
Title : |
Material Type: |
printed text |
Authors: |
Shrestha, S.P., Author ; Tripathi, B.P., Author ; Acharya, G.P., Author |
Pagination: |
129-138 p. |
Languages : |
English (eng) |
Descriptors: |
Plants and Crops:Field Crops and Crop Production
Abstract: |
Since 1997, an experiment was started at ARS Lumle (1660m asl) to develop suitablecrop rotation and utilize theit crop residues for maintaining soil fertility in maize basedcropping system. The objective of the experiment was to find out the response of organicand inorganic fertilizers on crop yields and to measure the changes in soil fertility inresponse to manure, fertilizers crop residues and legumes in crop rotation. In thisexperiment ten different combinations of maize- based cropping system and organic andinorganic fertilizers with plus and minus residues were taken as treatments and replicatedthree times. The three yearsdata of maize shows that grain yield with respect totreatments are significantly different whereas the millet grain yield was insignificant.Maize grain yield gradually decreased over years. The highest mean maize grain yield (1717 kglha) was recorded in the treatment of FYM equivalent to 120 kg Nlha followedby the treatment of FYM equivalent to 60 kg N/ha plus 60:30:20 kg N:P205:K20/ha(1695 kg/ha). Significant effect of treatments on millet yield not observed. Whencombining the yield of maize and millet, effect of treatments were significant amongtreatments. Application of FYM equivalent to 60 kg N/ha through organic manure plus60:30:20 kg N:P20s:K20iha as well as 120 kg N/ha alone supplied through organicmanure gave the highest grain yield of maize+millet 2286 kglha and 2273 kglharespectively. Nutrients (N, P and K) uptake by maize and millet also followed the samepattern of grain yield of maize and millet. Application of 3 t lime/ha in the second yearincreased soil pH from less than 5.0 up to 5.5 . A ailable P increased with the addition ofhigh dose of organic or/and inorganic fertilizer. Slight increase of total N in mosttreatments was also recorded. Organic carbon .and exchangeable K remained more or less same. |

LONG-TERM SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT IN MAIZEIFINGERMILLET SYSTEM IN THE MARGINAL BARI LANDS OF WESTERN HILLS OF NEPAL [printed text] / Shrestha, S.P., Author ; Tripathi, B.P., Author ; Acharya, G.P., Author . - [s.d.] . - 129-138 p. Languages : English ( eng) Descriptors: |
Plants and Crops:Field Crops and Crop Production
Abstract: |
Since 1997, an experiment was started at ARS Lumle (1660m asl) to develop suitablecrop rotation and utilize theit crop residues for maintaining soil fertility in maize basedcropping system. The objective of the experiment was to find out the response of organicand inorganic fertilizers on crop yields and to measure the changes in soil fertility inresponse to manure, fertilizers crop residues and legumes in crop rotation. In thisexperiment ten different combinations of maize- based cropping system and organic andinorganic fertilizers with plus and minus residues were taken as treatments and replicatedthree times. The three yearsdata of maize shows that grain yield with respect totreatments are significantly different whereas the millet grain yield was insignificant.Maize grain yield gradually decreased over years. The highest mean maize grain yield (1717 kglha) was recorded in the treatment of FYM equivalent to 120 kg Nlha followedby the treatment of FYM equivalent to 60 kg N/ha plus 60:30:20 kg N:P205:K20/ha(1695 kg/ha). Significant effect of treatments on millet yield not observed. Whencombining the yield of maize and millet, effect of treatments were significant amongtreatments. Application of FYM equivalent to 60 kg N/ha through organic manure plus60:30:20 kg N:P20s:K20iha as well as 120 kg N/ha alone supplied through organicmanure gave the highest grain yield of maize+millet 2286 kglha and 2273 kglharespectively. Nutrients (N, P and K) uptake by maize and millet also followed the samepattern of grain yield of maize and millet. Application of 3 t lime/ha in the second yearincreased soil pH from less than 5.0 up to 5.5 . A ailable P increased with the addition ofhigh dose of organic or/and inorganic fertilizer. Slight increase of total N in mosttreatments was also recorded. Organic carbon .and exchangeable K remained more or less same. |