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Evaluating Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice Using Detached Tiller and Field Screening Methods / Bedanand Chaudhmy in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Evaluating Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice Using Detached Tiller and Field Screening Methods Material Type: printed text Authors: Bedanand Chaudhmy, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 1-8p. Languages : English (eng) Abstract: In present study physical resistance test on 12 rice varieties against sheath blight (ShB) caused by Rhizoctonia solani was examined. A detached tiller test was used to measure components of ShB physiological resistance at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Tarahara, Nepal. The varieties were evaluated in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications in year 2010-12. A sclerotium was inserted below the leaf collar of individual tillers maintained in tubes filled with water. Only the 56-day old susceptible plants were inoculated. After 7 days of inoculation, number of lesions, dead leaves, vertical sheath colonization and disease severity were measured. In 2011, field experiments were conducted with three replications to address morphological resistance in 28 rice genotypes. Disease incidence was recorded on 14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation. The number of dead leaves differed only numerically while disease variables significantly (P=0.004) varied among varieties. The other variables were highly correlated with each other. Cluster analysis of variables formed three varietal groups; Sabitri with lowest, and Jasmine-85 and Betichikon having highest values. Rice genotypes differed significantly (P=0.05) for disease incidence and area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). Tetep and IAC-165 had the lowest and highest terminal disease incidences and AUDPC, respectively. Sabitri, MTU-1010 and IR-26 recorded lower AUDPC values. Hence, Tetep and Sabitri could be used as donors in hybridization and their plant morphology could be considered as selection guide for improving ShB resistance in rice.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=3144
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 1-8p.[article] Evaluating Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice Using Detached Tiller and Field Screening Methods [printed text] / Bedanand Chaudhmy, Author . - 2015 . - 1-8p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 1-8p.
Abstract: In present study physical resistance test on 12 rice varieties against sheath blight (ShB) caused by Rhizoctonia solani was examined. A detached tiller test was used to measure components of ShB physiological resistance at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Tarahara, Nepal. The varieties were evaluated in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications in year 2010-12. A sclerotium was inserted below the leaf collar of individual tillers maintained in tubes filled with water. Only the 56-day old susceptible plants were inoculated. After 7 days of inoculation, number of lesions, dead leaves, vertical sheath colonization and disease severity were measured. In 2011, field experiments were conducted with three replications to address morphological resistance in 28 rice genotypes. Disease incidence was recorded on 14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation. The number of dead leaves differed only numerically while disease variables significantly (P=0.004) varied among varieties. The other variables were highly correlated with each other. Cluster analysis of variables formed three varietal groups; Sabitri with lowest, and Jasmine-85 and Betichikon having highest values. Rice genotypes differed significantly (P=0.05) for disease incidence and area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). Tetep and IAC-165 had the lowest and highest terminal disease incidences and AUDPC, respectively. Sabitri, MTU-1010 and IR-26 recorded lower AUDPC values. Hence, Tetep and Sabitri could be used as donors in hybridization and their plant morphology could be considered as selection guide for improving ShB resistance in rice.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=3144 Genetic Parameters of Common Wheat in Nepal / B.K Joshi in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Genetic Parameters of Common Wheat in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: B.K Joshi, Author ; Thapa D.B, Author ; Bhatta, M.R., Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 9-13p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Covariance components, genetic parameters, Triticum aestivum, variance components Abstract: Knowledge on variation within traits and their genetics are prerequisites in crop improvement program. Thus, in present paper we aimed to estimate genetic and environmental indices of common wheat genotypes. For the purpose, eight quantitative traits were measured from 30 wheat genotypes, which were in randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Components of variance and covariance were estimated along with heritability, genetic gain, realized heritability, coheritability and correlated response. Differences between phenotypic and genotypic variances in heading days, maturity days and plant height were not large. Grain yield and plant height showed the highest phenotypic (18.189%) and genotypic (12.06%) coefficient of variances, respectively. Phenotypic covariance was higher than genotypic and environmental covariance in most of the traits. The highest heritability and realized heritability were of heading days followed by maturity days. Genetic gain for plant height was the highest. Co-heritability of 1000-grain weight with tillers number was the highest. The highest correlated response was expressed by grain yield with tillers number. This study indicates the possibility of improving wheat genotypes through selection utilizing existing variation in these traits.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1313
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 9-13p.[article] Genetic Parameters of Common Wheat in Nepal [printed text] / B.K Joshi, Author ; Thapa D.B, Author ; Bhatta, M.R., Author . - 2015 . - 9-13p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 9-13p.
