Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
[serial] Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics [printed text]. The library has the following back issues: v.58:1-3 2004 v.57 2004 v.56:1-3 2003 v.55:1-3 2002 v.54:1-3 2001 v.53:1-3 v.54:1-3 2000-01 v.53:1-3 2000 v.51-v.52 1999-2000 v.51-v.52 1999-2000 v.51:2-3 v.55:1-2 1999,2002 v.50:1-3 1997 v.50:1-3 1997 v.48-v.49 1996-97 v.48:1-3 1996 v.47:1-3 1995 Languages : English (eng)
Holdings statement:
No issue found