Journal of American Statistical Association
[serial] Journal of American Statistical Association [printed text]. The library has the following back issues: v.84:405-408 1989 v.83:401-364 1988 v.82:397-400 1987 v.81:393-396 1986 v.80:389-392 1985 v.79:409-412 1984 v.79:401-364 1984 v.78:381-384 1983 v.77:377-380 1982 v.76:373-376 1981 v.75:369-372 1980 v.74:365-368 1979 v.72:357-360 1977 v.71:353-356 1976 v.70:349-352 1975 v.69:361-364 1974 v.69:345-348 1974 v.68:343-344 1973 Languages : English (eng)
Holdings statement:
No issue found