Keywords: Covariance components, genetic parameters, Triticum aestivum, variance components Abstract: Knowledge on variation within traits and their genetics are prerequisites in crop improvement program. Thus, in present paper we aimed to estimate genetic and environmental indices of common wheat genotypes. For the purpose, eight quantitative traits were measured from 30 wheat genotypes, which were in randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Components of variance and covariance were estimated along with heritability, genetic gain, realized heritability, coheritability and correlated response. Differences between phenotypic and genotypic variances in heading days, maturity days and plant height were not large. Grain yield and plant height showed the highest phenotypic (18.189%) and genotypic (12.06%) coefficient of variances, respectively. Phenotypic covariance was higher than genotypic and environmental covariance in most of the traits. The highest heritability and realized heritability were of heading days followed by maturity days. Genetic gain for plant height was the highest. Co-heritability of 1000-grain weight with tillers number was the highest. The highest correlated response was expressed by grain yield with tillers number. This study indicates the possibility of improving wheat genotypes through selection utilizing existing variation in these traits.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1313 Soil Physico-Bio-Chemical Properties under Poplar+ Indian Mustard Inter Cropping System / Tara bahadur Ghimire in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Soil Physico-Bio-Chemical Properties under Poplar+ Indian Mustard Inter Cropping System Material Type: printed text Authors: Tara bahadur Ghimire, Author ; Om Prakash Singh Bana, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 14-20p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Fertility levels, pH. available Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 2008-10 at Agroforestry Research Centre, Pantnagar, India with aim to examine the effect of different levels of recommended Nitrogen (N): Phosphorus (P): Potassium (K) (NPK) on soil physico-bio-chemical properties under varying poplar tree densities with mustard introcropping. Lower soil bulk density was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to sole crop in both the year. Soil bulk density (BD) decreased underneath trees. However, soil pH, available N and K were not influenced by tree density in both the years. Electrical conductivity (EC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) increased underneath trees of either tree density compared to sole crop in both the years. Significantly (P<0.05) higher available P was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to 250 and 500 trees/ha densities including sole crop in 2008-09. Similarly, soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) increased with increasing the tree density and significantly (P<0.01) higher value was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to sole crop and sparse density both the years except 2009-10, where 500 and 1000 trees/ha densities remain statistically at par. On the other hand, dehydrogenase activity (DA) was maximum under 500 trees/ha density compared to sole crop and 1000 trees/ha density in both the years. Among the fertility levels, the maximum SOC and available N were recorded with 75% compared to 50, 100 and 125% of recommended NPK in 2008-09, except available N with 100% of recommended NPK. But, available P was more with 100% of recommended NPK in 2008-09. Similarly, maximum SMBC were recorded with 75 % compared to higher doses of recommended NPK in both the years. Similarly, BD, EC, SOC, available N, P and K were recorded maximum and soil pH minimum in 0-15 cm soil layers compared deeper layers.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1314
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 14-20p.[article] Soil Physico-Bio-Chemical Properties under Poplar+ Indian Mustard Inter Cropping System [printed text] / Tara bahadur Ghimire, Author ; Om Prakash Singh Bana, Author . - 2015 . - 14-20p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 14-20p.
