-1) in Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4 and Across 9942 / Across 9944 where as these parameters were significantly increased in S99TLYQ-B variety with the fertilization level of 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1. Highest grain yield (6068 kg ha-1) was recorded in the year 2009/010 when fertilized by 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1 irrespective of the genotypes, and 4882 kg of grains produced by Rampur composite variety in this year irrespective of the fertilizer levels. Two years mean yield results revealed that varieties such as Manakamana-4, Rampur composite and Across 9942 / Across 9944 produced highest grain yield (5074 kg, 5195 and 5052 kg grains ha-1, respectively) with N, P2O5 and K2O at 180: 90: 60 kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1.This paper discuss and highlights the results of fertilizer and manures application on different maize genotypes in detail. Response of Maize Varieties to Varying Rates of Fertilizer and Manure Application [printed text] / Adhikary, Bishnu H., Author ; B.R. Baral, Author ; Shrestha, J., Author ; M. Tripathi, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author ; Kunwar, C.B., Author . - 2012.
In: Proc. of Abstracts. pp 25-26. In: Proc. Of Abstracts. Economic Growth Through Science, Technology and Innovation.Paper presented at the Sixth National Conference on Science and Technology (NAST), organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) held at Hotel Everest, New Baneswor, Kathmandu, on September 25-27, 2012 (Aswin 9-11, 2069).
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: fertilizer and manures; grain yield; maize genotypes significant effect. Abstract: The development of agronomic practices in terms of ‘maize genotypes and nutrient management’ is essential for enhancing maize productivity. In order to identify and evaluate suitable rates of fertilizers (NPK and farmyard manures) to different maize genotypes, field experiments were conducted at Rampur, Chitwan during the winter season of 2009/10 and 2010/011. Five levels of fertilization; (1) Control (zero fertilizer), (2) Farm yard manure (FYM) 10 t ha-1, (3); 60:30:20 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1; (4) 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1; (5) 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1 and (6) 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1 ) applied to four maize genotypes (Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4, Across9942 / Across 9944 and S99TLYQ-B) in the experiment. The experiment was laidout in a factorial RCB design with three replications. The plot size was 12 sq. m (4 m x 3 m) and the crop was planted in the month of October and harvested in April. The results revealed that most of the growth and yield parameters were found significantly increased with increased level of fertilizers (180:90:60 kg N, P2O5 and K2O plus 10 t of compostr ha-1) in Rampur Composite, Manakamana-4 and Across 9942 / Across 9944 where as these parameters were significantly increased in S99TLYQ-B variety with the fertilization level of 120: 60: 40 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1. Highest grain yield (6068 kg ha-1) was recorded in the year 2009/010 when fertilized by 180: 90: 60 N, P2O5 and K2O plus FYM 10 t ha-1 irrespective of the genotypes, and 4882 kg of grains produced by Rampur composite variety in this year irrespective of the fertilizer levels. Two years mean yield results revealed that varieties such as Manakamana-4, Rampur composite and Across 9942 / Across 9944 produced highest grain yield (5074 kg, 5195 and 5052 kg grains ha-1, respectively) with N, P2O5 and K2O at 180: 90: 60 kg ha-1 plus FYM 10 t ha-1.This paper discuss and highlights the results of fertilizer and manures application on different maize genotypes in detail.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Title : A review on Azolla production and utilization in rice farming in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Manoj Kumar Thakur, Author ; Santosh Neupane, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author Pagination: 266-276 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Anabaena azollae ; Azolla fern bio-fertilizer nitrogen fixation Abstract: AzaLia ferns, aquatic floating plants, are used as green manure (bio-fertili zer) for increasing
rice yields. The recommended dose of chemical-nitrogen (urea-N) can be reduced when
Azolla are applied to the paddy field . Azalia is very important to those rice growing areas
where urea-N is not avai lable or too expensive. Evidences show that application of Azolla-N
alone or in combination with chemical-N could help increase rice grain y ields. Recentl y,
Azolla has been utilized as natural source of nitrogen (N) to the flooded rice because it fixes
atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) with the help of Anabaena azollae (cynobacterium). An average
production of 610 kg per hectare per day of fresh Azolla biomass and as low as 1.3 kg per
hectare per day of nitrogen (N) could be produced by Azolla species which indicated high
potentiality of the Azolla for its use in rice (Oriza sativa L) production. Dual cropping of
Azolla was found effective than monocropped Azolla. Azalia growth rate and biomass
production, and nitrogen fixation rate was greatly influenced and increased by the application
of phosphorus (P20 5) to the Azolla . Development of better nitrogen producing species of
Azolla and stress tolerant varieties need further research for its maximum exploitation and
use in agriculture production.Link for e-copy: A review on Azolla production and utilization in rice farming in Nepal [printed text] / Bishnu Hari Adhikary ; Manoj Kumar Thakur, Author ; Santosh Neupane, Author ; Robinson Adhikary, Author . - [s.d.] . - 266-276 p.
in Proceedings of the 27th National Summer Crops Workshop, held at Rampur, Chitawan, 18-20 April 2013, Vol. I / Giri, Y.P.![]()
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Anabaena azollae ; Azolla fern bio-fertilizer nitrogen fixation Abstract: AzaLia ferns, aquatic floating plants, are used as green manure (bio-fertili zer) for increasing
rice yields. The recommended dose of chemical-nitrogen (urea-N) can be reduced when
Azolla are applied to the paddy field . Azalia is very important to those rice growing areas
where urea-N is not avai lable or too expensive. Evidences show that application of Azolla-N
alone or in combination with chemical-N could help increase rice grain y ields. Recentl y,
Azolla has been utilized as natural source of nitrogen (N) to the flooded rice because it fixes
atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) with the help of Anabaena azollae (cynobacterium). An average
production of 610 kg per hectare per day of fresh Azolla biomass and as low as 1.3 kg per
hectare per day of nitrogen (N) could be produced by Azolla species which indicated high
potentiality of the Azolla for its use in rice (Oriza sativa L) production. Dual cropping of
Azolla was found effective than monocropped Azolla. Azalia growth rate and biomass
production, and nitrogen fixation rate was greatly influenced and increased by the application
of phosphorus (P20 5) to the Azolla . Development of better nitrogen producing species of
Azolla and stress tolerant varieties need further research for its maximum exploitation and
use in agriculture production.Link for e-copy: E-copies