Keywords: Fertility levels, pH. available Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 2008-10 at Agroforestry Research Centre, Pantnagar, India with aim to examine the effect of different levels of recommended Nitrogen (N): Phosphorus (P): Potassium (K) (NPK) on soil physico-bio-chemical properties under varying poplar tree densities with mustard introcropping. Lower soil bulk density was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to sole crop in both the year. Soil bulk density (BD) decreased underneath trees. However, soil pH, available N and K were not influenced by tree density in both the years. Electrical conductivity (EC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) increased underneath trees of either tree density compared to sole crop in both the years. Significantly (P<0.05) higher available P was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to 250 and 500 trees/ha densities including sole crop in 2008-09. Similarly, soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) increased with increasing the tree density and significantly (P<0.01) higher value was recorded under 1000 trees/ha density compared to sole crop and sparse density both the years except 2009-10, where 500 and 1000 trees/ha densities remain statistically at par. On the other hand, dehydrogenase activity (DA) was maximum under 500 trees/ha density compared to sole crop and 1000 trees/ha density in both the years. Among the fertility levels, the maximum SOC and available N were recorded with 75% compared to 50, 100 and 125% of recommended NPK in 2008-09, except available N with 100% of recommended NPK. But, available P was more with 100% of recommended NPK in 2008-09. Similarly, maximum SMBC were recorded with 75 % compared to higher doses of recommended NPK in both the years. Similarly, BD, EC, SOC, available N, P and K were recorded maximum and soil pH minimum in 0-15 cm soil layers compared deeper layers.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1314 Wheat Yield Trend and Soil Fertility Status in Long Term Rice-Rice-Wheat Cropping System / Nabin Rawal in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Wheat Yield Trend and Soil Fertility Status in Long Term Rice-Rice-Wheat Cropping System Material Type: printed text Authors: Nabin Rawal, Author ; Devraj Chalise, Author ; Janmejai Tripathi, Author ; K. Khadka, Author ; Khim Thapa, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 21-28 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: FYM, inorganic, Long term, organic and Rice-rice-wheat Abstract: A long-term soil fertility experiment under rice-rice-wheat system was performed to evaluate the long term effects of inorganic fertilizer and manure applications on soil properties and grain yield of wheat. The experiment began since 1978 was laid out in randomized complete block design with 9 treatments replicated 3 times. From 1990 onwards, periodic modifications have been made in all the treatments splitting the plots in two equal halves of 4 x 3 m2 leaving one half as original. In the original treatments, recent data revealed that the use of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) @10 t ha-1 gave significantly (P≤0.05) higher yield of 2.3 t ha-1 in wheat, whereas control plot gave the lowest grain yield of 277 kg ha-1. Similarly, in the modified treatments, the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 along with inorganic Nitrogen (N) and Potassium oxide (K2O) @ 50 kg ha-1 produced significantly (P≤0.05) the highest yield of 2.4 t/ha in wheat. The control plot with an indigenous nutrient supply only produced wheat yield of 277 kg ha-1 after 35th year completion of rice-rice-wheat system. A sharp decline in wheat yields was noted in minus N, phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) treatments during recent years. Yields were consistently higher in the N:P2O5:K2O and FYM treatments than in treatments, where one or more nutrients were lacking. The application of P2O5 and K2O caused a partial recovery of yield in P and K deficient plots. There was significant (P≤0.05) effect of use of chemical fertilizers and manure on soil properties. The soil analysis data showed an improvement in soil pH (7.8), soil organic matter (4.1%), total N content (0.16%), available P (503.5 kg P2O5 ha-1) and exchangeable K (137.5 kg K2O ha-1) in FYM applied treatments over all other treatments. The findings showed that the productivity of the wheat can be increased and sustained by improving nutrient through the integrated use of organic and inorganic manures in long term.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1316
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 21-28 p.[article] Wheat Yield Trend and Soil Fertility Status in Long Term Rice-Rice-Wheat Cropping System [printed text] / Nabin Rawal, Author ; Devraj Chalise, Author ; Janmejai Tripathi, Author ; K. Khadka, Author ; Khim Thapa, Author . - 2015 . - 21-28 p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 21-28 p.
Keywords: FYM, inorganic, Long term, organic and Rice-rice-wheat Abstract: A long-term soil fertility experiment under rice-rice-wheat system was performed to evaluate the long term effects of inorganic fertilizer and manure applications on soil properties and grain yield of wheat. The experiment began since 1978 was laid out in randomized complete block design with 9 treatments replicated 3 times. From 1990 onwards, periodic modifications have been made in all the treatments splitting the plots in two equal halves of 4 x 3 m2 leaving one half as original. In the original treatments, recent data revealed that the use of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) @10 t ha-1 gave significantly (P≤0.05) higher yield of 2.3 t ha-1 in wheat, whereas control plot gave the lowest grain yield of 277 kg ha-1. Similarly, in the modified treatments, the use of FYM @10 t ha-1 along with inorganic Nitrogen (N) and Potassium oxide (K2O) @ 50 kg ha-1 produced significantly (P≤0.05) the highest yield of 2.4 t/ha in wheat. The control plot with an indigenous nutrient supply only produced wheat yield of 277 kg ha-1 after 35th year completion of rice-rice-wheat system. A sharp decline in wheat yields was noted in minus N, phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) treatments during recent years. Yields were consistently higher in the N:P2O5:K2O and FYM treatments than in treatments, where one or more nutrients were lacking. The application of P2O5 and K2O caused a partial recovery of yield in P and K deficient plots. There was significant (P≤0.05) effect of use of chemical fertilizers and manure on soil properties. The soil analysis data showed an improvement in soil pH (7.8), soil organic matter (4.1%), total N content (0.16%), available P (503.5 kg P2O5 ha-1) and exchangeable K (137.5 kg K2O ha-1) in FYM applied treatments over all other treatments. The findings showed that the productivity of the wheat can be increased and sustained by improving nutrient through the integrated use of organic and inorganic manures in long term.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1316 Management of Anthracnose in Soybean using Fungicide / Subash Subedi in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Management of Anthracnose in Soybean using Fungicide Material Type: printed text Authors: Subash Subedi, Author ; Dhan Bahadur Gharti, Author ; Saraswati Neupane, Author ; Teknath Ghimire, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 29-32p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Anthracnose fungicides, Pod blight, Soybean Abstract: Experiments on soybean (Glycine max L. Meril) were carried out aiming to control anthracnose (pod blight) caused by fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum with five treatments represented by different fungicidal sprays against control receiving no spray with three replicates of each under field conditions during two consecutive years from 2012 to 2013. In 2012, the higher Percent Disease Control (PDC) and Percent Yield Increase (PYI) were estimated in plot treated with SAAF (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) followed by Mancozeb fungicides. The mean Pod Infection (PI) was low in plots treated with SAAF followed by Mancozeb. Almost similar trends of disease control were observed in 2013. The lower Percent Disease Index (PDI) was 46.25% and mean PI was 29.67% with higher yield value of 2431.25 kg/ha obtained from the plots sprayed with SAAF then by Mancozeb. The results showed that, the combined treatment with fungicides, SAAF followed by Mancozeb were effective to control anthracnose or pod blight disease of soybean to increase the yield.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1317
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 29-32p.[article] Management of Anthracnose in Soybean using Fungicide [printed text] / Subash Subedi, Author ; Dhan Bahadur Gharti, Author ; Saraswati Neupane, Author ; Teknath Ghimire, Author . - 2015 . - 29-32p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 29-32p.
Keywords: Anthracnose fungicides, Pod blight, Soybean Abstract: Experiments on soybean (Glycine max L. Meril) were carried out aiming to control anthracnose (pod blight) caused by fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum with five treatments represented by different fungicidal sprays against control receiving no spray with three replicates of each under field conditions during two consecutive years from 2012 to 2013. In 2012, the higher Percent Disease Control (PDC) and Percent Yield Increase (PYI) were estimated in plot treated with SAAF (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) followed by Mancozeb fungicides. The mean Pod Infection (PI) was low in plots treated with SAAF followed by Mancozeb. Almost similar trends of disease control were observed in 2013. The lower Percent Disease Index (PDI) was 46.25% and mean PI was 29.67% with higher yield value of 2431.25 kg/ha obtained from the plots sprayed with SAAF then by Mancozeb. The results showed that, the combined treatment with fungicides, SAAF followed by Mancozeb were effective to control anthracnose or pod blight disease of soybean to increase the yield.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1317 Yield Interactions of Wheat Genotypes to Dates of Seeding in Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal / Rudra Bhattarai in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Yield Interactions of Wheat Genotypes to Dates of Seeding in Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Rudra Bhattarai, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Dhurba Bahadur Thapa, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 33-36p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Genotypes, Planting date, Wheat yield Abstract: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major cereal crops and staple food sources in Nepal. Wheat varieties being popular in mid hill regions are still in the early stages of adoption. Identification of appropriate date of seeding plays important role in enhancing the adoption rate ensuring the sustainable production. Therefore, three dates viz 15th November, 1st and 15th December for seeding and twenty eight wheat genotypes were evaluated in a split plot design with two replications for two consecutive seasons in 2011/12 and 2012/13 at an altitude of 2200 masl of eastern Nepal. The results showed genetic differences and interaction effect of genotypes with the dates of sowing on grain yield, panicle length and effective tillers per square meter. The wheat sown on 1st December showed the highest yield as compared to other sown dates. Similarly, WK1907, WK1911, WK1803, WK1915, WK1909, WK1714 and WK1803 produced highest yield among the tested genotypes with retaining maximum number of effective tillers and posed suitable maturity across all sowing date.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1323
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 33-36p.[article] Yield Interactions of Wheat Genotypes to Dates of Seeding in Eastern Mid Hills of Nepal [printed text] / Rudra Bhattarai, Author ; Bedanand Chaudhary, Author ; Dhurba Bahadur Thapa, Author . - 2015 . - 33-36p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 33-36p.
Keywords: Genotypes, Planting date, Wheat yield Abstract: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major cereal crops and staple food sources in Nepal. Wheat varieties being popular in mid hill regions are still in the early stages of adoption. Identification of appropriate date of seeding plays important role in enhancing the adoption rate ensuring the sustainable production. Therefore, three dates viz 15th November, 1st and 15th December for seeding and twenty eight wheat genotypes were evaluated in a split plot design with two replications for two consecutive seasons in 2011/12 and 2012/13 at an altitude of 2200 masl of eastern Nepal. The results showed genetic differences and interaction effect of genotypes with the dates of sowing on grain yield, panicle length and effective tillers per square meter. The wheat sown on 1st December showed the highest yield as compared to other sown dates. Similarly, WK1907, WK1911, WK1803, WK1915, WK1909, WK1714 and WK1803 produced highest yield among the tested genotypes with retaining maximum number of effective tillers and posed suitable maturity across all sowing date.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1323 Effects of Neem (Azadirachta indic) and Custard Apple (Annona reticulata) Diets on Sterility of House Rat (Rattus rattus) / Sharma, Prem N. in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Effects of Neem (Azadirachta indic) and Custard Apple (Annona reticulata) Diets on Sterility of House Rat (Rattus rattus) Material Type: printed text Authors: Sharma, Prem N., Author ; Pooma Dass Dhaubaji Shrestha, Author ; Shiv Raj Chauhan, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 37-40p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: House rat, Rat sterility, Neem oil, seed powder, Custard apple powder Abstract: Three different plant products diets – i) neem (Azadirachta indic A. Juss) oil mixed diet (neem oil mixed @ 80 ml/kg of normal diet), ii) neem seed powder mixed diet (neem seed powder mixed @ 80 g/kg of normal diet) and iii) custard apple (Annona reticulata L.) seed powder mixed diet (custard apple seed powder mixed @ 80 g/kg of normal diet) were separately fed to mature rats (Rattus rattus) with single dose feeding of 80 g per pair in a day on 13th week-age during the experimenting years, 2012/013 and 2013/014. In control group only normal diet without neem and custard apple constituents were fed. Sterility test of rat was conducted up to 38 and 28 weeks-age in first and second year, respectively. The test rats were fed normal diet during whole experimenting periods except the one day when they were fed only the neem or custard apple mixed diet on the age of 13th week. Efficacy of the mixed diets on rat-sterility was determined based on pregnancy and parturition by the rats. The two years' results confirmed that all the tested three mixed diets – neem oil mixed diet, neem seed powder mixed diet, and custard apple seed powder mixed diet were effective to stop pregnancy and parturition in rats during whole experimenting periods up to 38 and 28 weeks-age with single dose feeding of 80 g per pair (40 gm/rat) in a day on 13th week-age of the rats; whereas the pregnancy and parturition were observed in the rats that were fed only the normal diet. It is expected, neem and custard apple mixed diets can be utilized in reducing the economically important rodent populations in rice-wheat cropping system in future.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1324
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 37-40p.[article] Effects of Neem (Azadirachta indic) and Custard Apple (Annona reticulata) Diets on Sterility of House Rat (Rattus rattus) [printed text] / Sharma, Prem N., Author ; Pooma Dass Dhaubaji Shrestha, Author ; Shiv Raj Chauhan, Author . - 2015 . - 37-40p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 37-40p.
Keywords: House rat, Rat sterility, Neem oil, seed powder, Custard apple powder Abstract: Three different plant products diets – i) neem (Azadirachta indic A. Juss) oil mixed diet (neem oil mixed @ 80 ml/kg of normal diet), ii) neem seed powder mixed diet (neem seed powder mixed @ 80 g/kg of normal diet) and iii) custard apple (Annona reticulata L.) seed powder mixed diet (custard apple seed powder mixed @ 80 g/kg of normal diet) were separately fed to mature rats (Rattus rattus) with single dose feeding of 80 g per pair in a day on 13th week-age during the experimenting years, 2012/013 and 2013/014. In control group only normal diet without neem and custard apple constituents were fed. Sterility test of rat was conducted up to 38 and 28 weeks-age in first and second year, respectively. The test rats were fed normal diet during whole experimenting periods except the one day when they were fed only the neem or custard apple mixed diet on the age of 13th week. Efficacy of the mixed diets on rat-sterility was determined based on pregnancy and parturition by the rats. The two years' results confirmed that all the tested three mixed diets – neem oil mixed diet, neem seed powder mixed diet, and custard apple seed powder mixed diet were effective to stop pregnancy and parturition in rats during whole experimenting periods up to 38 and 28 weeks-age with single dose feeding of 80 g per pair (40 gm/rat) in a day on 13th week-age of the rats; whereas the pregnancy and parturition were observed in the rats that were fed only the normal diet. It is expected, neem and custard apple mixed diets can be utilized in reducing the economically important rodent populations in rice-wheat cropping system in future.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1324 Technological Advances in Huanglongbing (HLB) or Citrus Greening Disease Management / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Vol.1 (August 2015)
Title : Technological Advances in Huanglongbing (HLB) or Citrus Greening Disease Management Material Type: printed text Authors: Paudyal, Krishna Prasad, Author Publication Date: 2015 Article on page: 41-50p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Citrus,Citrus greening, Huanglongbing,Liberibacter,Management Abstract: Huanglongbing (HLB), previously citrus greening disease, is the most destructive of citrus species causing major threat to the world citrus industry. The disease was reported from China in 1919 and now known to occur in more than 40 different countries of Asia, Africa, South and North America. Three species of gram negative bacterium namely Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus are the casual organisms of HLB, respectively prevailing in the continent of Asia, Africa and South America. It is one of the most extensively researched subjects in citriculture world. HLB was detected in 2004 and 2005, respectively in San Paulo of Brazil and Florida of USA: the two leading citrus production hub of the world causing huge economic loss within 5 years of first detection. Since then research on HLB detection and management was further accelerated in American continents. This paper presents the scientific advancement made on detection, spread, economic losses caused by HLB in different parts of the world and controlling management strategies. Remarkable achievements have been made on HLB detection techniques including iodine test, qPCR and more recently in spectroscopy. While efforts are being made to develop resistance varieties using conventional and biotechnological tools management strategy which includes reduction of inoculums source, vector control and replant with disease-free planting materials still remains major option for HLB control. Citrus intercropping with guava have shown promising results for vector reduction.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1325
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 41-50p.[article] Technological Advances in Huanglongbing (HLB) or Citrus Greening Disease Management [printed text] / Paudyal, Krishna Prasad, Author . - 2015 . - 41-50p.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council > Vol.1 (August 2015) . - 41-50p.
Keywords: Citrus,Citrus greening, Huanglongbing,Liberibacter,Management Abstract: Huanglongbing (HLB), previously citrus greening disease, is the most destructive of citrus species causing major threat to the world citrus industry. The disease was reported from China in 1919 and now known to occur in more than 40 different countries of Asia, Africa, South and North America. Three species of gram negative bacterium namely Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus are the casual organisms of HLB, respectively prevailing in the continent of Asia, Africa and South America. It is one of the most extensively researched subjects in citriculture world. HLB was detected in 2004 and 2005, respectively in San Paulo of Brazil and Florida of USA: the two leading citrus production hub of the world causing huge economic loss within 5 years of first detection. Since then research on HLB detection and management was further accelerated in American continents. This paper presents the scientific advancement made on detection, spread, economic losses caused by HLB in different parts of the world and controlling management strategies. Remarkable achievements have been made on HLB detection techniques including iodine test, qPCR and more recently in spectroscopy. While efforts are being made to develop resistance varieties using conventional and biotechnological tools management strategy which includes reduction of inoculums source, vector control and replant with disease-free planting materials still remains major option for HLB control. Citrus intercropping with guava have shown promising results for vector reduction.
Link for e-copy: http://elibrary.narc.gov.np/?r=1325